As The Pokeball Turns
Imagine a Pokemon interview podcast where every episode dives into personal stories of Pokemon Trainers like YOU.
From picking your first starter Pokemon, meeting lifelong friends, to epic Pokemon Battles, we explore the highs, lows, and unforgettable moments that make Pokemon a lifelong passion that drives us to become the best like no one ever was.
If you're ready for heartfelt moments, surprising insights, and the ultimate celebration of Pokemon, this Pokemon podcast is your next adventure!
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As The Pokeball Turns
TRAINER'S EYE #124 - "Zoroark Disguised As Dragon Pokemon" ft. Grunesdragon
In this Pokemon interview, we are joined by GrunesDragon, a Pokemon Trainer and artist with a passion for Dragons and Dragon Pokemon.
GrunesDragon Pokemon Journey starts with the anime and Pokemon Y. Due to the restriction of media by their family, GrunesDragon would not be introduced to Pokemon games until Pokemon Y thanks to their friend. GrunesDragon shares insight into the more recent games, specifically Pokemon Scarlet and Violet and how the plot of a group of outcasts appealed to them.
GrunesDragon deep affection for animals and this made Pokemon extremely appealing, especially during times of turmoil at home. GrunesDragon also found art as a way for them to provide an escape and would pursue this interest in different artistic ways.
Opening Song: "Forget You" by Alex_MakeMusic from Pixabay
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I am GrunesDragon, and this is my Pokémon story.
David Hernandez:Welcome to As the Pokeball Turns, where we interview people about their experience with Pokemon. My name is David Hernandez and today I'm joined by an artist known as Groon's Dragon. Groon, welcome to the show. There we go. We're getting in the spirit now. I like it. Uh, I'm going to guess that you love dragons because obviously your username and for those who couldn't hear it, it's actually a dragon drawers. What she did, I believe.
GrunesDragon:Yes, I believe so. Honestly, that would be an interesting dragon. Yes, In my sort of art and in my furry adjacent ways, I started IDing with dragons, dragon type Pokémon, dragons in general, and drawing them a lot. I would say 2013, 14, and that has just kind of been my life since.
David Hernandez:What was it about dragons that appeal to you?
GrunesDragon:I think it was partially drawing these things is satisfying as hell because you can't technically make mistakes. Uh, and you can also do, you know, very, you know, very swirly, fluffy sort of manes and whiskers and body shapes. And just do badass drawings as well without that much effort put into making it look badass.
David Hernandez:You know, you just gave me more hope as an artist. I'm like, you really can't mess up a dragon. Like, how could you really mess one up?
GrunesDragon:I mean, do you see some of the dragon designs that come out on like mass produced merchandise that are ugly as hell?
David Hernandez:yeah, I do. And they look kind of weird.
GrunesDragon:You really can't mess up.
David Hernandez:I got to ask you this. So what is it like with dragon Pokemon? Like, do you have any like particular favorites that remind you of a dragon? Are there's any that you just like are completely turned off by?
GrunesDragon:there are some I beleive Fridgebax. I don't know how much I need to explain. Fridgebax does not appeal to me design wise. It is an ugly little bugger. I'm sorry. I know it is not a dragon type, but uh, screw everything. I like pirated Pokemon the Movie 2000 when I was a teenager and that permanently changed my brain chemistry.
David Hernandez:really, why?
GrunesDragon:Something about Lugia's just elegance and character and the way it was animated. And later on, the same thing happened when I had the opportunity to see, the Zoroark movie.
David Hernandez:Oh, was that also a pirated movie, I assume?
GrunesDragon:Oh, yeah, for a while I was not allowed access to any form of mainstream media. So when I got some freedom as a teenager in sort of a different household, I just went ham watching all of the stuff that appealed to me.
David Hernandez:It's like I have like 10 years of media I have to catch up to, I gotta start now!
GrunesDragon:I still kind of live under a rock when it comes to mainstream media, but there are some things that I definitely wanted to catch up on.
David Hernandez:Hey, I remember when I pirated, what was it, Dragon Ball Evolution? I felt like I wanted my money back, ha, sometimes it's not always the best thing.
David Hernandez:But so you said you don't like Frigidbacks. What are some that you do like, Dragon wise?
GrunesDragon:I've been warming up to more of them. My taste in Pokemon has been evolving over time, which I suppose makes sense. Her her her evolving. Uh,
David Hernandez:Pun! Hmm.
GrunesDragon:yes fantastic I've started to be get more attached to grandpa, which is curious because I just didn't like it for the longest time I thought its face looked stupid and to be fair. I think its face still kind of looks stupid But i'm as i've drawn it a couple of times for uh, people's characters or for fusions i've It's fluffiness has started to appeal to me.
David Hernandez:so, you know, you talk about, you know, pirating Pokemon 2000. Was that like your first experience into the Pokemon or was it even before that?
GrunesDragon:My first experience into Pokemon, and this is a really weird story and I don't know why I remember this, was I was on the school bus and someone left, like, one of those kids magazines lying around. I don't remember which one. and it had an advertisement for Platinum on the back. And for some reason they gave Maylene a Houndoom. I don't know why they gave Maylene a Houndoom. You know, the way advertising material can just be really inaccurate with Pokemon sometimes. and I remember looking at all the designs on that cover and going, I don't care for any of the humans and Houndoom is the only Pokemon on this cover that I'm liking the look of. And then proceeded to not have any more exposure to Pokemon other than like the internet, until the Black and White era.
David Hernandez:so black and white was mainly your first, I guess, quote unquote games into the Pokemon franchise.
GrunesDragon:My first Pokemon game that I got to actually play, other than playing through most of a ROM of Black and White when it came out, was my friend lent me her cartridge of Y, and I would play it at high school, and I would go and hide in closet in the art room and just play Pokemon Y. Our art our art teacher was so chill that he's just like I shouldn't be allowing this but i've said something to you technically So i'm just gonna leave you be
David Hernandez:but why are you hiding in the closet though? If you're not hiding from the teacher.
GrunesDragon:Then I don't know just to be alone with my game
David Hernandez:Okay. Okay. That makes more sense is I can imagine the teacher opening the doors like What are you doing here? Are you just playing Pokemon? Okay, keep going. I got it. Like you just like you're trying to
GrunesDragon:you're supposed to be doing artwork, but you know as long as you get your assignment in I don't care
David Hernandez:and I'm assuming this is still you couldn't like have like mainstream media at home and you were still Restricted I guess so you're kind of having to keep it away from the parents and all that.
GrunesDragon:not at that time, but I was still in the habit of Focusing on things other than me mode at home So going to school that would be like the place where I do the fun things
David Hernandez:Will you and your friends like talk about Pokemon, you know once you start playing in everything like that Like how deep did you get into the fandom initially?
GrunesDragon:Into the fandom? Not very much initially. I had a lot going on at that time, I would eventually end up joining the Poki Ask Vlog community, which is still going strong from what I hear, which I'm amazed by, because that is primarily on Tumblr and Tumblr has been some shit.
David Hernandez:Oh, it's been through a lot, my God. Tumblr's barely a resemblance of what it used to be.
GrunesDragon:Yeah, but it is making a bit of a comeback with the looks over at the dumpster fire far to my right of where Twitter used to be.
David Hernandez:Hey, these dumpster fires have feelings, okay? These trubbishes, they matter, okay? So don't call it
GrunesDragon:Stop setting garbodors on fire. Stop cruelty
David Hernandez:The madness, the madness!
GrunesDragon:Yeah, Tumblr is making a bit of a comeback and back in the day when it was first sort of booming I ended up starting a couple of pokemon Oc ask blogs and that was a great way to be interacting with people With a common interest I was following Iris Chroma, I believe that's still her username. I was following Iris who then went by Tia, Sort of a widely followed very cool pokemon artist though. She has transitioned to doing mostly contract work anyway at the time I was following her and she started a pokemon creatives chat in 2016 And that was a initially a skype group but quickly transitioned to a discord server just for pokemon artists to get together and be friends and show off each other's work and i've made some lifelong friends from then
David Hernandez:I guess, It would be in a way like a discord channel nowadays to where y'all just post art and y'all just like oh but like oh this is amazing and y'all's own art kind of thing.
GrunesDragon:Yeah, and also just socialize in general, pokemon creatives chat, uh itself shut down 2018
David Hernandez:Aww,
GrunesDragon:But uh sort of in an emergency We don't want to lose everybody some of the members put together a second server that we are into this day
David Hernandez:When it comes to art, did you start drawing when you
GrunesDragon:I've been drawing since I was a tiny child and I started taking it seriously Sometime around middle school, I guess I had a lot stuff going on in my life that meant that I was just kind of spaced out all the time I wasn't Learning as much from school as I should have been and I wasn't even in school for some periods so I didn't really have a chance to get good at anything in particular But drawing was the one thing I was always doing, even when I was being discouraged.
David Hernandez:Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. I'm glad that you stuck with it though. A lot of people, I don't know, get knocked down cause you know, they get told their art's not good enough or it won't amount to anything. You know, it's kind of, it's rough living the artist's life.
GrunesDragon:Yeah. Drawing was the one thing I could always just go sit down and do. And, props to my grandma who was always like showering me in art supplies because she's an abstract artist herself.
David Hernandez:Oh, so it runs in the family.
GrunesDragon:I suppose so.
David Hernandez:Do you remember what you used to draw growing up? Like, were they just like, cartoons? Or
GrunesDragon:I was a wolf and horse child.
David Hernandez:A wolf and horse child? Okay,
GrunesDragon:Like you've ever run into like a horse child, who's like, so into horses that they'll like pretend to run like a horse and stuff, that was me.
David Hernandez:I've met a child that's so into horses he dresses up on them. So, it's just kind of refreshing. ha ha ha ha
GrunesDragon:I think that was partially what drew me to Pokemon in the first place. growing up, I always had more of a sense of empathy with real life animals and also cartoon animals, more of a sense of empathy with critters than any humans whatsoever. Uh,
David Hernandez:feel that, yeah. Pokemon
GrunesDragon:Pokemon and especially, seeing how Lugia was depicted in the movie 2000, just like, yep, I fricking love Pokemon.
David Hernandez:2000 just solidified your kind of interest in the franchise at that point.
David Hernandez:when it comes to Pokemon Y. What do you remember? Like, do you remember like this plot? Like, what do you, what did you enjoy about playing that game?
GrunesDragon:hmm I recently replayed it and was hit sort of differently still good But what I remember being hit the by the most uh at the time Was the the beautiful world song at the end
David Hernandez:Oh my gosh.
GrunesDragon:how it goes on with the multi language lyrics floating up on the screen and just the fantastic music and immaculate aesthetic at some points and then I the the beautiful world song was where it really killed me with pokemon y I love that so much
David Hernandez:I know. I was just listening to it early today. Actually small world.
GrunesDragon:It's kind of, like, Kiseki is a bit repetitive, but it's really hard to beat.
David Hernandez:It is it's like one of them songs that it repeats over and over But it's so good that you really don't mind it if that makes sense Did you get into the anime?
GrunesDragon:I never really got into the anime. I wasn't really a TV watcher, and I, you know, it would have been kind of difficult up until I was an adult for me to even access the Pokemon but I did continue picking the games I remember I Think I had dropped out of school At that point I got in the car with my grandmother Went to go pick up sun and moon booted up moon in the car and the title screen music made me cry in like the passenger seat of our honda element
David Hernandez:what was it just the tune of it or just
GrunesDragon:I don't know something about just the epic swell of it and the chorus of voices singing Something about that tune just like immediately made me cry
David Hernandez:Was gonna say on top of you know being kind of an emotional shift from you dropping out of high school that's kind of a I don't know if it's a high or a low, it's kind of a unique rollercoaster
GrunesDragon:Yeah, I was just, I was just, I was very strained, and I was getting by, and a new Pokemon game was out, and I was, it was truly a sense of like, oh, I'm, I'm cracking open something that's full of unknown brand new wonders.
David Hernandez:This is like a new, a start over, it sounds like almost.
GrunesDragon:Could be! I don't remember that much about the Ultra games, other than like, oh, that was cool, they messed up the story, but the gameplay is fun. I got to play Sword and Shield for the first time when I first met, the person I would move in with and end up dating.
David Hernandez:Aw, that's, that's awesome.
GrunesDragon:remember it was when we were first getting to know each other. They came from a couple states away to visit, and we were both grinding out trying to shiny hunt a shiny Nickit for them.
David Hernandez:So y'all both met through, Pokemon? Bye.
GrunesDragon:Yeah, we had spoken through the Pokemon chat that we had both been in for years at that
David Hernandez:mean. Yeah, I know.
GrunesDragon:both of us were not fond of the raids in Sword and Shield. They were very slow.
David Hernandez:regular ones.
GrunesDragon:very slow in Sword and Shield. I remember sometimes I would literally be falling asleep trying to finish a raid. Yeah.
David Hernandez:Do you prefer them now in Scarlet and Violet?
GrunesDragon:Yes. As glitchy as they can be, because Scarlet and Violet, the raids feel great in this game.
David Hernandez:it's been night and day because I tried going back to play Pokemon Sword because I started with Shield And it just felt so weird, it felt like in spite of the criticisms Scarlet and Violet have received I actually enjoy the way it, like, feels playing that game Compared to Sword and Shield for some reason
GrunesDragon:Yeah, that's understandable. I think, Sword and Shield has more of a tight aesthetic sort of thing going on, but really needed improvement in gameplay and the plot being only half done.
David Hernandez:Yeah, I don't know, I didn't like the plot too much to be honest. It just, that's what turned me off to it. It's not bad, it just wasn't the best.
GrunesDragon:I could see what it was going for something, something sort of like capitalism and exploiting things and sort of adulthood and responsibility. It was going for something cool, but they didn't finish it for some reason.
David Hernandez:especially like, I didn't like the term the mayor made. Because I actually felt like he should have been a good guy. I didn't really understand he had to be the antagonist.
GrunesDragon:I yeah, I the moment when I officially couldn't with Sword and Shield's story anymore when it was, when it was like, you're in a tunnel, there's a Pokemon rampaging outside, you don't get to see it or deal with it, go away, you're just a kid. We didn't even animate any of this for the player to look at, it's just a thing that's happening in text. just like, okay, what the hell is going on with the plot?
David Hernandez:you know, what about the story for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet? Did you enjoy that more?
GrunesDragon:So, Scarlet and Violet did something to my brain. I, you know, never really attached to human characters. I don't know what it was about it. It's just been a quirk of mine. Until Scarlet and Violet. Something about, just all of the plot lines going on there. something about those particular characters, just explosion of thinking about these characters and liking these characters. I think character writing did change significantly, between Sword and Shield and Scarveye.
David Hernandez:Which part of Scarlet and Violet did you kind of identify with or kind of, related to?
GrunesDragon:I mean, all of the plot lines are emotionally compelling to me, and I think there's a lot of things where the characters are doing a thing, but you can detect sort of a, an undercurrent to it. Like, the whole Nimona wants you to complete the, Pokemon League thing. It's just like, oh yeah, I am your rival now, I am adopting you. But there is enough dialogue to suggest that Nimona is kind of a weird eccentric person and is lonely because no one likes being around her. There's a lot of relatively subtle for Pokemon stuff like that going on with almost all of the characters and that's something I really liked.
David Hernandez:yeah, cause really all three characters, they could honestly be outcast in a way. Cause you said Nimona, she's very hyper competitive, you know, you got, Penny where she was, trying to defeat the forces she created with, Team Star. And then the tragic story of, Arven basically both his parents not giving a crap for the guy. They both kind of had their own like outcast story in a way, and then separated from the school. So it's kind of relatable for some people who've maybe been down that road, you know? Yeah, for
GrunesDragon:Yeah, for sure. There's a lot of sort of hidden sadness in Scaravai and something about that just woke my brain up.
David Hernandez:I was curious, you know, since we're still on Pokemon, do you have a favorite Pokemon at all?
GrunesDragon:Zoroark. It has to be Zoroark. There are a lot of Pokemon that I would exalt as being amazing Pokemon, but it really has to be Zoroark.
David Hernandez:Ooh, how come that one.
GrunesDragon:The way it was animated and depicted in Master of Illusions really got to me. It is, it is elegant, it is cool, like it stores its babies in its mane and it just sort of tucks them in there. The artwork is lovable and badass and elegant and I just love it overall.
David Hernandez:I'm not gonna lie, I was actually expecting a dragon type Pokemon. I'm really, I'm really pleasantly surprised, if
GrunesDragon:Well, I've accidentally started a tradition for I don't know how long at this point of drawing at least one mega Rayquaza every year.
David Hernandez:out of accident or on purpose?
GrunesDragon:It kind of happened on accident.
David Hernandez:what led to the first one?
GrunesDragon:probably just looking at its design and its majestic tassels and trying to do my best to do justice by that. And I still think I haven't succeeded
David Hernandez:I mean, I think that's always the struggle of every artist, right? You never feel like it's done well enough because, you know, we're the strongest critique,
GrunesDragon:for sure.
David Hernandez:I know for me, you know, when I do a podcast, I'll edit it for like hours upon hours. And I still, even after finishing, I'm like, there's still problems with it. And no matter how much, you know, you edit it, eventually you just have to release it at some point. Or in this case, when you draw it, you got to just eventually what you've done is the best you could
GrunesDragon:Yeah, absolutely. It's just like, well, until the next time I try this.
David Hernandez:Since we're on the topic with art, you know, this is a podcast where, you know, your art and, you know, your world of Pokemon kind of collide. I did some research on your artwork and I kind of want to touch on some of the artwork you've done and the inspiration behind it. You know, what led to you drawing it? so I'm only gonna go through a handful I mean I could be here all day if we try to go through all of them first one of course, the one is of course the Lugia one, which is seems like it was inspired from Pokemon the movie 2000 It's called the song has given me strength. Is that basically kind of where it was inspired from?
GrunesDragon:Yes, okay, now that, I was gonna say, which Logia one? But yes, that was, I got an image in my head for trying to do something with sort of the grey and the clouds and doing a little bit of a rainbow y effect on it, uh, and wanted to see if I could pull that off, I got an idea in my head for a drawing I wanted to try and do that would really have to be done digitally of Just sort of the way that image is composed with the gray Sort of the gray thing overall with a little bit of a rainbow effect that and trying to reflect the feeling of lugia's song and how its function is in the movie of just being you know, Beaten down, battled down, and rising because of this music. sort of a heartful feeling that I was trying to depict, and also testing what I could do in terms of what I could draw.
David Hernandez:The next one we'll touch on is Sylveon's fairy tale. It's the one where Sylveon's kind of like battling a dragon with the castle. I don't know if, Huh?
GrunesDragon:Just, I'm excited to hear that you found that one. A, because it's old, and B, because it's a piece I'm still kind of excited about.
David Hernandez:It's a great one. Cause I don't know if you've ever played it. It reminded me of a wind waker and gave me those vibes of like somebody telling an ancient tale. And it's like a image of somebody like this person went to go slay the dragon kind of thing. If that makes sense.
GrunesDragon:That makes me very happy to hear. I have played Wind Waker, although I didn't necessarily make that mental connection until now. It's one of the major drivers for my style. but yes, I saw Sylveon's dex entry in Shield. that something something at one point Sylveon repelled a dreadful dragon Pokémon. I was thinking okay, the word dreadful in pokemon is almost always associated with ghost types and we have a new ghost type dragon so that's probably what it was and I was just trying to sort of Depict what that dex entry could have been talking about because it sounded very badass and cool. Yeah Yeah, it's the word dreadful was a tip off It was probably talking about ghost pokemon because pokemon has sort of repetitive language when it comes to certain types.
David Hernandez:the only other one I could have been would maybe be, uh, Giratina, but even then that's back in Sinnoh. It's kind of a you picked a good choice.
GrunesDragon:Yay, thank you
David Hernandez:The next one I want to talk about is the one called Illuminating Arcanine. And I just love the color contrast between, you dark, it's the, uh, human arcanine. You got the dark red and the black with the blue behind it. And again, it ties back to, I guess, since you were inspired by Wind Waker, it gave me more of those vibes as well. It's just, I don't know, it's just a very good depiction of it.
GrunesDragon:yeah, so that was, I'm going through like a very faint, uh, sort of medieval weeaboo phase at the moment. Uh, and I've, you know, I've been looking at a lot of images of old Renaissance paintings and tapestries and stuff as I've been sleeping, just because that is sort of what's on the background of the music that I'm playing. I got the idea for the Rapidash, which is the partner piece to that one. And I wanted to make it sort of a duo, like you could almost hang this on either side of a throne or something. So I did the Arcanine to go with that. Uh, and that is all watercolor in case you could not tell.
David Hernandez:I will be honest, I'm not that detailed. I just like good drawings. I'm don't know, I can't tell the difference. So don't, you're giving me too much credit. I just like looking at stuff.
GrunesDragon:Oh, yeah getting the colors getting the colors good in watercolor is a challenge because you can't go back and you can't go lighter
David Hernandez:So you have to really commit to it whenever you draw to it. Because once it's
GrunesDragon:Yeah, I just have to keep throwing on layers and eventually get it, right? I
David Hernandez:Now you said that you weren't, you know, you're currently going through inspiration of medieval art or Renaissance art. You know, is that primarily your motivation right now? And what is some of your inspiration from some of your past art that's led you to kind of where you are now?
GrunesDragon:I think i'm going through sort of a medieval regalia slight phase just because it is fun and fancy and pleasant on the eyes I downloaded a brush pack That's full of sort of pattern brushes and I can't stop playing with those and it's becoming a problem in terms of art style inspiration overall Okami.
David Hernandez:Oh, I love that
GrunesDragon:Yes. you know what Okami is.
David Hernandez:if you have not played a real quick, if you have not played Okami, it's on the Wii or you can bootleg it, whichever, you know, let's just be honest. We've all pirated at some point. You
GrunesDragon:Okami HD was re yeah. Okami HD was re released on PC and switch.
David Hernandez:There you go. You don't have to be, you don't have to break the law. You can just get on your PC. I'm assuming stream and get on the switch. You play the game. Such a good game. I first
GrunesDragon:I first played it on Wii and it was it was really funny The TV was like on either side of the TV were a couple of windows So if you know how Wiimotes work during certain times of the day my Wiimote would just not work anymore And I couldn't draw a circle Because the Wiimote works with like two infrared lights on either side of like a sensor bar and that's how it detects the position So at certain times a day the sun would be in the windows and my Wiimote would stop working
David Hernandez:oh my gosh. Struggle will be sometimes.
GrunesDragon:I'd honestly say the switch is the best console to play Okami on The resolution is obviously better and the motion controls work fantastic.
David Hernandez:that was the, I was gonna say the, I remember playing on the, we, the biggest issue I had was the controls, because sometimes, and I didn't even have the sun, it was just not responsive. And, you know, uh, when you battle in that game, it's kind of important. So definitely would recommend it Switch if you have one.
GrunesDragon:I'm drawing a circle. What wrong with you?
David Hernandez:Work, dang Well, you work, dang it! I'm gonna throw you at the TV! Well, Groon, I got one last drawing I want to touch on. It's my favorite one that you've done. And, like I said, it was hard for me to pick one, but it's actually the one, it's called the Grand Migration. And it's the one with all the Vivillons, and then I think it's, it's either Ponytail or Rapidash. It's got like one in its mouth.
GrunesDragon:Yeah, there's there's like one butterfly bothering the ponytail
David Hernandez:and it's actually Poke, it's the Pokeball Vivillon, which is great.
GrunesDragon:Yeah, and there's like a Floette in corner like oh, this is cool, and there is one Butterfree hidden in the piece
David Hernandez:Oh my gosh, don't tell me that. I didn't even see the Butterfree. I just
GrunesDragon:one Butterfree in all the Vivillon
David Hernandez:Oh, I see it. Okay. Okay. I just assumed they're all Vivillon. Oh, wow.
GrunesDragon:Yeah, that piece was also watercolour. I did it when I was struggling with seasonal depression, and I just wanted to draw something exuberantly pretty and spring themed and joyful, which is something I keep returning to. I have a few pieces in sort of this spring set. I'd say that was definitely the one with the most effort, painting all those Vivillon.
David Hernandez:They're all different colors. None of them are the same and it's not digital. So you said it's watercolor, right?
GrunesDragon:Yeah, every pattern of Vivillon is there at least once, I believe. And you know, whenever there's sort of that, all Vivillon have very geometric designs, right? So I put down a layer of color and then I'd have to wait for it to dry completely. So I'd go to a different Vivillon and put down a layer of color and have to wait for that one dry, rinse and repeat until I've been sitting at my desk for 10 hours.
David Hernandez:Oh my gosh. The thing artists go through. Okay. This is, this is, they're dedicated. This is what I'm telling you.
GrunesDragon:I really enjoyed making that piece and I'm still proud of it and I am so glad, it's making me so happy that someone recognizes it.
David Hernandez:GrunesDragon, I got one last question to close out this podcast.
David Hernandez:Of course it's a Pokemon question. So, if somebody was going to come battle you, six on six Pokemon battle, what six Pokemon are you bringing?
GrunesDragon:I have Pokemon that I've carried through the games that I'm attached to, so those are gonna be my first picks. It would be Luxray. I sort of have a Luxray that I've named in honor of one that I lost in a Nuzlocke. it's sort of in my mind, obviously you can't do this in the game, but this Luxray is white because he was revived in the flower fields. so Luxray, just reliable goat friend through many different games. Extremely, extremely good friend in Platinum. My Shiny Zoroark, who I hunted for in ORAS. I, I believe that was one of those where it was under the table in high school. I was Shiny hunting with the Dex Nav in Alpha Sapphire.
David Hernandez:Okay.
GrunesDragon:Sorry, I just have good memories with my Pokemon.
David Hernandez:No, I love it. This is great. First, you're hiding in the closet. Now you've, uh, upgraded to the table. This is getting, this is getting better.
GrunesDragon:Math class first thing in the morning. I'm not doing math class first thing in the morning. I'm playing Pokemon. my mega, my mega Altaria, which I'm crying because they got rid of the move return, which was her signature move.
David Hernandez:No. Yeah.
GrunesDragon:saying if there were a Pokemon battle happening right now, she has returned. I don't care about cannon.
David Hernandez:Hey, no judgment here. It still has return.
GrunesDragon:yeah, they got rid of Return, but Altaria had Pixelate, and the best set at the time was to run Mega Altaria, with Return on it, which is basically 255 power Fairy type move.
David Hernandez:All right. It's halfway. You got three.
GrunesDragon:Alright, I have Luxray, Zoroark, Altaria. Honestly, Glimora. I have come to like Glimora a lot.
David Hernandez:Oh, yes. That's a good one.
GrunesDragon:It It's pretty, and it's a little bit understated, and mechanically, it is fun to play. Ah, shoot. I guess my Gen 4 love is showing here because Star Raptor. Star Raptor is strong and reliable. I love Star Raptor. great to use in a battle.
David Hernandez:oh, yeah, you can't go wrong with it.
GrunesDragon:I'm trying to think. I think my sixth Pokemon would be some sort of troll Pokemon, like prankster, whimsicott,
David Hernandez:Oh Okay.
GrunesDragon:some sort Pokemon. You would get really sick of seeing who keeps annoying you and slowly taking down your team.
David Hernandez:That brings your ability
GrunesDragon:That is, that is my favorite, tactic Just annoyance. Pokemon,
David Hernandez:My gosh a person after my own heart. I used to always spam double team back when I was younger deep
GrunesDragon:uh, yes.
David Hernandez:still do. Yep
GrunesDragon:Double team sets are annoying are so annoying
David Hernandez:They are. I try not to use them anymore, but temptation
David Hernandez:there.
GrunesDragon:for sure
David Hernandez:GrunesDragon, thank you for coming on the podcast. If people want to check out your art, if they want to connect with you, where can they go? By all means, please plug away.
GrunesDragon:you can look for me at grunes dragon g r u n e s dragon on blue sky I have an artful which is sort of my portfolio That gets updated every once in a while. It's intended to be a sort of The ultimate, you know, uh, where I put everything you can also follow Grun's Dragon on Tumblr. The blog wasn't active for a while, but it's active again. And I have some really old art in the archive there. And you can also find me on InPrint. I used to have more shop fronts and eventually downsized to just InPrint. So if you're looking for, Pokemon art prints, I have them. I have those and I have some other stuff.