As The Pokeball Turns

TRAINER'S EYE #139 - "Loyalty From the Embers of Growlithe" ft. AdaEnchilada

David Hernandez Season 1 Episode 143

In this Pokemon interview, we are joined by AdaEnchilada, a Pokemon Trainer and Twitch streamer who strives to create a safe space for people to have a getaway and be their authentic selves.

AdaEnchilada shares her Twitch journey and the people who have helped her along the way. She describes herself as always a creative individual and Twitch gave her the tools needed for her to finally exprese herself without it being forced. Authenticity is very important for AdaEnchilada and share represents that fully in this Pokemon interview!

AdaEnchilada dives into her early experience with Pokemon Blue and allowing her mind to wander into its world. She would imagine voices, adventures, and anything that drew her imagination from the Pokemon games. AdaEnchilada has been a dedicated Pokemon fan that led her up toward present day. She shares why her favorite region is Kanto and why it brings such fond memories.

AdaEnchilada opens up about her personal struggles, specifically with the passing of Casper, her lifelong dog. Her emotions are raw and real in this segment. We both connect how important pets can be as family and how they play a role in our journeys as both Pokemon Trainers and humans. 

In honor of her dog, we gave her the task of choosing her dream Pokemon Dog team. Find out which Pokemon she selects! 

Opening Song: "Forget You" by Alex_MakeMusic from Pixabay

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hey, hi, hello. I'm Ada Angelata and this is my Pokemon story.

David Hernandez:

Welcome to as the pokeball turns where we interview people about their experience with Pokemon. My name is David Hernandez Today, I'm joined by Ada, the enchilada, here to tell us all about What makes an enchilada the best? Ada, welcome to As the Pokeball Turns.


Hey, thank you. Thank you. And actually, it's the salsa event. No, no, no, no. I'm just kidding. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. But yeah, thank you for having me. Ha ha

David Hernandez:

Is it the Salsa Vida? We need to start an argument. Is it the Salsa Vida or the red one?


don't know. The funny thing is, every time, like, so, of course, I love Pokémon, but, you know, in my down time, I play a lot of pew pew games. Let's say, like, Valorant.

David Hernandez:



time I start in a match, the first thing people usually ask in, like, the chat, Red or green? Gotta know, red or green.

David Hernandez:



like, guys, it's apparently these topics.

David Hernandez:

This is the thing we need to know. What kind of taste do you have? Is it red or green? People think it started with red and blue. It's actually red and green.


It really is. I mean, you know, they just never released, you know, green. They only chose red and blue for USA.

David Hernandez:

I know they canceled Bulbasaur's seed before it even can crawl. Yeah.


Man, how dare they?

David Hernandez:

I know, right?


a girl character, too. Uh, no, that's a

David Hernandez:

Oh, yeah, yeah, they didn't, they canceled leaf too. They canceled the entire group of people.


Goddamn! World wasn't ready for a woman! No. Um,

David Hernandez:

still aren't.


Right? It's too real, it's too real.

David Hernandez:

I'm sorry. I'm sorry, but continue continue.


I think you're good. It's like, it's too true, but you're too real. I, I would say, I'm, I love me some spice and I know that you get more spice with the red, but the flavors I like more in the very thing. Yeah,

David Hernandez:

not because it's Bulbasaur color, but it's actually because I prefer the taste of it. Yep.


like, I mean, I'm a sucker for spicy, but like, the flavors always will outwin that for me, so.

David Hernandez:

but I know we were talking earlier about like how this name came about and actually wasn't because the food is actually For different reason if you don't mind, you know letting people know


so funny if people were like, Yeah, I'm actually highly allergic. So I, you know, just to like hate on myself, I name myself something I can't eat. Yeah, yeah, you know, I just go straight to the ER. But no, um, so like, of course, like my actual name is Adriana or Adriana, if you want to say it in the Spanish way. but, growing up, I think since like fifth grade, I just remember like, it was like my sister's, like, friend was just like I'm gonna call you Aiden. I'm like, okay my name's just too long um, and I basically stuck with that nickname for who knows how long? and this was before I had like any like social media handles to get like a username and stuff don't think I made like a twitter handle till Sometime in, maybe late school, I believe. Oh nine, sometime around that time. but during, you know, back in the day when we were, you know, we didn't have them cell phones. We had to go and pick up that telephone, you know, and call beep, beep, beep, beep to our friends. Uh, be like, got to call that landline, you know? Um,

David Hernandez:

to use a payphone


Imagine, like, the rotary. Yeah, yup. Like, I'm gonna be side tangent. I don't know if you ever played the tribute, like, Murder Mystery from, like,

David Hernandez:

Yes. Yes. Love that.


usually, like, Oh, there's like a murder one where you have to do, like do the like Ringphone thing too quickly to to survive. I'm like

David Hernandez:

I'm ready.



David Hernandez:

I was born in this era.


I'm like first one done. I'm like hell. Yeah You guys don't know how to use a rotary phone You're right But, I would call my friend, and they had caller ID, and usually shows only like the last name, and so my best friend's mom. Would just like read like the the name and just like butchered it hardcore. It was just like And Honestly that that that that has like stuck with us Till as you can tell now and the time that I was trying to think of a username. I was like You know what works properly, you know, it's like odda Enchilada also kind of has Otta in it, so, and it's like a little homage to my last name, but very bad homage. So, Otta Enchilada was born.

David Hernandez:

And she's been rolling on your Twitch screens ever since.


Exactly. I just slapped it on everything. I was like, nobody's taking this!

David Hernandez:

It must be kind of cool though, cause you kind of acknowledge, you know, you growing up with Ada Angelotta to now doing Twitch stream. It's like people kind of get to kind of grow up and kind of see, you know, you get, it's like your own childhood goes with you on your Twitch journey.


Mm hmm. Oh gosh, at the beginning of February, just celebrated, uh, six years of, like, streaming.

David Hernandez:

Oh, wow. What is it? What, what, what, what went to your mind when you hit the six years?


God, I'm old. No, dude.

David Hernandez:

to prove it. Yeah.



David Hernandez:



I've got like, this is why we wear the beanies actually. You know?

David Hernandez:

That's the hide it.


the top. You don't see the top of the head where the grey hairs or silver hairs are coming.

David Hernandez:

You know, it actually reminded me of I don't know if you ever watch edit and Eddie.


Oh my god, of

David Hernandez:

You like your double D to where the head just kind of


Yeah, yeah. Where does the head start and the hat

David Hernandez:

right, right, right.


but yeah, no, it's kind of crazy to think, like, I don't know. further I go in, at least like once it's past certain milestones, I'm just like, Just kind of happy to just be able to be here and just like I didn't do anything super crazy I just wanted to be with the community that like has been along with the journey do what I we've been doing for these several years and which is just making each other smile and give good positivity that we need in this world. So, that be Rage Karting and Mario Kart, trying to find a shiny, I've been in such a drought recently, um,

David Hernandez:

Her shiny box is drowning. It's been hit by Grudon. Somebody bring the key ogres. Oh, no.


so hard to get a target shiny this week, it's hurting my soul. but yeah, or like even just playing like few, few games. Cause I know a lot of like my community also loves playing like different games, like Fortnite and stuff like that. You know, I just like, being able to, to, to be there. It's always a good time. Yeah.

David Hernandez:

Is that why you went into streaming initially just to try to be kind of that influence? Like what made you want to dive into Twitch or to whatever you're doing now?


always. Loved being creative like I think that was always I've always had the creative bug, you know, they always say I don't think it's true, but you know what I'm gonna use it I'm a lefty and they say usually lefties tend to be more on the artistic

David Hernandez:

Lefty. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Look, y'all don't know the struggle. Okay. We're forced to be right handed. The cars in America are right handed. I feel so much joy when I meet somebody who's another lefty. Shout out to all the lefties out there. Okay. Lefties. Lefties. Yeah.


and then you come out of it It's just like

David Hernandez:



just darkened from the pencil

David Hernandez:

you got all the, it's like a badge of honor on the side. And then what ticks me off the most because I'm a guy, we have to wear ties. All the tie instruction videos are right handed. They all say the same thing. Just do it in reverse. The other way that has not helped me.


I'm a visual person, or like, hands on, like, what do you mean?

David Hernandez:

right, right.


Dude, or like, the people who take the, like, the few left handed desks, it's like, you're right, why?

David Hernandez:

Yeah, you took away my accessibility here. Yeah,



David Hernandez:

it's it's such a real struggle, man.


um, yeah, I've always, um, loved being, like, I don't know, comedic relief, also loved being, um, Like, I loved being a goofball, just like trying to lighten the mood or like make people like, happy. also loved being creative, like When I was younger, I just loved trying to like take pictures and still love doing that too, but God damn, this is so expensive to get like a newer camera to like be a photographer and stuff. Cause, uh, at one point I just wanted to do photography. trying to show people what I envisioned through my POV is always something that I've always wanted to do. And at one point it went from like photography to which we were Growing up in the YouTube realm and seeing people be creative back in our time. It was just like anime music videos or people doing AMVs or people like doing their own music videos to certain songs. And I have a friend at the time she wasn't, uh, my friend yet, but, She's actually one of my inspirations, Strawberry17. she started a long time ago on YouTube, but now it's like on, more on Twitch now. And I would just see her doing this creativity and I'm just like, man, that'd be cool. I want to be creative making videos too. And you know, I would try doing some cute little videos in like high school. I literally made this whole, like, story behind this, like, Puppet. parrot from like one of my science teachers and made music videos with him. was a whole time.

David Hernandez:

Mm hmm. Yeah


Pedro the parrot. People who don't know him

David Hernandez:

Right, right,


uh, shout out to my teacher, uh, also like my big sis, uh, Mrs. Greco. Let's go.

David Hernandez:

this is Greco


Yeah, she, she, she really like, allowed me to like just kind of Just to put myself out there. Cause I mean, you probably also think that I'm like, from knowing me, like, like pretty extroverted. I didn't think I was growing up. I was very like in like work or school settings, I was very introverted. I don't like putting myself out for out in the, in front,

David Hernandez:



is so not the usual characteristic of an extrovert.

David Hernandez:

Right. Yeah


but, I'm more of the one where it's like I like to include people, gather people, try to like connect people together and stuff like that. but once, like when I'm out of those settings, yeah, I thrive basically. so I would do all those, do making little videos, but at the time I also didn't have like really a job or money to get stuff like when they first were coming out with like Adobe Premiere or other things, you

David Hernandez:

makes it a little difficult. Yeah


I'm trying to make like these little videos, but it's so hard, you

David Hernandez:

Mm hmm.


and at some point I had to like put that a little bit behind, you know, once you get, get into like college, got to focus it, you know, your ideas a little bit. Oh, your, your, what you want to do, So I still did like some photography just for funsies during that time, but I was hardcore struggling in college cause god damn I am so not good with, with, with learning. but I was still like, you know, always fascinated with that, with that side, with that realm, with being creative. and it wasn't until. after college when I kind of got back into that realm, including gaming. Gaming was always a part of my, my life, before thinking of creativity and stuff, you know, I was a tomboy. I never really liked playing with Barbies and stuff like that, you know, Mom loved plushies. for the longest time, my family tried to, you know, Not to have us go too much with the gamings, but

David Hernandez:

I'll say they're trying to keep you away a little bit. Yeah. Yeah


my aunt's probably one of the main reasons why I actually got into Pokemon Or at least the games Because I definitely got cards growing up, the, like, I watched the shows growing up. I remember having little, like pictures of just like me with like little, like plushies actually, even though you guys, you can't, you guys can't see this. I wanna show David.

David Hernandez:

You can see it if you check out or stream on twitch. tv slash out of enchilada, by the way


let's go This is a nineties Pikachu.

David Hernandez:

That's a 90s Pikachu Wow Wow


from back in the day,

David Hernandez:

taken care of that big boy. See, you got the original Pikachu when he was fat and thick and lovely. See now I'm


Yeah, he's, he's got a little bit of chonk. He's been in my life for a very, very long time. Oh, yeah. See, we got. Yeah, I don't know

David Hernandez:



is for. We'll ignore the SP. I don't know. yeah. But yeah, he's been in my life since I was a little lad.

David Hernandez:

So is that what your aunt gave you or Oh,


kid. But like there is one time where I got pretty sick. so she took me to Toys R Us. And she was like saying like I can go pick out something, you know. So the first time I was holding like this little tiger plushie. And then I come. Across the R Zone. Which, And, at the time, they only had Pokemon Blue available. I also didn't have the Game Boy color at the time. Um, so, Uh, what did she say? You can only choose one. Right? She's like, you can only choose one. I was like, okay. I ended up getting both. And I ended up getting the lime green. Game Boy Color. Where I got to first play my Pokemon Blue game. and Made me dive into the gaming world and just Also, just being able to like unlock the creativity of just like imagining yourself in these different POVs and different realms Like, putting into characters and stuff like that. went from there, didn't have the 64, but uh, when we were a little older, my sister and I always like saved up like coins and stuff and saved enough to get a GameCube, so we got that, and then got a DS, a Game Boy Advance, so we were always a Nintendo family for a very long time. so that's always been in my life, even through college. Like I remember junior year of college, I saved up enough money so I could get, the 3ds I can play Pokemon X and Y. once we got out of college, you know, kind of getting back into the YouTube realm, gaming, YouTube and gaming, was very into Minecraft at the time. And my friend who, I was following for the longest time, with their YouTube journey, who also is very into Pokemon, was just seeing them transition, kind of, from YouTube to And I thought that was super cool, I, and started making other friends as well, because she made a community Minecraft server. That I joined for funsies and I made a lot of friends from there that are still my besties until this point in time. Fun fact, that's actually how I met my husband from the Minecraft

David Hernandez:

Oh, wow. Okay.


but, I had another friend who also was diving into the YouTube slash to Twitch realm. And I was like, this is kind of really cool. Like, you know, I love being creative, but it takes so much time to be creative when you don't really necessarily have the proper tools that you want to try to express yourself. And

David Hernandez:

and stuff like that. Okay. Okay.


like seeing how you can also still be creative. While streaming was a whole different like realm for me, and I was like, you know what? This looks like something I would love to try at the time I didn't really have a way to Stream or like what I wanted to stream because didn't have a cap card and have stuff like that So it's not like I could stream Pokemon The first game that I actually tried was, Kingdom Hearts 3.

David Hernandez:

Oh, okay. That was your break in into trying to do Switch.


yeah, so I eventually ended up getting, like, an Xbox One when I, got out of college, started making a little bit of money, cause I wanted to play Fallout 4. and I eventually made my own, my first, like, PC. I didn't realize there was a way to connect the Xbox One to the PC. so, when I heard that, like, I was waiting for Kingdom Hearts 3 to come out. And I was just like, well, apparently there's this way that I can connect this. I was like, I

David Hernandez:

It's like writing.



David Hernandez:



you know, going live, you know. I mean, see if this works. Yeah, I mean. In my mind, like because I, I've been so in, uh, integrated in like this like, gaming realm and like, at this point in time I've had so many online friends as well too. and we love hanging out with each other. And time zones are a bitch as well too. I just thought this was such a great way to also just include them or have them be able to join me just hanging out and just being able to games as well. and then eventually, you know, it started growing. I literally basically gifted like a, Like a hand, like a, got, g g gave him a hand that I did not expect because, I don't know, I don't think I would've, been able to hop into the Pokémon Realm as quick as possible g without, this person.

David Hernandez:

gave you a hand? That's kind of odd. They cut their hand off and just gave it to you? Yeah.


some people say I can be too trusting, but, you know, it's probably going to bite me in the ass at one point in time, but, I like to say that I usually have a good judge of character of people. I, Met a friend who was really into Pokemon Go at this time too. I would go Pokemon going all over different communities in my area. And I ended up meeting this, one friend, because I literally noticed that he had like a Jason Mraz shirt. I went to that concert the night before and we're like, Oh my God, besties. Ah, and he was just like, trying his streaming journey at the time, but then he had to move to a different country and he literally was like, I just want to give all my, like, streaming stuff to you because I know that you're actually going to do something with it, so the mic that I'm using right now, the stream deck that I have, my first capture card, Even a green screen I got all from him and I don't think I would have had that that that jump and Being able to do Pokemon and all that stuff for a very long time if it wasn't for him. So That got me to go a little more creative because with a green screen, I'm like, oh I can do different things different background I have a proper mic. I have a stream deck where I can try to think of these different things that I could do

David Hernandez:

your mind's just running with ideas of like, Oh my gosh, I can do so much now.


Yeah, and slowly but surely, you know, you learn, you try to figure out how to make things more interactive. I think the cool thing about Twitch is that like, everything is just real, a live time, you know? You get to interact with these people, like, YouTube is still super cool, but like, you don't get that response immediately, you know?

David Hernandez:

Yeah. If you get a response at all, sometimes it takes a while to get known on YouTube.


It's true. It's true. I very much wasn't like a straightforward job twitch in the first few years. It was very much like a hobby. I never thought that I could do anything crazy with it. It became definitely a balancing act the longer I went because I would remember like at one point I was celebrating 200 followers and then at another point it was like, you know, a thousand followers and I'm like, wow And it got to a point where I was definitely, dealing with some mental health issues later on in life. Like, this is like, we're talking like a couple years back now. I had to stop taking care of myself. then I kind of tried to go back into the work realm, which was not the best. Unfortunately, it was very, it was a toxic as well to my mental health. Um, and I just, at that point in time, I was like, I kind of want to focus on myself. I was lucky enough at this point in time that I think I'm able to focus on myself while just creative and with something that I'm passionate about which was Twitch. I had an a big enough community that was super supportive and wanted to To, see this, happen as well, too. until this day, this is where we're at. Where, this is my sole income as of right now. it's very much a journey, for sure, going the ups and downs of Twitch. Um, but I never got the positive feedback that I would get from, like, my other job. Like, being able I may have, like, still, like, a long day, a rough day, but, like, coming sitting down in this chair and just having someone just saying, like, they had a, like, bad day, but, like, coming here and just, like, being able to, like, be surrounded with the community or just, like, me being, like, my goofy self, it just, like, helps them just, like, have a better day. It's Really, really, it's, just like a gratifying, uh, a gratifying take for sure. Mm

David Hernandez:

I mean, it goes to the idea, like people go where they're appreciated and you just didn't feel appreciate the job and you wanted, you felt appreciate with your audience. I remember for me, I had a similar thing to where I stopped feeling appreciated my job. So I took some time off myself.



David Hernandez:

to four months and I said, I'm going to focus on what I'm doing now with the interviews. I want to learn how to make a Pokemon interview better. I spent all the time trying to learn how to art, how to like formulate questions and all that. And for the first time, I invested in myself. And I think that's what it sounds like with you. You got to invest in yourself and invest in this creative side that you've really never had a chance to. You know, you kind of played here a little bit there, but you never really had a chance to really flesh it out. And like, what is the real odd of the enchilada, right?


Yeah, no, my family never really, I mean, they always knew that they would always say it's like, ah, you know, she loves making the jokes. He loves, uh, like, uh, making us laugh. You know, they always knew that I was somehow creative, but they never would have, saw this as an opportunity to be a job. it was took them a very long time to see that.

David Hernandez:

Were they kind of resistant to it a little bit, or they thought that maybe you're kind of


It was never like, and it still isn't of course, but

David Hernandez:



like a solid job, you know, like You get paid once a month the paycheck varies, of course But them being able to be included in a lot of things. The one thing that I always loved doing with streams is, I say that I wouldn't be here without the people, like, surrounding me and giving me the support. I love my friends. I even love including my family every now and then as well, too. I've had my mom, like, come on stream before and She played her first Pokemon game. She's never played a video console, period, so like, I remember her like, joining and trying to learn all of this at the same time.

David Hernandez:

Oh, wow.


Scarlet and Violet.

David Hernandez:

That was her first Pokemon game.



David Hernandez:

Oh, wow. Okay.


So seeing the interactions and how like people are talking and stuff, like, I think them seeing that now, like they understand it more, like they, you know, it's like, oh yeah. So whenever I go to like, see my grandmother, like, I, they're like, oh, I gotta go. It's like, well, you gotta go. It's like, you know, it's like, oh, you need to work. It's like, yeah. It's like they, they, they, they understand. It's like my, my, my job, you know, so it, it's, it's an. cool too now that it's kind of like spreading with like other families as well, too Like I have Bolivian relatives that well, you know, they're like, oh my god, she streams You know It's like they come through and they say hi and they're in my chat or like I have other cousins Though like I'll call just randomly on stream and they're like, oh hi stream. How you doing? It's like I you know, you know I Think there's something And I don't know how to say it that maybe homey or just like being able to just like feel like you're just like a part of just, you know, if we're all just like hanging out in like a room, you know, just like shit talking, just playing games or stuff and then she's just like, oh, you know, just like picking up a phone call. It's like, oh, hey, you know, how's it going? It's like, oh, you know, just hanging out with my besties. Hello, nobody. Hi. Tell them I say hi, you know? So it's just something like natural feeling about it, you know, instead of like trying to put like a act or something like that.

David Hernandez:

I mean, it sounds like going back to you, like to connect people, you like to,



David Hernandez:



like I guess you could say the social experience meant like I think that was it was another eye opening thing to see that like so many friends that I mean, yeah, they started off as online, but now they're just friends that were at my wedding versus like with my family. And so there's just seen everybody coming from literally they're like, wow, they're coming from like, you know, UK, they're coming from Texas, California, you know, like all Florida, all of these places, California. It's like, wow, it's, all of these friends everywhere. Oh my God. You know?

David Hernandez:

I wanted to ask, so what was it like? To invite your mother onto Twitch and to see her try to play her first Pokemon game.


Oh, gosh. I mean, I was super excited. You know, like, I know she always, like, she, understood Pokemon. she eventually grew to not only saying like everything was Pikachu, like she knows my sister's favorite is Eevee. Uh,

David Hernandez:

is Pikachu and Eevee.


which is Growlithe, but I think it's hard for her to remember the name, but she would know what it is. And, it definitely was a learning curve for her because, she'd never touched any type of video console. like, growing up, saw kind of gaming as a little bit of a negative way because, like, hmm. She would see like my cousin, who was like an older brother to me, basically like get lost in like World of Warcraft for hours at a time, you know, it's just like, where's the education going? You know, it's just like, Oh, this is not good. Video game's not good.

David Hernandez:

She was worried you, she would, you would get kind of sucked into that and you'd just be playing video games all the time. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay.


and how the interaction works. Like, she was able to see, like, what other people would be saying in chat, while also trying to, like, help her out as well. And then because I also at a time she would be like, I don't know how you stream for so long, you know the time that she was with me, she was like, oh my god, how is it almost four hours? I was like see It just goes I was like it goes very long, you know know when you're having a good time, let's let it just like it goes quickly. But I think she had a good time. She like whatever she would say like she she like came on my stream She'd be like, yeah, I chose my pokemon too. What was it? It was the duck, right? It's like quacksley It's like yeah, yes my quacksley And I think it helps with her, like, kind of understanding a little more of the Pokemon realm, too. saying like, oh, going to these events or stuff like that, like Pokemon Go or I'm going to, uh, wait in line for some Pokemon cards, because it's a new, like, release or something. Like, I told her today, too, technically. Because my parents are actually going to Bolivia tomorrow. I was like, oh, do you need to like fill custom stuff? like, yeah, ask your sister, but she hasn't helped yet. Do you want to help us? Like, I mean, I got a podcast interview But like afterwards I could probably if you still haven't done it and like they understand like about like Pokemon stuff It's like, you know it makes me happy, like, them, like, at least my mom, it's still gonna take a hot second for my dad to understand, but my

David Hernandez:

he's still kind of figuring it out. Okay. Mm


think my dad is necessarily the one to, like, my mom is definitely where I got my curiosity from or trying to learn stuff, you know, cause my mom will constantly be the one to also want to just. Yeah. YOLO or like try to understand try to like jump in

David Hernandez:

She's very adventurous. Yeah.


you have my she's been on plenty of true like trips with my sister at different places like last minute but she very much is the one who would like to try to just like like understand what you What I'm seeing from my POV and stuff like that and which I think honestly is why I also I love trying to just, like, understand people as well, too. I, and I have a lot of patience with that as well, too.

David Hernandez:

You said Growlithe was your favorite Pokemon. What's the story behind that? Why? How did Growlithe become the favorite?


Oh, man, I, I mean, growing up, I was always a dog lover.

David Hernandez:

Yes, there we go.


dogs. I love dogs so much. for the longest time, we weren't even allowed to have a dog, and I would just always be like, For Christmas, I want a dog. And it's like, uh, what I get on, uh, at the end of the Christmas tree is just a plushie of a dog. It's fine.

David Hernandez:

I mean, it's still a dog. At least it wasn't Animal Cracker.


Yeah, it's true. But yeah, I just remember like of course like Gen 1's always gonna be my favorite cuz it was like what got me into Pokemon, but just seeing like dog like Pokemon also was like a fire dog. It was loyal to you. I mean, I Immediately fell in love with it there was a time I would even like, imagine when it would turn into Ark Nine. I'm like, wow, I could just like, wake up. I'm getting late. I'm being late for school. I could just hop on it. Extreme speed on my way to school.

David Hernandez:

Let's go!


Exactly. Like I w I would just be dreaming. It's like, wow, if Growlithe was real, this would be the best time ever. And I was very into like, Fire type Pokemon as well, too. I'm just a little bit of a pyromaniac, you know.

David Hernandez:

We all got a little bit in my cells. I do the same. I gotta burn some stuff sometimes.


Yeah, yeah, I mean, I loved, uh, doing fireworks growing up a lot, too.

David Hernandez:

Oh, okay.


like, being able to have like a, this dog like companion. There wasn't really, I don't think there really was, other than Volpix, which, It was, you know,

David Hernandez:

Yeah. It's a fox more so than a dog. Yeah.


so like I grew immediately attached to it I'd go to the next game. It's like oh growl. This isn't here bet. I didn't even care like if I chose like fire pokemon for my starter I didn't care.

David Hernandez:

Mm hmm. Growlithe


I can't say no to growl Yep

David Hernandez:

Growlithe in Arkhanine when it came out?


gosh, when that happened. I remember that day so clearly, cause it also puts a, like, warms my heart that, like, People will see his sue and gr and immediately think of me as like, wow, I did my job

David Hernandez:

Really? Oh, wow. Okay.


so many messages, so many mentions where you're like, oh my God, on a luck.

David Hernandez:

Your favorite Pokemon's got a regional form.


Yeah. I was so excited because like be to have another version of the best boy, I mean, original's always gonna be my favorite, but like to have another one that. Oh my god, I, I was so excited. I couldn't wait to get it in Arceus. I was like, I want Arceus now! Dude, it is so cute. I've actually currently been on the journey of trying to get alpha I like to call it best boy. So any any any Like the Growlithe I'll call best boy. I will always name it best boy Cuz he's the bestest of boys

David Hernandez:

yep, yep.


I call Arcanine best man because he's big boy now

David Hernandez:

Ooh, okay, so there's best boy and then there's best man.


Exactly exactly And I was like, I need to find an al a Shalfa Best Boy, I always call it that, and I've been on that journey for a hot second trying to find the alpha version of Hisuian Growlithe. One day it will come to me,

David Hernandez:

Someday, yeah.


key, like, now that I have a little more capability of, like, being able to shiny hunt in older games and other things, I want to try to get as many Growlithes as possible

David Hernandez:

Oh, wow.


generations as I can get. The, like, my most prized Growlithe is probably in FireRed, that took a long time, but I think it was a little over 40, 000 encounters and two phases, that I got, uh, Shiny Growlithe. Heh

David Hernandez:

Oh my gosh, that's crazy. So you were determined to get the shiny Growlithe.


Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Dude. it is just so, it always looks so cute. It looks, it's just like to, to, to say that it's like the, a loyal fire Doge to you. It's like, that's what I love about dogs too. They're always like loyal and they always look at you. No, like I'm just,

David Hernandez:

They're just your companion no matter what. Yeah.


yeah. I'm just like, damn. I always think that way with Growlithe

David Hernandez:

hunt and fire red and you said you love Kanto. You started with Pokemon, I believe you said blue and it was the only one available. Sure. What was it like to finally, you know, when fire red leaf green came out to kind of re experience Kanto for you?


I will say my top two games are FireRed, LeafGreen, and HeartGold, SoulSulfur. I know people are like, it's technically Gen 3, but like, it's literally the remakes of those games and making, like, yes, I will always be a Gen 1 fan, Kanto fan, but like, I mean, at that point in time, you know, was as far as I could get at that point in time. It's not as easily replayable those games you know, it's a little bit harder, but like taking that story and then like even upgrading it to be able to through it was so nostalgic being able to also hop into gen 2 like the Johto realm through there as well because I love Johto as well too. It's a close second and the graphics and the colors and all that, it was just, it made my heart so happy. growing up, usually my sister and I would get like two different games besides like, I think we didn't do that for Sapphire. but I got FireRed, she got LeafGreen, and I had to get FireRed because A certain person, a certain dog was only exclusive to FireRed.

David Hernandez:

Yep. Yep.


Yup. so I was like, I have to get it. but, yeah, able to relive through those games. Same thing with like, uh,

David Hernandez:

HeartGold. Yep, I was gonna say. Yeah. Yeah.


even to this day's like I can replay those suit so easily and just reminisce back like back then when I first played it and let's say My silver cartridge or crystal cartridge or my blue cartridge, you know, but It's easier, you know And you get the the bonus of trying to get those shinies

David Hernandez:

I mean, I played so many hours on HeartGold, SoulSilver. I think I was SoulSilver because I love Lugia, but.


got SoulSilver, but I didn't know that I couldn't get Best Boy at the time, so But I

David Hernandez:



as well. That's why I got SoulSilver. Mm

David Hernandez:

but it was just so much fun and still one of the games that held up over time that I just enjoyed playing so many ways and there's just so much to do is like, endless.


Mm hmm. And now, like, because, I didn't really like I knew, but also didn't know back in the time that Shinies existed. I've been going back into these older games trying to get those shinies because I want to have that, that, that feeling that I missed out on trying, finding one of those back in the

David Hernandez:

Mm hmm.


I've gotten starter Charmander, Empire Red as well. I've gotten a starter Chikorita in SoulSilver, and I have a shiny Mareep in SoulSilver as well, too. Which, those, they take forever, but it's the, it's so satisfying when you finally see it shine, and it finally happens. Oh my god. This

David Hernandez:

What kicked you into shiny hunting? Because for me, I give that respect for y'all. Cause y'all just are so determined. Cause you just said earlier, I think you went through what? 32, 000 for shiny Growlithe. I can't remember. Some crazy number.



David Hernandez:

Exactly. So what is, how did that spark your interest with shiny Pokemon? Was it something like just happened or? Yeah.


and Somehow just somewhere in my brain, you know, I knew that Chinese existed. I just never looked into it It wasn't until like Pokemon go that like, you know, he's like, Oh my God, we can go out, we can go catch Pokemon, like in real world. Oh my God. You know, I was so obsessed with it growing up. and then when they finally released like the first set of like. Shinies in Pokemon Go, it was Magikarp, I remember literally, like, walking around with my friend, getting a shiny Magikarp, and literally turning around to her and be like, Oh my god, it's like in Silver, you know, where they have the, it's, it's the red Gyarados, you know, the Magikarp. Oh my god. It's like, I had that information in my head, but somehow I just never like looked further into that. So I would start collecting these shinies in Pokemon Go and then eventually I got Let's Go and I was like I should Try shiny hunting in Let's Go because I know that that's a possibility um, and kind of like found this realm of people shiny hunting in Twitch as well too. So it's like, I kind of want to give it a try now that I can actually, you know, show what I'm doing as well, too. Since I have a cap card and then eventually evolved into me doing it with my first shiny hunt in like sword and shield Of course, my first shiny hunt in Let's Go was best boy

David Hernandez:

Of course you got, you gotta give shiny Growlithe. Yeah.


wasn't my first shiny though, unfortunately

David Hernandez:

Oh no.


mainline games I phased on a Rattata

David Hernandez:

Oh, that's the worst one. Ha ha, Lane.


know, but I couldn't say no because it was my

David Hernandez:

know, I know.


So my first, his first one technically was a rant, but then I got my shiny Growlithe and I was like, this is just so cool. Just the, the rewarding feeling being able to get something, that is rare that you have to work to get it scratched an itch, it scratched an itch, and I continued to do so in Let's Go, jumped on over to like Sword and Shield. I believe my first one was like Shiny Shinx in that game. I would always play through the games first and then I would like switch into like Shiny Hunting. And now there's be like so many memorable different like Pokemons that I would remember And I would being like, okay, I like this Pokemon too, but there's a different method to shiny hunting I've only knew about like originally just like how let's go was just a whole different way of shiny hunting

David Hernandez:



I only really Afterwards knew about like encountering their soft resetting. I was like, oh, okay. Let me learn about this. Oh, there's Dynamax adventures Oh, okay. Let me learn about this. You know, there's a shiny charm. Okay, you know, I'm learning all these different methods and ways You know newer games come out like oh, okay I could do radar I could do this, you know, so Just being able to I don't know. I like I like Expanding my horizons. I like learning. I like a different learning different methods then eventually I was able to Go backwards because I'm like, well now that I've kind of done this. I know so many people have shiny hunted before Like, twitch was a thing, you know, and I was just like I need to try this As well too. Yes. Is it harder? Yes, but

David Hernandez:

much so. Yeah.


not? know,

David Hernandez:

not? Why not?


Exactly. why not

David Hernandez:

You did a way better voice than I could


I, uh, I like making choices.

David Hernandez:

What's interesting though is you know, you grew up with Pokemon just like I did and for me from my perspective I feel like shiny hunting didn't really get big until Pokemon Go Because you think about when Chinese debuted in Gen 2, you know Ash caught a shiny Noctowl You had the shiny Red Gyarados So it sounds like Game Freak wanted to make shinies big but they were I don't know. I feel like people really weren't as interested at the time compared to nowadays. Nowadays, everybody almost likes to shiny hunt at this point.


it's like why I think it's like we somehow knew of them, but we never really like fully looked into it until late, way later, you know? at least that was like, for me, I didn't look into it way later. I think Pokemon Go definitely helped a lot with that. I would remember certain friends, uh, like people in my community that would, maybe be a little bit older than me or something like that and their first introduction to the Pokemon world was Pokemon Go and you know, everybody's journey to Pokemon. I always say is different. Everybody starts somewhere else but the beauty that I love about my community is that we're always very Welcoming and always want to help people like if you want to dive into something else We're here for you so you can have the same experience as we do. I remember, there is this, one community member, I believe, she won I was giving away a brilliant diamond and she won one of those and I think that was going to be like one of her first like Pokemon games that she was going to go through. And then she eventually got, you know, other games as well So it's just like being able to see other people's Journeys into it or like asking like, oh, what about these shiny? You know, it's like maybe they only know about like just Pokemon So it's like what? What are you doing with this? Like maybe you're just they only know about like playing through it or just the BGC aspect You know, it's like it so it's like oh let me tell you a little bit about it or I'm still constantly learning plenty of things as well, too because there's just so much different, like, sides of the Pokemon universe that you can dive into.

David Hernandez:

Well, I thought you would know it all, Ada. Like you have expectations. You're a creator. You should know everything in Pokemon.


should take my, my professor jacket away.

David Hernandez:

I'm gonna take your Growlithe plushie away.


Mm hmm.

David Hernandez:

of true though, because I remember, you know, when Pokemon Go, especially after Raids came out.


Mm hmm.

David Hernandez:

A lot of people I met, Pokemon Go was their only game they had ever played. And the best example I always remember was there was this mother and she literally dove into learning about the Pokemon, learning about the moves, learning about the movies and all that, because her son was into it at that point. And she wanted to bond over that. And it was just so cool seeing how they were passionate about Pokemon. But like you said, it came from a different journey compared to like you or me, because we came from either the cartoons or the games, depending on, you know, how you define your journey. Yeah. But that was just kind of cool part. And then I can kind of share what I knew to them.


Exactly, exactly. I mean, it's like, we all have different, like, who knows? They might know more stuff about Pokemon Go than I do. and I would love to keep learning, you know? It's like, give me your POV, your thoughts. I'll give you if you would like it as well,

David Hernandez:

Now, when Pokemon Go debuted, what was it like for you to when you first heard about it, what was it like? Were you like excited or?


I was so excited. I was not excited that it came out, like, super late. When it came out at first, because I was like, There's a Pikachu! do I get to him? I'm, like, trying to, like, go deep in, like, my backyard, trying to see, because, of course, my mom's not going to be like, Where are you going? Dónde estás yendo? You can't guys, it's night time right now. What are you doing? And I was just like, But I don't go catch Pokemon, mom.

David Hernandez:

Pokemon goes out, gotta catch them all.


There's a Pikachu outside.

David Hernandez:

I'm way past 10 years old, ma.


Right? I can be outside, please. It's only 10pm. Oh, it was awesome. Such a life changing experience. being it it got me very much more Active being going out and about trying to find these certain pokemon. Had this awesome amazing bond with like My now, uh, past doggo, uh, Casper, but he would always know when I would be going out to like drive to different places or stuff, I'll be like, you want to go Pokemon Go hunting? And literally that's his key to know that we would, we're hopping in the car and we're going somewhere and he was always so excited. He loved journeying with me with Pokemon Go. And I think the, the cool part about it was, uh, people that I would meet along the way. seeing the different age groups and all that just joining together. I would remember because I live near DC, be a few times where I'd even travel to DC, and the hotspots of these areas were crazy. Not as crazy as like New York, but I would remember one time we were at the FDR Memorial, kind of late and Uh, later in the day and you see people just starting to run and we're like, what's happening? They're like, it's not a it can't be a dragon. I know. No, it's like no, it's not a dragonite but it is a golem and we're like

David Hernandez:

Yeah, yeah.


to go get it like there was like that fdr memorial for some reason would also be the only time at like certain time of night that like You would have a lapras spawn and i'm like if only I could get there at night But, I got to make friends that I have till this day, like, one of my most, like, fondest memories. I would make this huge, like, around like my town area where at some point in time, I would stop by Starbucks to get a little iced tea drink, recharge, keep going. My, my huge lap to get,

David Hernandez:

Refill your batteries a little bit. Yeah, yeah.


and ended up making a, Friends was one of the baristas there because they saw that I was playing Pokemon Go. It's like, oh my god You're playing Pokemon Go. It's like, yeah, it's like, oh my god. You want to do a community day together? It's like yeah, and then eventually found out more of them played Pokemon Go and I became include like they we became such a close knit Friend group I would go there at some points in time where they were working. It's like There's a raid right over there. You guys want me to get it for you? They just all give me their phones, you know, because they can't go.

David Hernandez:

I'll be right back. I got y'all.


I got you guys, you know, I mean, I cherish those memories and like now we're We may have all we moved all on from that Starbucks, those Starbucks days, but we're still so close as friends and And we still hang out to this day, I mean That one friend who started it, of course, was my flower guy in my wedding as well, too. So,

David Hernandez:



so many, like, which makes me, like, of course, you know, with the whole, like, taking away remote reading and stuff like that, it kind of makes me sad because, like, I think the beauty of like Pokemon Go was being able to make these connections that you never thought you would have been able to make. And remote raiding helped, least for me, a lot of that with the community I have, even in Discord, because so many people get to just know each other, help each other out. and you grow friendships that way, you know? Mm

David Hernandez:

Yeah, it sounds like, I mean, especially because you, you know, you found that you're all friendships from online. That's how we grew up with Pokemon, because a lot of people, especially when it died out, you were kind of on your own sometimes. And the internet was kind of the only way you could find other people. And Pokemon Go kind of, especially with Roman Raids, brought that back for a bit, especially people who couldn't play. They got to finally experience Pokemon Go.


No, one of my best friends, we didn't really become, like, we knew each other. We had mutual friends, but we didn't really become best friends until, like, after I graduated college. And he found out that I played Pokemon. I invited him to come play Pokemon Go with me because he was more of the OG Pokemon player,

David Hernandez:

Mm hmm.


And he would constantly be like, man, I wish, I wish I knew, you like earlier, like we could have, you know, had all these like more experiences. I always tell people it's like, I feel like, Things happen for a reason on a certain timeline, you know? And us like being able to like get together at that point in time, I, a reason for it, you know? and, to this day now, like, I feel like we're even more than that. Even more nerdier with our Pokemon stuff. Like we're constantly going to go cards, collect cards. He's helped me with like shiny

David Hernandez:

I think they call that level up. Uh,



David Hernandez:

we leveled up.


Yeah, you know we've become more of a of nerds. Let's go

David Hernandez:



But it's super cool being able to you know people who didn't know like back then they felt they were they were alone like he he honestly thought like kind of had to hide his like love for pokemon because people thought that that was like you know that's weird you know it's nerdy but i don't know for me growing up i never like I was just like, if I like it, I like it, you

David Hernandez:



and I think that's what helped me also like be able to find more people that had that same like passion or interest. And I think that's what as well. with, connecting with like other friends or even helping others, connect with even more like, uh, friends and possibilities. Cause it's like, you never know unless you just be yourself.

David Hernandez:

So you mentioned how sometimes you'll camp out, or you'll go for card openings. What is that like for, from your experience? Like, do you see kinda like people who are just scalpers, or do you actually see genuine Pokemon fans?


I haven't gotten to many of them, but the times that I have, I think it definitely be a mix. I feel like you'll get more of them in the local stores of just like people who are just trying to be scalpers. The, the worst experience, of course, is you trying to get them online. Like, you don't even ever usually have a chance online

David Hernandez:

I don't even try. Yeah.


It's just so unfortunate. But I'll go to, like, my, like, local stores here, and you definitely have some people who have gone to different places to already try to get stuff, but then you have, like, uh, who are, there with their kid trying to get, some cards or People who are like a lot more understanding that we want cards, you know, we're not going to be greedy about it.

David Hernandez:

Yeah, yeah.


and I've definitely like been able to strike up with conversations with people. And. at least, the ones that usually come to, like, more local card stores are, to be, like, more friendly and more understanding. I feel like people who are scalpers don't necessarily try to go to those types of stores. Uh, they'll just try to go to the main ones and just, you know, yeet at all. Like, I remember seeing that video, like, you probably saw the video with the Costco and the

David Hernandez:

Oh my gosh, yep, yeah. That's disappointing.


Yeah, I'm like, I know we all want Pokemon stuff, but like, also, like, you do not need to get that much. Like, I mean, sure, if I had the money, I would love to get all those, but I'm also acknowledging that there's going to be other people who want it.

David Hernandez:

Right, right And I mean like for me like because I used to always go to the games whenever they did midnight releases I always went to them



David Hernandez:

and it was just such a good experience because you get to see other Pokemon fans Waiting for the game excitingly. It's just a lot of fun


Mm hmm.

David Hernandez:



was that's always so cool being it those types of events if you're able to oh, yeah being surrounded by that community that all understand It's kind of like the same thing that even though it's not Pokemon related like for me whenever I go to like Concerts or stuff like that you're surrounded by the same people who are there for the same reason, you know, like you're all sharing like the the same like passion or hobby and stuff like that. So you you just feel comfy Mm

David Hernandez:

Yeah, and if you're going to midnight, at least for a Pokemon game, you are dedicated. You are definitely a fan. And we would talk about different Pokemon. We usually would talk about like the prior games and seeing like what we liked about them. Just a little chit chat like that before the new ones and what we kind of hope to see. And those are always had the best memories for me. It's just, I always try to do it. Like I think, I think Scarlet and Vi did one as well around my area. I did to midnight release and I was excited because I hadn't gotten a switch at the time. That was my first games actually for the switch.


Cool nice

David Hernandez:



Heck yeah, I remember getting the, like, the first time I got my Switch, I, like, don't know if GameStop does it still, but I, they did, like, a pre order thing where you can put a certain amount of money on,

David Hernandez:




David Hernandez:



And because I didn't make as much at the time, I just remember, like, going, like, maybe, like, every two weeks or so when I get my paycheck, put a little bit at, go to GameStop, put a little bit on it again and again. So I, by the time I had to pick up my Switch, it was just, like, bucks I owed or something like that.

David Hernandez:

And now ADA's a seven figure streamer. She can buy a bicycle without even thinking about it.


God damn. Oh, I was like, what? Bicycle. I don't know how to ride one. No jy. I know how to ride one The, the only bicycle

David Hernandez:



is, uh, the, the one in Pokemon on Cycling Road. Yep.

David Hernandez:

I wanted to ask something because I know you, of course you mentioned, you know, you, uh, met your husband in Minecraft, but you also, I think you streamed your wedding on Twitch. What was it like to just have the wedding on Twitch plus have all your friends come together?


yeah, like of course even though we metal minecraft and like, you know it wasn't for minecraft, we wouldn't be here but our main thing that really kept us together was pokemon like we had a Ongoing challenge against each other of like who can get more pokemon into pokedex first, you know I'll be like, oh

David Hernandez:

Oh, wow. So it was competitive. I like it. Okay.


yeah. Pokemon was very much both our like our first like stuff that that also like connected us the most That so much that we had a Pokemon theme wedding. and like all of our, like grooms, spades, groomsmen had like their favorite Pokemon pin. Uh, I, I was

David Hernandez:

Oh, that's cute. I like that. Yeah. I'm sorry. Continue.


No, you're good. Uh, had Pokemon themed classical music for the opening ceremony and walked out to a pal town, uh, classical song.

David Hernandez:

Oh my gosh.


Every table was a different area in, Kanto, had a love ball, like everything was a super Pokemon themed, but like, not in like a, it was in a classy way where it's not like screaming nerdiness, but it actually looked really pretty and and we even had like a cake that had, a little like Growlithe and a Jolteon. Zapdos is his favorite, but, uh, It was going to look a little bit weird on the, on there. So Jolteon was, you know,

David Hernandez:

Yeah, yeah. Color could, the color contrast would have been off. Yeah.


it would have looked a little bit weird to put on the cake versus with a Growlithe, but, so we went with the Jolteon, and so being able to show like how much this like connection has brought us together and also brought so many friends that we still have to this very day are like made super close friends as well too. having them be there, meant a lot. like I was saying, like, seeing everybody coming from all over, and seeing the room just like filled with everybody was like wow We if we didn't have this like love and passion for this This game the we I might not be standing next to him. I might not be looking at these wonderful faces that are all surrounding me in this, reception hall right now, you know, a life would be entirely different. and I'm glad that we are the nerds that we are. Yeah, we, in live streaming it, you know, I was, you know, determined, of course, when we did like a wedding sub, a subathon for it, that like, if we got to a certain goal, I would live stream at least a ceremony, which I did. cause so many people through my stream are a part of that journey too. Seen like how my relationship has grown, seen these other like friendship connections and stuff and, they are basically like a second family where, you know, we, we might not see each other all the time, but you know, we catch up and say like, you know, what's happening and stuff like that, and of course I would want, uh, want them to be a part of this, uh, this big event, uh, in my life as well too.

David Hernandez:

And it's not even just that. It's also not just, you said, just like a family. It's people who choose to be there



David Hernandez:

you know, it's not people you're born and you feel obligated. People who generally want to tune in and you want them included. That's the best type of



David Hernandez:

and love you could ever ask for.


Mm hmm. I always say that I feel like there's like two types And it could be different as well too But usually there's like kind of like two types of streamers where it's like you watch a streamer Because they're so good at what they're doing. then there's also the streamer that you just love their personality and just no matter what they're doing. You just love being there. I kinda hope that I am that ladder, because there's no way I am an expert at anything. Both like, if, I mean, I haven't even gotten a target shiny in who knows how long. I am very much not an expert.

David Hernandez:

It's still, it's still bowling in your mind that you still are running a shiny job right now, but


but it's okay. I'm not bitter at all.

David Hernandez:

it's kind of cool though, because your audience can sense your genuineness. They can sense that you want them there. And what is it like to kind of have people just tune in for that reason to, for you to just hop on and have people who welcome you for who you are.


It's, very, I don't know how to describe it other than just like, it just makes you feel like you're always, you're doing the right thing. You feel like you, you know, I, in turn of me wanting to always make people feel like they can feel comfortable enough to be themselves and, and belong there too. It makes me feel the same way as well being able to just like sit there and we're just like joking at each other like we're a lot we're like long time besties like we could be like literally like Cursing out the wazoo at each other because you know, we're like I was like you fish you red shelled me. God damn it but then like I can go like into like more of like a If we know somebody needs a you know, like our support or something like that, you know We can't we we can easily like to that or if let's say mean, I've been trying to, like, ever since I had, like, a little bit of my more, like, mental, like, health breakdown and stuff, I've been trying to always be more open if, like, listen, I'm not having the best of days, you know? You know, maybe I'm not gonna have as much of, like, energy, but I also don't wanna not, know, Sit and not do anything. And, you

David Hernandez:



people understand that. And like, people would also like, you know, say the same is like totally been there. You know, it's, it's, it's a certain connection that makes you, just makes you feel like you can, no matter what, you can just like be honest with each other, no matter, no matter what. And. doing the streaming thing, I know there's some people who do have that separation, which, you know, it's like, you're Anna and Shweta, and then you're, like, Adriana and stuff like that, but um, for me, I, I get that, like, maybe, like, if I was, like, PewDiePie level or something like that, I don't know, like, maybe I need a little bit more of a separation in my life or something like that, but, like, It's just so much effort to try to do that, and I just love being real with people.

David Hernandez:



want to try to, like, act differently. like, if I'm having a low day or low spoons day, I'm gonna let people know. And people, and them understand that, I know that I found the right community,

David Hernandez:

And, you know, for those who know out there, it's so difficult when you're down, usually depressed for me, that's when it happened for me



David Hernandez:

just want to get out of bed sometimes.



David Hernandez:

And it takes a lot of work even more for you to just push that life button.



David Hernandez:

And to give that



David Hernandez:

and space for people to kind of not only counsel you in a way, but also for you to kind of receive it back. And that's kind of so important, especially in a day nowadays where people tend to be fake. It's important to finally be around and experience what it means to have real people in your life. And I think that's kind of what makes you a very good representation for both Pokemon and Twitch as a whole.


Oh, thanks. Yeah. I just, I think it's important to, Like, I, I'll have plenty of times where I, um, I might even get emotional talking about this right now.

David Hernandez:

It's okay. My audience is used to it. We're okay.


No, uh, because, like, When, uh, I got, I got this, I got this. When, when my dog Casper passed, like, he was a huge part of our, my streaming journey as well. Where oh god I'm okay. I'm okay. I'm okay

David Hernandez:

It's okay.


Yeah, there's there's and downs whenever I get to talk about him, but um He

David Hernandez:

he's a loved animal, obviously, and you cared for him deeply. How did he kind of contribute to you as a person, as well as to your streaming journey?


was always the Even even during like the times were like my family wouldn't necessarily see it as like that I can make a job out of he At the time when I lived with my grandmother. He was always there. He was always supportive I even had a Casper cam for him or like there was a Times where he'd sit on my lap and I remember when he was sitting on my lap is when I got my first shiny dirtini and let's go

David Hernandez:

Oh. Oh,


he I mean, I still have a emote of him because you know he's The You newer, I mean the older, the older, uh, peeps that have been around, they've, they've seen, um, been with him throughout the journey. Like I remember celebrating his 11th birthday on stream, just literally just having him there and just like, hanging out with us. Uh, that was, it was a, he, he's been such a big part of like my beginning steps and, During the time that he got sick, unfortunately, he had a, he ended up having a brain tumor. And, you know, those, those days were rough. And I wasn't gonna hide it from my community. So, you know, I would tell them, I don't try to trauma dump. So I try to take it, talk about it as like, as, easy as possible. But like, because. all go through these things. People have their animals, and there's gonna be times where it's gonna get tough, but, um, Nowadays, even when somebody, like, maybe comes later asking about, like, uh, maybe they haven't been around, or asking about Casper,

David Hernandez:



like, who's this emote about, you know, might still get teary eyed talking about him or, you know, it's like, but I'm never gonna not want to talk about him, um, And, uh, my train of thought,

David Hernandez:

It's okay.


understand that even if I'm like, maybe having like some tears or crying down, um, I just wanna be as real as possible. I don't wanna hide like saying like, no, I never wanna talk about this. You know, just these are all just like feelings, real, like I, I've, I've lived these, these memories of overall they were like, happy times. And I know that Chad knows that there was so many good times with him too, that it would do a disservice to, to ignore a, a chapter of my life, you know? And I think just being able to show like, yes guys, I'm talking about this part of my life. Am I crying? Yes, but know that I am okay.

David Hernandez:



I might be crying, but I am okay because it's okay to show these emotions. It's okay to show these feelings. I think that helps a lot not everybody, um, it's, it's hard to communicate. And, yeah. For a long time, I wouldn't want to be a bother to people. I love helping people, but I don't like telling people, you know, what's wrong with me.

David Hernandez:

Right. You like to be there for them, but you struggle trying to receive that same kind of feed, love back. Yeah.


I've learned that it's in, like, I don't care if I'm having a shitty day or having a, like a, like a, Emotional day.

David Hernandez:

Yeah. Yeah. Mm.


it. I'll say like, guys, I'm not gonna lie. I'm on my time of the month, bro. I feel like I got punched in the uterus. Yeah,

David Hernandez:

More power to y'all, man.


right? Like, something about showing all those ranges of emotions is, I think it makes that bond with the community even stronger. Yeah.

David Hernandez:

does because until you've lost somebody and for you it's a pet, or for you it's your dog, it's a family member really.



David Hernandez:

I lost my dad. I was shattered because my world went to shit.


Yeah. Yeah.

David Hernandez:

I was bawling, never cried more in my life since. To this day because



David Hernandez:

was going on. You know, the world fell down. I had no idea what was going on and For you, that's how much you love casper. And the one thing I learned when I was trying to work through my feelings the grief the cries we have it's not sad. It's love. We can't express That's how deep the love was for you and casper and You know, since, you know, my dad passed a couple years ago and I still miss him sometimes, but I love my dogs to death. I have two. I have Dukes and Layla. And the reason why I try to include them in my journey is the same reason why you're trying to include Casper. Because they're family. They've been there when I was depressed. They've been there when I couldn't get up. They've been there when I was crying, when I was about to kill myself. They've been there in my darkest times, no matter what.



David Hernandez:

And they still love me to this day. And for you, it's the same thing with Casper. I feel you right there.


He'd always be there. He was, It was hard this past Christmas because it was our first Christmas without him. He was always like our little guy where, Uh, I don't even know how he picked it up, but he would learn how to open presents without eating the paper.

David Hernandez:

Yeah, yeah,


He would just, he always was just so excited like we would have to tell him you can't open the presents till midnight because like I don't know if that's the same with your your your family where We open presents at midnight instead of like waiting till the next day on Christmas Day

David Hernandez:



But Prior to that, you know, family's always busy, you know, everybody's always around, but he was always there for me. And I really wanted to make like holiday cards. And this was like seven or eight years back because he lived to almost 15. I was like, well, you know, the person who, the, the, the, he was basically, we called him our little umano, so little human. He was always a person who was there and ready to do anything that I wanted to do. So, we, I, I started a little holiday card tradition of just me and Casper. Literally just me and Casper and it grew into this tradition that just kept growing and growing. It used to be just like 25 cards until like this past year we were like doing probably, uh, 120 cards, um, sending out. Um, Because it just, he, he just, we would always try to like one, one up ourselves, make these little studio sets. He would have all these little clothes, uh, cause he loved dressing up and he just loved being able to be a part of that journey. I would make those holiday cards and also give them away to like my community as well too, cause they loved being able to like be included and, you know. It's some of the memories that I'll, I'll definitely never forget for sure,

David Hernandez:

Yeah, and your community got to kind of experience, you know, Casper in their own way through you. And



David Hernandez:

just take it day by day. You enjoy the memories and you're happy you have them, but it's okay to feel sad about that. It's normal because you loved them so much.


Mm hmm. Oh, I would tell chat like whenever I would have to talk about him. I was like I chat will tell you I think I'm doing pretty good right now with only a little bit of tears Like I'm you know, there's there's good days. There's bad days of being able to to talk about him. But like I I've never gonna like my feelings or emotions. I always want to just be real So like even if it's a hard topic to talk about I will talk about it,

David Hernandez:

Yeah, of course, of course. Now, the last thing I want to talk about with this podcast interview is I know you got to go to Japan. And I think that was for your honeymoon, if I'm not mistaken?


was for my honeymoon. Yes. Oh my god. That was the most life changing experience ever Yeah,

David Hernandez:

What all did you get to do going to the home place of Pokemon? Of


in general. Has always been like a dream destination of mine probably since like middle school, honestly, I've of course Love the games, but also love the culture love the food love anime manga anything that came through that like i've been so like inspired and like by so much that came through japan that it was just Like a place that I really wanted to visit and also living near like DC like we get to I get to go like almost Every year to like to see the cherry blossoms. I will love seeing that. I know that comes from there, too And of course at this point in time when we get to go there, I'm like, well, I Can't wait to go to as well a as many food places as possible. But B, mean go to as many Pokemon places as

David Hernandez:

course. Yeah, you got to.


it's so cool like Japan was just like one of those I mean i've I don't want to say like I felt at home but because it was of course like you're in a world where everybody's talking a different language, but also like It felt kind of like Welcoming if you're trying to speak it, you know They're they they feel happy of you trying to help you like bridge that boundary as well, too How much, like, different, like, games or anime or, were integrated into their community was super cool to see, too. I guess an example is we went to see, go to the Skytree, which was such a cool experience. But, at the same time, they even had an exhibition for Jujutsu Kaisen, which is like, So cool.

David Hernandez:

Yeah. Yeah.


it's like, okay, just like I put like a sightseeing with anime at the same time. So cool. I got to visit. I think about eight different Pokemon centers and all of them are so different in their own way. There's

David Hernandez:

actual same thing. How do they how are they different? I guess.


There's a good chunk of plushies that could be the same but A good chunk of Pokemon centers will might have their own specific, Pikachus that they will sell there. Each of the the like Pokemon centers also had like their own like Specific statues or dedications to like certain like Pokemon. So like Skytree's Pokemon center had Rayquaza in the front.

David Hernandez:

Of course. Yeah, Skytree makes sense.


had a a conductor Pikachu for the Tokyo Station one.

David Hernandez:

Oh, I see what you're saying. Okay.


they just redid the one in Nagoya, which is like Celebi themed. so that one was really cool. So some Pokemon centers also have a special pin as well, too. the Kyoto one was also super cool where they had Lugia and Ho Oh as well, because with it being Kyoto, so like some of them were like inspired by the certain areas that you would go to. Shibuya had Mewtwo in the, in the capsule, basically, which was so cool.

David Hernandez:



and, certain, centers would have a little more, special things than others like I think the Pokemon DX one, Tokyo DX, had a wall of just kind of like a nostalgia wall of like the beginning of like the Pokemon stuff to the end and that was super cool to see you could go to right alongside it would be the which I did end up being able to secure reservations

David Hernandez:

Oh, yeah. Remember that? Yeah. Those are the harder ones to get into.


Five days in a row till 5 a. m. I think it was

David Hernandez:

Dang. No sleep for a week. That's crazy.


Yeah to try to get those tickets was much I would do it again. I would do it again. Like all the food was so good I remember the day that we even like got there it was like the last day before we were gonna hop on the train to go to Kyoto next and And We got there a little early and I was like taking some b roll because I was trying I was attempting to do some vlogging. I turned around and I was like, Pikachu I was like, so I see literally Pikachu they're taking pictures with people and i'm like I know kyle went to go into the bathroom and I was just like texting kyle Pikachu I was like, I don't know if he's leaving, you know i'm, like i'm getting like a little teary eye because i'm like I just got i'm beating my hero Oh, man, being just like Surrounded by I mean, yeah, there's like kids as well, but like just people like my age too just like a kid surrounded with all this. Just feeling like I'm literally at peace with myself

David Hernandez:

I'm at home, I've reached Pallet Town.


I mean the integration of like having all that and then on top of just like the culture the The architecture and all that was just such a cool experience I felt like I was kind of like Transported into like a pokemon world, but not really because it's not like pokemon all around but it's like this is what inspired pokemon like Going around being able to just like mostly like walk around to different places or Their transportations were really good. I mean most there you see people going on like motorbikes or stuff like that I very much miss and I really wish I could go back soon. So I Literally came we came back with We, we brought an empty suitcase and we came back with like two extra filled suitcases? I don't remember. Um,

David Hernandez:

You stuffed your suitcases, yeah.


customs was like, what are you bringing back? And I was just like, Pokemon plushies?

David Hernandez:

They gotta be used to it. They have to.


I was like, I, let me see if I can find the picture. Um, I've shown chat this plenty of times. Um, where is it? Oh yeah, I guess I can show you some of the ones. Like, so like, there's a, oh shoot, where is it?

David Hernandez:

That's it.



David Hernandez:



one, which was super cool. Each one would have like, uh, you'd find the one that had like a sign, was signed by like, um, the

David Hernandez:

Aw, I like that. Yes.


Nah, those were like in Kyoto, um, Oh, Pikachu!

David Hernandez:



Dude, and then there was like, I was so happy! I

David Hernandez:



happy! Um, We even got to go to the Nintendo Museum in Kyoto, which like, On top of it having everything Of like nintendo. It's just like having a huge punk punk punk. It's

David Hernandez:

The fuck?


It was having a huge part of like the pokemon's history as well, too Had so many prototypes and stuff like that. It was so cool to just see where everything began I also ended up getting a few shinies while I was over in Japan, so I was super happy. Even got, uh, speaking of, uh, leaf green,

David Hernandez:

Oh, yeah, the original Pokemon green.


we got heart gold Japanese and emerald Japanese while we were over there as

David Hernandez:

Oh, dang. Okay. It's crazy. Because I used to think Pokemon green was a myth back in my when I was younger. I was like, there's no Pokemon green.


It doesn't exist!

David Hernandez:

Little did I know I was wrong.


Besides the one with the holding the heart,

David Hernandez:

Oh my gosh.


we collected from different places.

David Hernandez:

is so great. Oh, wow.


we had to get one of the special ones. Each ones like, there's, like, they had ones from the oh, ah, speak, um, HETA, HETA Airport from Nagoya P to Chef Pikachu, sky Tree Conductor, Osaka, Kyoto.

David Hernandez:

gosh, that's awesome. Sounds like a good time.


yeah, and of course we got a few other like pushy stuff and things for other people as well too. So.

David Hernandez:

Well, Ada, that is the interview. I want to finish on this last question. And in honor of Casper, I want you to give me your dream dog Pokemon team. What six Pokemon would you bring?


Oh God dream dogs. Ooh I mean, it's one of them has to be Growlithe. If I could like double up it would be Growlithe and then Arcanine

David Hernandez:

You can, it's your team.


so Growlithe, Arcanine. I Also would love Mightyena I would say Manectric Uh, I was trying to think what uh, oh, oh, oh, yeah, I would say what's it called? What's it

David Hernandez:

It's your last one, so.


Yeah, It's it's not the midnight liking rock it's the one that's uh, the

David Hernandez:

or Dusk?


one. Yeah,

David Hernandez:

The Dusk or the Dawn one?


Is which one's the one that's like a sunset like time that you have

David Hernandez:



Dusk. So dusk one. Yeah.'cause it's got orange on it, so yeah.

David Hernandez:

Awesome. Ada. Thank you for coming on as the pokeball turns before you go. If people want to check out your content, if they want to connect with you, where can they go? By all means, please plug away.


Yeah. No, you can, if you, everyone, some good vibes, some laughs, some, um, you know, some. as well in some, whether it be a Mario Kart or, or raging against a a a da

David Hernandez:

If you want to see Ada get hit by a spike shell and a red shell.


literally. but no, um, we, we play, uh, we do a lot of Pokemon, but we also love, uh, di diving into other games as well. You can check me out on Twitch tv slash a enchilada. Also, you can find me on the socials, whether it be Twitter slash. Eggs. Uh, we got Instagram. We got TikTok. We got YouTube. Anything that has Ada Enchilada, you can find me on there.

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