As The Pokeball Turns
Imagine a Pokemon interview podcast where every episode dives into personal stories of Pokemon Trainers like YOU.
From picking your first starter Pokemon, meeting lifelong friends, to epic Pokemon Battles, we explore the highs, lows, and unforgettable moments that make Pokemon a lifelong passion that drives us to become the best like no one ever was.
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As The Pokeball Turns
TRAINER'S EYE #121 - "Ask Noivern" ft. Kuixotic
In this Pokemon interview, we are joined by Kuixotic, A Pokemon Trainer who blogs on Tumblr and is an aspiring artist.
Kuixotic's Pokemon Journey starts with Pokemon Diamond & Pearl where he experience the Sinnoh Region. He shares what he enjoyed about the game and some of his favorite Pokemon from that region. He also gives his opinion of the remakes with Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.
Kuixotic nexts talks about Pokemon Scarlet and Violet and how the plot of Pokemon keeps him engaged with the franchise. He also shares his favorite Dragon Pokemon.
Finally, Kuixotic gives insight in developing his artistic skills by copying the Pokemon Cards artwork.
Opening Song: "Forget You" by Alex_MakeMusic from Pixabay
Connect with Kuixotic: Tumblr | Bluesky
Connect with David Hernandez: Linktree
E-mail Me: asthepokeballturnspodcast@gmail.com
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I'm Quixotic, and this is my Pokemon story.
David Hernandez:Welcome to, As the Pokeball Turns, where we interview people about their experience with Pokemon. My name is David Hernandez. And today I'm joined by Quixotic. Quixotic, welcome to As the Pokeball Turns.
Kuixotic:Thank you for having me.
David Hernandez:Absolutely. And before we dive into your Pokemon story and your experience, you have a very unique username. You know, we were having to go over like how to say it appropriately. Can you give us like the insight and origins of where it came from?
Kuixotic:Yeah, so, I've told this story a couple times to some people. first and foremost, when I was younger, like in high school, I was a band kid. so I actually got the username from a organization that's kind of, easiest explanation is like, Marching Band on Steroids. One of their show's themes was called Quixotic, as of like, this book called Don Quixote. the word kind of means like, overzealous, wishful thinking, things like that. Just kind of like wishful thinking, romanticizing things. And at the time, I wanted to join that group, but I didn't realize how much of a skill level was needed to join it, and how much it would actually cost me to get there and do auditions. Not even knowing that I would get in or not because a lot more people had better experience than I did at the time so I kind of use that as a Like, I own it against myself, but I also started to own it. It's like, yeah, I kind of see things a little too on the bright side, but that's fine.
David Hernandez:so you also identify with the word that it's like overzealous and it sounds like it's also passionate and optimistic. Is that kind of what the word means? And
Kuixotic:yeah, so it's kind of just like wishful thinking, a little too much on the romanticizing side of things. That was when I was obviously a little bit younger. Now I'm older, so now I can level it out and so I'm, I like to think that I'm more grounded in the reality of situations but I still like to have a little bit of like wishful thinking, have a little bit more hope for things that are going on than how they seem and I just kind of like try to push that on people. It's like, don't, don't think something bad's gonna happen, just make it work. It's gonna be fine. You're gonna be good.
David Hernandez:I like that because it's such difficulty to kind of have a good balance. Because for me, I was actually a natural born pessimist. I always believed the worst that could happen. I believe the worst in people. It was hard for me to be optimistic because it's like, well, if something is good happens, something is eventually going to go wrong. And that's kind of always what I told myself. And it took me years to kind of like what you said, ground myself to have more optimistic and more of a positive viewpoint of life. To kind of have a balance that I do sometimes I still lean to the or to me. It's like something bad is really going to happen. But, you know, I lean more towards the positive side than I did when I was younger.
Kuixotic:Alright, yeah, it, it was definitely like a bit of a switch on my end, cause I kind of flip flopped between the two of them, as time went on, I'm like, why am I being negative if I think everything else is already negative, let me just fight that back with trying to be positive about something, even just the smallest little thing, and it's like, okay, I saw a bird outside today. Really nice bird. Liked that bird. Even though my Jake has gone to shit. It's like, hey, but I saw a butterfly today, so that makes everything fine.
David Hernandez:Oh, that's so great. We need more people like you in our lives because sometimes, you know, you need that person who can kind of just see the bright side of things and just see the small, you know, positive things like, oh, yeah, my life was shit. But at least I saw the butterfly today, or at least I saw a bird. You know, those small things really matter
Kuixotic:Yes, they really do, honestly.
David Hernandez:now, turning it around to pokemon. So what is your first experience with this franchise?
Kuixotic:There was this one time, I think, late 90s, early 2000s, that they had like a cereal box promotion or something with like little pencil toppers. And like I tell people, I'm like, you know, I got this like little spiky purple thing, and I, I look back and I'm like, I think that was like a little Nidoran. Like, or a Nidorino, like, pencil topper that I got. And that was like my first technical brush with the series. But from that point on, I wanna say, I remember seeing a couple of the old episode reruns from like the Indigo League, like on Cartoon Network growing up, but I didn't really get to do anything with the series until Diamond and Pearl. Those were my first games. I think, in the times like when Walmart and all that had like those little game stations that had like demos, I think I was playing FireRed and LeafGreen, like just on the little demo Game Boy that they had. But Diamond and Pearl was the first time that I've been, like I was finally having my prayers answered by my parents every time I tell them, Can I please get a Pokemon game? Can you guys please buy me one?
David Hernandez:Was a Pokemon game, like on your Christmas list or birthday list, like every year, they just couldn't give it for you basically.
Kuixotic:like, I would just, like, ask, like, Oh, can I get this game? And they're like, No, you already have games. And the games that I had were two Mario games that I had for, like, Eight years by that point. I think it was a little bit of a money thing, but also just, like, At the same time, I hadn't finished those games, but at the same time, It was hard for me to finish those games, so.
David Hernandez:Uh, why was it hard for you to finish them?
Kuixotic:For me, when I was younger, it was the time limits. I would freak out when I'd get like the low timer music on the Mario games, and I'm like, okay, I can't play those anymore.
David Hernandez:it'd be too like, uh, anxiety driven, like, Oh my gosh, this is about to run out. I'm about to not make it or something like that.
Kuixotic:Yeah, I would actually like throw my Game Boy across the room when it happened.
David Hernandez:Oh my gosh. It reminds me of, uh, when I used to play smash brothers, the original, and I'd always get frustrated with the like card bosses because it just felt like it was this cheating move. And my mom be like, quit your crying. You know, if you don't want to play the game, then turn it
Kuixotic:just a game. It's just a game. It's like, it's not a game.
David Hernandez:I'm trying to beat it. I'm trying to conquer this world. Like, you don't understand, Ma.
Kuixotic:But yeah, that's basically the gist of how it felt with those.
David Hernandez:so when it came to, like, Pokemon Diamond and Pearl, what do you remember about playing those games? Mm hmm.
Kuixotic:man, those were, I was probably like in fourth grade when they had come out, and I remember when people were doing kind of like the, not like the mystery events hadn't come out yet, but people were speculating, like before like datamines were like really, um, apparent I guess is the word I'm looking for. I used to go like on Serebii. com to find information about like events and all. And I'd be like, oh, there's a new Pokemon that's being released? In Japan? They already have it? They're having a movie already? So like being able to anticipate all that information and just waiting for it to come stateside was always a joy for me. Especially because a lot of the time, like, back then, I was really the only kid who had internet access it felt like. A lot of my friends were like, younger siblings. So I would come in on Fridays, because Fridays were like our free days, we could just do whatever we wanted to in the afternoon. So I would be the one that everyone went to to get help with their games. So, like, someone's like, oh, I want to catch Rotom, but I don't know how to do it. And I'm just like, oh, let me do it. Let me just change your time on your DS real quick. And I'd help people out. I'd help, people trade. And just the excitement that came from just knowing different things. was really what sold that experience for me. like, I remember a lot of people being hyped at the little hints for Gen 2 remakes, like, Jasmine being in Sunyshore, and like, different music cues, like, oh, this sounds like a song that's used in the end credits of, um, Gold, Silver, and Crystal, and things like that, or like, how a lot of the, um, Pokemon that got evolved forms in Gen 4. Or Gen 2 Pokemon, initially. So it was always nice to be able to, have that new experience, and being able to experience, like, a return for nostalgia that many other people that I knew were already experiencing.
David Hernandez:so every Friday, it sounds like everybody was at your place trying to kind of advance the game, and you were kind of, like, almost having, like, a Pokemon game night. Is that fair to say?
Kuixotic:Kind of, yeah, like, it would happen at the school, so, like, they would, um, they would reserve, like, the last hour of, like, the school day, like, a recess, but we could actually bring in our games, we could do them. Basically whatever we wanted to, we didn't have to play outside. So everyone would bring their DSs and we'd be trading and battling and I had the Diamond and Pearl guidebook so I would bring that with me and it's perforated pages, I kept falling out.
David Hernandez:Because it got a lot of use out of it. I bet.
Kuixotic:Yeah, I don't know why they made that book with like perforated pages, I'm like they know kids are probably handling this thing, those pages are gonna fall out at some point.
David Hernandez:That's what happened with me with the, I had the fire red leaf green one and I used it so much that the pages kept slipping out. I'm like, they did not think this through. Like, it's not good for common use over and over and over.
Kuixotic:I think I have my Platinum one still in good condition. I only really used that a couple of times because it was same storyline, just surprise, there's Giratina, surprise, there's Shaymin. Like, that's really all the, the new features that there were there.
David Hernandez:And then just like what you said, you were looking at Japan, they get all the events, they get all like the releases. And I remember like when I was that age trying to like, when can we get something right? Like, when can we get like some kind of limited Pokemon over here on this side instead of us having to, I don't remember if we went to GameStop at the time, but I remember that we had to wait for like, the downloads coming in, like, especially when Darkrai and I think, a lot of the mythical ones eventually were available via download on the Wi Fi, but it took a while to get that.
Kuixotic:Oh yeah, I, I was actually cleaning my room the other day, and I had like a under bed space, and I found a calendar that I had that I, I just kept because it was like, nice Zodiac art or something on it, and I'm looking through all the little entries, and I saw that I had written every single GameStop event that was happening, when it started, when it ended, and I was like, man, I really made my, I really drove my family crazy asking them to go to GameStop for like 10 minutes just so I can do this one little thing and then leave.
David Hernandez:Well, when it came to Diamond and Pearl, what was your choice? Out of the three starters of Turt, wake, Chi,
Kuixotic:By technicality, I will say Chimchar. What had happened was I had gotten all the way to the end of the game my first playthrough. I think I was in the Elite Four. I don't know if I had already gone to Cynthia at that point. But for whatever reason, something in my 10 year old brain was like, this is too hard. Did not think to just, oh, just lose and just train up the team again, like in Victory Road. No, I just Started the game all over again, deleted the file and everything. So then I went through my first entire playthrough with Turtwig.
David Hernandez:Oh, okay. So are you, you're more chimp char, but you actually beat the game first time with Turt Week, it sounds like.
Kuixotic:Yes, when I got, Brilliant Diamond, I ended up picking Chimchar again, so.
David Hernandez:Ooh, nice. What other Pokemon would you add on your team?
Kuixotic:My friends will laugh if they ever hear this, because they already know my answers. I'm very much a fan of dragon types, so if I could have an entire dragon type team, I would. my particular favorite is Noivern. Darkrai used to be my favorite Pokemon in general, but now Noivern has slowly been creeping to take that top spot for me. So
David Hernandez:What about Norvrin, like, makes it your favorite dragon Pokemon?
Kuixotic:I just like the theme of it. I started to particularly like bats as an animal in general, like a couple of years ago. Always found them interesting, like how many different kinds there are and different things that they do in their natural habitats. And I've always particularly liked music, so being a boombox dragon essentially is, like, the top tier combination for me.
David Hernandez:I could see that. I could see you potentially, like, if you were to be a Gym Leader, you could be like a Batman almost, but instead, not cheesy, but to where, like, the actual serious Gym Leader, you have nothing but bat Pokemon as the Pokemon you use, like Dolbat, Gorobat, and then, of course, Nerevan, and, uh, what's the other one? The psychic one? I can't remember what it's called.
Kuixotic:Um, Swoobat?
David Hernandez:Swoobat, there we go. Swoobat, So that, yeah,
Kuixotic:Just opened the gym at night.
David Hernandez:only nighttime. That'd be, that'd be cool.
Kuixotic:He's like, sorry, you can't come in today. Everybody's asleep right now.
David Hernandez:Well, I was going to ask. So what is it about the dragon type that appeals to you so much?
Kuixotic:See, I wasn't even sure at the beginning. I just because when I was growing up, I didn't really favor a particular type. I was kind of like, oh, this Pokemon looks cool. But then I started looking more at, like, the designs of them, the themes that go around them. I really like how a lot of, like, the endgame Legendary and Mythical Pokémon in the recent generations are all Dragon type in some degree. And I connect to that, like, I connect that to my friends, like, hey guys, you know, so like Ultra Necrozma and, like, Eternatus are all Dragon types, and like, you're onto something there.
David Hernandez:Yeah, dragon types have definitely had a lot of legendaries, for sure.
Kuixotic:Yeah, I just really like them, and it's like, the trainers are always fun too when it comes to Dragon type, I feel. I like that they all end up in some form or another having some sort of cape going on with them.
David Hernandez:it's part of the requirement of the dragon training. You have to wear a cape at some point. If you don't wear a cape, you're not really a dragon trainer.
Kuixotic:Truly, though. Or at least something that's long and flowing, because I don't think Drazen has a cape, but sure, if she has a dress, it's close enough.
David Hernandez:Yeah, it's kind of close. It's like two capes at once.
David Hernandez:I gotta ask this, so you mentioned, uh, Brilliant Diamond and, Shining Pearl. What did you think of the remake? Since you grew up on Gen 4, that was your first game. How did you like the remakes compared to the originals?
Kuixotic:Well, I know like a lot of people were kind of like trashing on them. I was fine with them, to be honest. It's like, I do wish that they kinda added more of the Underground's features. Like, I was really sorely missing the Underground's, like, Capture the Flag features and, like, the base traps that you could build. And I, I definitely missed the, uh, Wi Fi Plaza from Platinum. That was, like, an extremely high highlight for me when I was growing up. But as a like pure Diamond and Pearl remake, I think it was fun. It was more like a remaster than anything else in my eyes. But I like, I kind of wish that they added some details of Platinum, like some of the quality of life changes and like the storyline. But, can't win them all sometimes, I guess. We did get Legends Arceus out of it, so it's like, I'll take that.
David Hernandez:That's true. And then, going back to the capture the flag part, I only got the chance to play that with my friends and it was so much fun. And that's one thing I was looking forward to with the underground because I was like, this is perfect. Like when Gen 4 gets remake, it'd be perfect if they just do the underground, just like they did. Don't mess with it. But unfortunately they didn't bring the kid back to capture a flag. It would have been, I think, a very fun mini game, in my opinion.
Kuixotic:Yeah, as well as like the base decoration, I kind of felt a little miffed about that, considering all we have is just the statues, and it's like, I miss, you know, going to the department store in the game and buying plushies and decorations and all that.
David Hernandez:makes it your own space, right? You can decorate it, you have to buy some stuff from the store. That's what I enjoyed by ORAS, because ORAS actually kept to it, to where you can do the decorations, but unfortunately it just didn't transfer over for whatever reason to BDSP.
Kuixotic:Yeah, I think that was like my biggest gripe about anything in the game. I didn't even care about like, the chibi, overworld sprites or anything like that. I was like, man, why'd they mess with the underground like that?
David Hernandez:You know, after Gen 4, did you still play the series afterwards? Like, did you play Gen 5 and Gen 6? Like, how far did you keep playing Pokemon? I don't know.
Kuixotic:Oh yeah, I've still been playing since then. I did take a little break sometime around Gen 6. I don't remember getting those games right as they came out. I think I even got, Omega Ruby before I got, Y. But then after, after those two games, then I, got, Gen 7 as it came out, and I've been playing, like, steadily since then.
David Hernandez:When it comes to playing the Pokemon games, like how do you approach the game? Do you just go to finish the story to experience it? Do you shiny hunt? Like
Kuixotic:I'm mostly a storyline fiend. it's like, battle, I don't, it's whatever. I don't, I'm not really caring about that. Pokédex. I've never completed a single Pokédex in my life, and people ask me, Hey, you have the opposite version of me, you want to trade? I'm like, I'm not, I'm not hunting for exclusives, sorry. Just find somebody else to trade with, I'm not the person to go to.
David Hernandez:I probably only had the Pokemon you're looking for, to be honest.
Kuixotic:You're right.
David Hernandez:Well, what stories do you stick out to you from the ones you play? Like, what is some of your favorites that you enjoyed?
Kuixotic:hot take, but I really, really, really enjoyed Scarlet and Violet's storyline. A lot of people, Keep giving, like, you know, their grievances with the graphics and whatever. Me, personally, I grew up playing things on low poly settings anyway, so this is nothing new to me.
David Hernandez:You were an Wow.
Kuixotic:the game froze, and I'm just like, listen, Final Fantasy couldn't even run on my computer. Without the audio distorting and not even loading, a frame per second. This is nothing for me. guys are weak. Oh
David Hernandez:Get good. What was it about the Scarlet and Violet story that you enjoyed?
Kuixotic:the ending in the Zero Lab was just peak for me. I really liked how you're able to blend, the synergy with all of your considered rival characters throughout the other storylines before going to the Zero Lab. Like, I know X and Y, they did try to have, like, the multiple, rival situation going on. It didn't really work out. hit as well. And Black and White kind of tried it. They didn't really like, go too deep into it. From what I remember, I haven't replayed in a while, so I could be speaking out of my ass from that point.
David Hernandez:Okay, fair enough.
Kuixotic:But I really did like how, um, Gen 9, they kind of just combined all the storylines and made like, something out of it at the very end for, the battle with the Professor. And it's like, yeah, you could see it coming. They already put the hints down that they've passed on, but it's like, You don't really get to hear that in a Pokemon game, that they say outright that somebody just fucking died, let alone 2A Pokemon.
David Hernandez:I mean, you bring up a good point because I remember X and Y and that was my biggest grout because there was a lot of text with all friendship and everything that it kind of got choppy. And, you know, with Scarlet and Violet, we had the battle with, uh, Nimona. We had the storyline with, Arvin. trying to heal his Pokemon. And then you were trying to, you know, complete the league. Yeah. And you have all this stuff coming together, and they kind of really tied it in, you know, graphics aside, they really all tied it in, and it was all kind of very thematic, kind of cool them all come together. Oh, and then Team Star, how could I forget Team Star?
Kuixotic:Oh, absolutely, with that banger of a battle theme, too.
David Hernandez:Oh my gosh, that's probably one of my favorite themes outside of Team Plasma. Team Plasma, and that one's at least number one and two.
Kuixotic:It's like, I don't usually go back and listen to music from the games themselves, but the Sadaturo battle, that is a theme that I constantly loop at any given point of the day. because I do know, like, of course, it had Toby, like, Toby Fox's hand played into it, Everyone knows him for his Undertale motifs and how he spread, like, the different themes across the soundtrack, and it's like, you hear one thing and you're like, oh, that's referencing this other part. And then just hearing him do that again for Scarlet and Violet and being like, oh, the Terra battle theme is in here. Oh, this kinda, this kinda hurts a little bit. speaking of that, I did really like Era Zero in itself. I liked how it was kinda built up the entire game. And then you're finally able to go into it, and it's just, like, a time capsule of complete, like, untouched. There's nothing there aside, like, wild Pokemon that you haven't even seen people have yet. And it's like, I just really like the atmosphere that they built with Area 0. I don't like it. quite recall them doing anything like that with anything else. Like, I know we had, like, specific locations, like, the distortion world in Gen 4, or like, um, the ultra, like, what is it? Ultra Necropolis? Is that it?
David Hernandez:Yeah, the ultra I know you're talking about Pokemon Sun and Moon or
Kuixotic:Yeah, where, wherever you, wherever you fight in Ultra Necrozma, those, like, hidden locations, I really enjoyed those. I really liked how they still kept it mysterious, too, because there's, like, a lot of, Parts in Area Zero that no one really knows what's going on with them, like the cave that you can get, um, Roaring Moon, and I want to say the Paradox Gardevoir Glade. Like that hidden cave, there's like a whole like intricate marking on the floor or something. Nobody knows what's going on with that. Then there's the plaque that's about a little bit before you hit the crystals on the bottom floor, and it's like Nobody knows what's going on with that either, there's no story hints or anything regarding those. So it's kind of like, we're still having that mystery. We're probably not going to be able to revisit it, But kind of like having those still there, it's I like that. I like having the loose ends, personally.
David Hernandez:so as we keep moving forward, you also run a blog called Doc and Ass Blog on Tumblr. How has Pokemon been able to kind of influence, you know, you and your artistic creativity?
Kuixotic:Oh man, I've, I didn't realize how long I've been drawing until I kind of looked back. I was like, I started drawing like seriously when I was like 14 and I think about like, Yeah, that's, that's, that's pretty young. that's a long time.
David Hernandez:It's been a few years, yeah.
Kuixotic:Yeah, like I would collect the cards for the art. Like, I never learned how to play game.
David Hernandez:Oh, so you try to like, draw the art of the cards, basically? Oh,
Kuixotic:That's what I used to do in order to practice drawing. Yeah.
David Hernandez:that's fun. do you remember any Pokemon cards that you remember trying to draw?
Kuixotic:I feel like there's one that was like an Entei card from a long while back that it was like part of like a multi art piece that it had Entei and then the foreground you can see like a couple of Tauros and a Tauros was part of that on that same set. And then there was one of the, uh, I think a Darkrai level X card, when they were still doing level X. Like, I still have all my cards from back then, and I have like my promos in a binder that I keep close by. it really did influence a lot of like how I tried to draw. I didn't really have much of a fandom experience outside of Pokemon, I would say. Nothing really caught my attention, nothing, there wasn't really any community that I could get myself into as like a 12, 13 year old in the wild west of the internet before it became what it is now. So it was like, I would draw, I used to post on DeviantArt when I had one. I would build community there. I had Tumblr beforehand and I was like, you know what? Let me try an art Tumblr, let me just see what's going on. And I think I started that blog in 2019. But it didn't really take off until the pandemic hit because everyone else was also at home with nothing else to do. So that's when things started moving.
David Hernandez:I feel like everybody dived into some either art activity or got into very more artistic adventures during that pandemic, for sure.
Kuixotic:Oh, yeah, and I was working at the same time too. So I was like, I needed an outlet.
David Hernandez:Were you an essentials, what they call it, an essential worker at the time?
Kuixotic:A quote unquote essential worker. I'm like, I don't know how much essential work I can do. Putting up stock in a convenience store pharmacy. So yeah,
David Hernandez:I'm still waiting. So, but anyway, you're saying, so when you were 14, you were trying to draw Pokemon cards and how did you can progress to what you do now? Like it just kept trying to improve and stuff like that.
Kuixotic:yeah, like back in the day Like I would say 14 is like when I started taking my art seriously, of course, I was drawing beforehand But I was kind of like la di da a little doodle on a notebook piece of paper have it stored somewhere. I don't wanna wear but But back then that was when I was really like, okay. I want to get better. I want to learn more But I never was the type to, um, like, study, like, anatomy books, or, like, I didn't take art classes, really, in high school, or, like, any schooling in general. I just I knew the basics. But the cards and seeing, like, how different artists did what they did to represent the same Pokémon, because there's so many different cards out there, and so many different artists, they have the same renditions of different Pokémon, that it's, like, Oh, I like how they did the colors on this one. I like how this one looks like a paint, like, it was painted. I like how This one's 3D, and things like that. So it just kind of progressed from there, and I, just kind of like started daydreaming as most kids do. And I was, I just kind of like, you know what, I want to make my own little thing using this series that I really like, and tying in things that matter to me.
David Hernandez:Well, Kuixotic, thank you for coming on the podcast before we go and ask this final question. And because dragon type Pokemon, your favorite Pokemon, I want you to give me a team of six dragon Pokemon you would use in a Pokemon battle.
Kuixotic:Ooh, okay. off the top of my head, Neuvern's gonna be one of them for sure. because I want to be that asshole. Mega Rayquaza.
David Hernandez:There you go.
Kuixotic:The one Pokemon that had to have its own tier for competitive. Just the Mega Rayquaza, anything goes
David Hernandez:Anything goes, yeah.
Kuixotic:all right, there's Neuvern. Rayquaza. I really do like Reshiram. I feel like I'm a very unfair gym leader at this point. Not even gym leader material there.
David Hernandez:say, I didn't even say Jim Lee, I just somebody was gonna
Kuixotic:Oh, battle theme?
David Hernandez:Yeah. So if they don't wanna, yeah, you try to teach them not to mess with you, basically.
Kuixotic:As long as there's no fairies, then I'm good. So, let's see. Noviern, Rayquaza, Reshiram. Garchomp. I do love me a I'd probably say Koma O. I think that one can be useful, or at least good for punches. And I gotta go classic Dragonite.
David Hernandez:course. You can't leave out the classics.
Kuixotic:Absolutely not. I need that Hyper Beam and a Draco Meteor to be sure.
David Hernandez:Let's go. All right. I'm down quick side. Thank you for coming on as the pokeball turns before you go. If people want to connect with you, if they want to check out your artwork and they go by all means, please plug away.
Kuixotic:so you guys can find me on, as Quixotic on BlueSky. I'm starting to post a little more on there. Tumblr, same name. I think I have a pinned post with all my different blogs on there. So it's like, I have a writing blog there, I have an art blog that I update religiously at the moment. Getting an update like every day, Tuesdays to Fridays. those are really my only spots, yeah.