As The Pokeball Turns
Imagine a Pokemon interview podcast where every episode dives into personal stories of Pokemon Trainers like YOU.
From picking your first starter Pokemon, meeting lifelong friends, to epic Pokemon Battles, we explore the highs, lows, and unforgettable moments that make Pokemon a lifelong passion that drives us to become the best like no one ever was.
If you're ready for heartfelt moments, surprising insights, and the ultimate celebration of Pokemon, this Pokemon podcast is your next adventure!
More people. More stories. And more Pokemon!
As The Pokeball Turns
TRAINER'S EYE #115 - "Winging It With Shiny Dunsparce" ft. LadyDunsparce
In this Pokemon interview, we are joined by LadyDunsparce, a Pokemon Trainer who is the self-proclaimed, "Maddest Partier in the game" on Twitch.
LadyDunsparce shares her initial experience starting with a family member who claimed she couldn't play games due to her gender. With determination, LadyDunsparce dived head first into the world of Pokemon starting with Pokemon Silver. During her time in Pokemon Silver, she discovered what would now be her favorite Pokemon in a Dark Cave east of Violet City!
LadyDunsparce's journey with Pokemon continue throughout the generations, eventually leader her to the Pokemon TCG. Initially diving into the Pokemon TCG through a prior relationship, LadyDunsparce took a long departure before returning to the card game with her husband.
Finally, we test LadyDunsparce's Pokemon knowledge with a game of "What's That Pokemon?"
Opening Song: "Forget You" by Alex_MakeMusic from Pixabay
Connect with LadyDunsparce: MediaKit
Connect with David Hernandez: Linktree
E-mail Me: asthepokeballturnspodcast@gmail.com
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I'm Lady Dunsparce, and this is my Pokemon story.
This is the um, uh, Um, Uh, transcript.
David Hernandez:Welcome to, as the Pokeball turns, where we interview people about their experience with Pokemon. My name is David Hernandez. Today, I'm joined by Lady Dunsparce. Lady Dunsparce, welcome to the show.
LadyDunsparce:Thank you so much for having me on and inviting me!
David Hernandez:and I love, you know, the first thing I told you when I reached out to you is I love your little avatar with the Dunsparce. It has the sunglasses. And, I'm assuming Dunsparce is your favorite Pokemon. But I want to get your thoughts first on its evolution, the Dunsparce. What are your thoughts? Like, are you happy that Dunsparce finally got the evolution? Were you expecting something different? I
LadyDunsparce:absolutely! Uh, so Po Dunsparce has always been my number one favorite Pokemon and, I almost didn't believe the leaks when they were coming out, with all of the what we were planning to see in Paldeia. I think there was a lot of, hype, like Dunsparce is going to become this massive dragon, but there's something I love about the fact that the evolution is simple, right? All due Dunsparce really is, is more of itself, and to me, that's just like a beautiful metaphor, like, sometimes you don't need to, have this big, crazy evolution. Sometimes, really, all you need is to be more true to you and be more of you, and that, to me I can relate to that so much.
David Hernandez:feel like I want to end the episode on that note. That's actually a very good way to end the episode. Thank you guys for listening. That's an episode, but, but it's so true though, right? Cause Dunsparce is a very simple Pokemon. I remember it debuted back in gen two and it was very hard to find, but I always kind of liked the, just quirkiness, I guess, for lack of a better word And that's what I've always loved about it. And, you know, unfortunately it was forgettable, but thankfully it's kind of cut a little bit of a return of popularity of, so you will.
LadyDunsparce:Yeah, I mean, there is a cult following, I think, of Dunsparce lovers all over my social medias. I mean, the people that love Dunsparce are like devoted fans and I mean, they're all just as fun and quirky as Dunsparce and as I am and it's, it's such a great community. I remember, like, when I found The first game I played was Pokemon Silver. When I found it for the first time in that dark cave, I was just so excited because it wasn't a, it wasn't a Geodude or a Zubat. Um, but I was like, it's just a cute little sleepy guy with wings. I mean, it was just super, super cute.
David Hernandez:So, um, you said silver was your first game. So what was it like to, get into Pokemon's, you know, starting with those games.
LadyDunsparce:Well, it was kind of crazy, um, every summer my family would go, uh, visit, we'd have kind of like a family vacation with my grandparents. And I remember my cousin with his Game Boy Color was incredibly stingy. He told me I wasn't even allowed to watch whatever he was playing because I was a girl. And I was like, Oh my gosh. And I remember I told my mom, I said, I want whatever he is playing so I can prove to him that girls can play it too. Now, and now that I love Pokemon so much, I don't think, my cousin, uh, may he rest in peace, I think that he is laughing from a better place, at the fact that this thing that he said was not for girls is now something that I have made a part of my everyday life.
David Hernandez:It's made your whole not personality, but you basically make content around. It's almost become your life.
LadyDunsparce:Oh yeah, it's, it's become such a, such a special part of, like, my day. Every day.
David Hernandez:So, you know, you know, your cousin's like, Oh, you know, this isn't for girls. So eventually I'm guessing silver is your first game to Pokemon. Did you have any like expectations or did you even know what Pokemon was when you got the game?
LadyDunsparce:No, not really. I might have seen an episode of the anime, just like as a cartoon, but I had very low expectations. I mean, I had no expectations of what I was playing. I was just walking around. I remember I got Cyndaquil as my first starter Pokemon, and I didn't understand that giving it a nickname would stick with it. So, my original Cyndaquil is named Cyndaquil. Um, I thought I had to rename it. So, just little things like that still make me laugh. but yeah, I was just trying my best with this game. I had a, I just had an absolute blast, Playing it on car on all those long car rides to family vacations and, um, anytime that I, you know, could go down through the covers with the little Game Boy Color light.
David Hernandez:that's a throwback right there.
LadyDunsparce:I know I might have just aged myself.
David Hernandez:the kids don't know the struggle of you being under covers and you're like looking for any kind of light, whether it be the light or maybe, uh, for me, I looked at the, you know, the overhead lights off the street, trying to see if I can see it so well. And I probably hurt my eyes a little bit doing that,
LadyDunsparce:It's like, I'm so excited every time we hit a gas station because yes, that's five minutes of playtime.
David Hernandez:So, you know, you play Pokemon silver, how did your Pokemon journey progress after that? Did you like stick with the franchise? Gen three, Gen four.
LadyDunsparce:I played every single one of the games. I played Sapphire version, I got Emerald, Went on to Diamond, and I just kind of went through the entire progression. About where the 3DS came in, uh, I kind of fell off. I actually, never finished the Alolan game, so I'm not a hundred percent sure what the story is with all of the Ultra Beasts. I didn't get the 3DS at the time that the games came out. I kind of like lived vicariously through everybody else. but when the Sword and Shield came out on the Nintendo Switch, it was, the Quickest like 300, what, 350 I think I've spent. I was, I was so excited to get back into the games. And I think that my love for it just kind of like came back through the pandemic when I started to have some time as an adult to truly enjoy the games.
David Hernandez:That's the best part about Pokemon is how it brings different people together. you know, for me growing up as mostly guys, and then I was kind of the lone Pokemon person who liked it. And then I met other friends and that's kind of the fun part about Pokemon is we all kind of. Come together. We all have our own different experiences. We all have our own favorite Pokemon, our own stories from our own adventures. And that's what I love about this franchise the most.
LadyDunsparce:I think, Scarlet and Violet kind of hit the nail on the head with that ultimate treasure hunt idea. That everybody's journey and everybody's final destination and everybody's goals are so dramatically different with this game. And when we have So many different avenues. We have the TCG, we have Scarlet and Violet. We've got all of the retro GameCube, Nintendo 64 games. We've got all of these old school, just silver, gold, ruby, uh, red and blue. The fact that everybody can kind of have their own journey of however they want to play this game is just amazing and beautiful.
David Hernandez:So you said you started with Gen 2, you stopped around Gen 6. Do you have a particular favorite generation that you kind of drew you got drawn into?
LadyDunsparce:Well, I think Gen 2 was definitely my favorite. there was so much content packed into that first game and I think I was a Boiled, kind of with that Gen 2, because in the original Silver, Gold, Crystal, you played through the 8 Gems and the Elite 4, and then you went back to the Kanto region, and you played through those 8 Gems, their Elite 4, so it was kind of almost like 2 games in
David Hernandez:Right, right. And then plus you had the Mount Silver, which is the ultimate battle against your old, well I guess, I don't know if old would be like new for you, but it'd be like the original character from Red, Blue, and Yellow, which is kind of like the cherry on top.
LadyDunsparce:Oh, yeah, I mean, and that was a crazy tough battle. I didn't, I mean, little, little me did not know the lore of that one. I just knew that it was the hardest battle I'd ever fought at that
David Hernandez:Right, Right, Now, did you, what did you think of the remakes when they came out with HeartGoldSoulSilver?
LadyDunsparce:Liked, I liked them. Um, the Nintendo DS, um, I don't have a strong of a memory because I had so much else going on at the same time. I think, that was about the time that I was studying in college, trying to get through my studies. So it wasn't as significantly strong a part of my life. I did play through those games and I Remember feeling that same kind of nostalgia. especially because I think HeartGold and SoulSilver was, 2D, right?
David Hernandez:Yes.
LadyDunsparce:yeah, so it was a very, it was kind of like seeing, seeing that original world in color again. so unfortunately, unfortunately my memories with the HeartGold and SoulSilver are not as strong as that original memory. I did like that the boxes were easier to navigate though. That was a pain.
David Hernandez:that's life
LadyDunsparce:That was a pain in the original games.
David Hernandez:Yeah, it was life changing. That's what I've always loved about the games. Cause it was for me, it was a revisit for Jodo. You got to see updated pixels and they had a lot more fleshed out to the game. So. it was just fun to kind of go back to Johto region. Although I still haven't beaten Red.
LadyDunsparce:The original Red?
David Hernandez:In general, I've never beaten Red. That's one of the few things I've not done as a Pokémon trainer.
David Hernandez:Yeah, I think the original, I think I just, it's when I think Gen 3 came out and I got attracted with that. HeartGold, SoulSilver, I never just went back to beat them because you had to have Rock Climb, and I just didn't like ATMs also for them at that point. So yeah, it's one of the few things I've not done yet.
LadyDunsparce:Well, those cave mazes in those original games were no joke. I mean, those were really, really tough. And I mean, I would assume that you were probably pretty young trying to navigate those.
David Hernandez:I was. And I was also very stupid as well, so.
LadyDunsparce:I was unprepared for those
David Hernandez:was yeah, I was not prepared at all. Especially the ice cave. The ice cave is always one that sticks with me. after you battle Price, I think, and you try to get to Blackthorn.
LadyDunsparce:Oh my gosh, yes. I remember going through that cave over and over. Like, going, there was one, corner, and all of the Sneasels were there. And I remember just, I could not figure that one out. I would always like, hand my game to my mom's like, help me, please. I'm tired of seeing Sneasel. Uh, well, it
David Hernandez:I want to get out of this ice cave. Well, you eventually dive into Pokemon TCG, what got you into the card games or is that something you got into early on?
LadyDunsparce:kind of randomly happened. Um, I started dating somebody when I was in college and they were very, very into the Pokemon TCG, him and his roommate. And just as a way to kind of connect with the two of them, I mean, I did everything I could to learn those decks from, I think it was the XY era. I did everything I could. I was playing so much in that time. learning how the game worked. that relationship eventually ended and as did my gameplay journey for several, several years. And I remembered when the pandemic hit, my husband and I were sitting in the house and I'm thinking, you know, I had a lot of fun playing the Pokemon TCG with them. maybe my husband would enjoy this too. So we bought the, world championship decks, which were way way complicated for us, getting back into the game. But we opened up this World Championship Dex to learn how to play, we started opening cards, and then we just started building stuff, and like, just trying out the game with, Pokemon that we really liked. I was playing with, Sandacond and he was playing with Milotic. Our first decks were very Not very good, but we were having a blast with each other just playing the game and it kind of brought back the simplicity of like having no responsibilities for me. Um, where I could play Pokemon TCG three hours a day, you know, that didn't have anything else. I didn't have bills, no, job, just had to think. Study every now and then, but it was cool to bring my husband into that space. And he was nothing but, encouraging and excited. I mean, he has been playing with me since we started like around the pandemic time.
David Hernandez:Oh, that's awesome. So do y'all both go like go to leagues or y'all just, it's kind of like a date night kind of thing.
LadyDunsparce:Well, we go to the, we go to some regional events, uh, which are crazy, overwhelming, over 2, 000 people playing and you're playing against like not eight to nine random strangers. so we've done that. we actually went to a pre release so we, uh, kind of had these pre constructed kits so that we could test out the new cards, start seeing what they're like. And that's just like a cool experience. We make a whole day of it. We go to our favorite Mexican place and we just have a blast.
David Hernandez:I gotta ask this, what's your Metskin dish when you go?
LadyDunsparce:Oh, I always get the enchiladas.
David Hernandez:you can't go out with enchiladas. At least you hope not. But, is the experience like to kind of go in person? Because, you know, Pokemon, the video games, is primarily online. unless, you got people coming over, maybe. But, you know, Pokemon TCG is very more go in person. You get people who play the card game. Is it kind of a different experience when you go to say like, you know, opening or regionals?
LadyDunsparce:so playing online, the most you see from your opponent is maybe like a little passive aggressive emoji in the left hand side of the screen. there's no chat, there's no way to really interact with your opponent, outside of that. Whereas, you know, you're actually talking to these people, having full conversations, asking about like their own Pokemon journey, uh, what led them to that point, how long they've been playing. And it's really cool. You get to meet so many different and unique personalities.
David Hernandez:And like, how do you, do you also collect the cards I assume? And you'd like, do you have like specific sets you'd like to look at? Are you trying to complete?
LadyDunsparce:I think everybody's collection journey is a little bit different. For me, I've, I've, I've, Like to get a bunch of the Pokemon I like, obviously. I have every single Dunsparce card, that exists. There are some other ones, I really like Cramorant, so I've been trying to collect all the Cramorants, and then, I think it was 2014, 2015, there was a set that, It's all cutesy Pokemon with like, little bows and like, heart eyes and things like that. I've been trying to collect that set. It's called the Radiant Collection. like, in no world is Stunfisk cute, right? but, in this particular set, there is, Stunfisk that's making like a little kissy face. And there are little pink hearts all the way around him. And I'm like, I don't know how you make Stunfisk cutesy. I'm not a fan of Stunfisk. but, whatever reason, in this, this specific card, it's the cutest little Stunfisk I've ever seen. Ha ha!
David Hernandez:it's amazing what Pokemon could do with some things.
LadyDunsparce:Yeah, it's like, how did, how did you make me, not think this Pokemon was just a flat earth pancake for five seconds? It's got some personality, it wants to give me a little kiss on the cheek, it's just a little sweetie pie.
David Hernandez:Oh, an example would be cutiefly because it's a mosquito and, you know, here where I'm from, you know, we hate mosquitoes, but Pokemon makes a very cute mosquito.
LadyDunsparce:Yeah, just give it big eyes and a little scarf, right?
David Hernandez:that the secret? Is that the secret of the Pokemon? Just gives anything cute eyes.
LadyDunsparce:I think so. I think that's gotta be the secret. I mean, let's see Groudon. Can we, can Pokemon give us like a cute Groudon? Like, let's give it like a little, little girly pop nails and like big eyes.
David Hernandez:Look, if somebody's listening to this and they're very good at Photoshop, do that. Tag me or Lady Dunsparce, because I love to see that. I'm okay with Photoshop, but I'm not on that level. So if somebody's listening to this, do it.
LadyDunsparce:Let's see cutie girly pop Groudon. I wanna see it.
David Hernandez:Well, you know, going back to the franchise, you know, you talked about how, you Play Pokemon Scarlet and Violet and you play in, um, Sword and Shield, you know, what's your way to play those games? Like, are you competitive? Do you like the shiny hunt?
LadyDunsparce:So in Scarlet and Violet, my favorite thing to do is Shiny Hunt. I think that there's something fun about finding the thing that's hard to find. It's, I mean, that's, that's why there's so many of these worse Waldo books, right? They they know, we never find Waldo. It's like shiny Pokemon. I never find the shiny. But there's something so much fun. There's so much fun in finding the shiny. so I, I absolutely love doing the shiny hunting because it's amazing to find the thing that's kind of abnormal in the normalcy of the
David Hernandez:Mm hmm. Do you have like a favorite particular favorite shiny Pokemon or some memorable hunts that you've done before?
LadyDunsparce:Yeah. So if you're looking at my logo, my favorite Pokemon in the world is shiny
David Hernandez:There's no way that could be possible. I never would have guessed that.
LadyDunsparce:I mean, even the pink glasses, I mean, I'm wearing them right now. So we, we match, of course I'm going to match my favorite Pokemon.
David Hernandez:you're deep into this. I like it.
LadyDunsparce:I also really love Shiny Cyclozar. I have a little crested gecko named Luna. And Shiny Cyclozar looks just like my little lizard Luna. I would say, though, my most memorable Shiny hunt. You would think it's the 3 segment Doudon Sparse. It's not. I got the 3 segment Doudon Sparse and 17 Doun Sparses.
David Hernandez:It's pretty good.
LadyDunsparce:The most memorable was Sandy Shox. The Skydee Sandy Fox, I will tell you for like the better part of like two years, I was pretty sure it wasn't real. I probably did like 20, 25 separate 30 minute hunts for the thing. And, one day, on the show that I do with my friend Goodra for the win, I found it. And I don't think I've ever thrown a Master Ball faster in my life. I said, there is no Pokemon that deserves this more. So, I mean, finding that shiny sandy shocks. I mean, I would dress up on stream as shiny sandy shocks because I was so sure that I wasn't going to find it.
David Hernandez:would you how would you dress up as Sandy Shocks? I'm curious.
LadyDunsparce:uh, so, okay, so I would wear like black long sleeves. I had like this gold, like, overlay, like, vest thing. Sandy Shox has, like, little cat eye makeup. So I would have, like, the little cat the little purple cat eyes going on, and I'd put rhinestones all over my face, and of course, Sandy Shox is a ponytail. So I would do the ponytail, too.
David Hernandez:That
LadyDunsparce:It's full on cosplay! Full on cosplay!
David Hernandez:I guess that makes sense. I mean, I never would have thought that that could be a possible cosplay, but I could see that actually.
LadyDunsparce:It was subtle. Be the shiny Pokemon you want to find. Internalize it!
David Hernandez:Yeah. Well, it reminds me of this is a Pokemon Go. Originally, I had a Hundo Lugia a long time ago, run for me. And I always remembered, I was like, Oh, I really wish I had that Hundo. And then me and my friends would go and do shadow raids in the game. And all of a sudden I get a Hundo Shadow Lugia. And I'm like, not today. I throw my master ball. Cause I'm not going to try to chase this thing ever again. I'm done with Lugia.
LadyDunsparce:Yes! Yes! Balance was restored that
David Hernandez:It wasn't slept good tonight. I slept good that night.
LadyDunsparce:There's something magical about those
David Hernandez:It was, it was, it felt so nice, but What made you want to start streaming on Twitch?
LadyDunsparce:My husband was doing a little bit of streaming and I thought, this could be, uh, just a fun way, you know, I'm already playing these games, I might as well just, like, try TwiC and see how I'm feeling. And, it's been, it's been quite a long journey so far. I've had my, Ups, I've had my downs, the days that I'm feeling, amazing, like, I just don't want to stop streaming, and I've had some days of complete discouragement, But I've met so many amazing people through Twig that have just, they've just come randomly into my chat, And the people that I've raided, I mean, some of those people are now my closest friends. The people that, you know, when I have those insane, awesome victories in my life, they're the first people I want to share that with. And just building that community has meant the world to me.
David Hernandez:How important are they? Both your community and the people you've met have been with your Pokemon journey so far.
LadyDunsparce:They've been so supportive and encouraging. And whenever, whenever I'm feeling like a little bit blue, I can always count on someone to say, Hey, let's play some games. Hey, let's do a shiny hunt. And they don't realize how much that means the world to I
David Hernandez:I had to pay rent or mortgage. Let's do some shiny hunting. Cause I need to get over this.
LadyDunsparce:I, it's like, uh, bills, uh, had a hard day teaching class. I had a student misbehave. I need, come on, let's get that. Let's get that dopamine hit with the shiny Evie on Scarlet and Violet.
David Hernandez:I feel like Twitch is kind of like our current generation of going to the bar except it's cheaper and a lot less social, I guess,
LadyDunsparce:I would, I would, uh, I mean, this might be a bold claim, but I would venture to say probably less expensive too.
David Hernandez:You talked about how you started shining showdown with a friend called Gujra FTW. for those who don't know, could you like explain what it is?
LadyDunsparce:Yeah, I've been friends with Goodra for the win for ten years. I met him in college. He was actually one of the people that taught me how to play the Pokemon TCG. he was such a very, very good friend in that, like, period of my life. One of my closest friends through college. And, life happens, you know, we move, start, you know, he starts family, I get married, and, During the pandemic, we reconnected just randomly, started talking about the Pokemon TCG again when my husband started playing, and we were on Twitch and we were like, do you wanna, do you wanna go live? We can shiny hunt together. And that was the first, like, conversation we'd had in a super, super long time. We just, it just kind of flowed naturally doing the shiny hunts together on Twitch. So, he'd come up with this. Concept called Zero to Hero, where the idea is someone who knows nothing about VGC, would gradually learn how the VGC worked week by week, and he would essentially kind of coach them through that, and he wanted me to kind of be that student. but after our shiny hunt, we said, We need to incorporate this as a part of that concept. So shiny showdown was born. we decided, okay, the fair thing to do was he is going to pick a sandwich that we're going to hunt. I'm going to pick one. And then we're going to let like something random decide what that third sandwich is going to be. And from there, every single Pokemon we catch through those three sandwiches, we prepare for a VGC battle. And you learn so much as you progress with these unconventional Pokemon. You're not playing with the Urshifus and the, Calyrex is you're playing with Probopass and Sandy Shox and Cyclozar. These Pokemon that, um, I don't think are going to be winning a regional anytime soon personally,
David Hernandez:not. Yeah.
LadyDunsparce:but it's a blast to figure out how they work together. and then finding that one unique thing, finding that Sandy Shox, finding that Probopass, finding all of those Unique Pokemon and trying to piece the puzzle pieces together. So it's an ongoing battle. I'm the antagonist. I'm the, I'm the, Barry character. I, I'm like just trying my best, hoping that I win a battle.
David Hernandez:Oh my gosh. Well, lady Dunsparce, you know, thank you for coming on the show. I do have one last segment before we close this interview. We'll I want to play a game and it's called what's that Pokemon. It's where there are 1000 Pokemon, but the only one that matters is the one I'm thinking about. What you have to do is you have to guess which Pokemon I'm thinking about. You have 10 questions you can ask in a yes or no format. After you ask your 10 questions, you have to guess which Pokemon I'm thinking about based on the information you gathered.
LadyDunsparce:Ooh, okay. I think I am ready to go.
David Hernandez:All right, lady done. Sparse. What's going to be your first question?
LadyDunsparce:So I've got to, I've got, I've got to be thoughtful with these questions. I've got to get the most information and the least amount of questions. It's a lot of pressure. Okay, my first quest skin. Is this Pokemon's number lower than 494?
David Hernandez:Oh, is this Pokemon thinking of below the Pokedex number of 494? That's your question. It is below 494.
David Hernandez:We're on question number two,
LadyDunsparce:Okay. I'm over here like, okay. I feel like this is like, um, the equivalent of, you're asking a genie for a wish but you've got to, like, there's always a caveat to the wish, right? So I've gotta,
David Hernandez:I wish you I wish I wish I had eternal life. OK, but you won't have your skin.
LadyDunsparce:This is exactly how I'm feeling right now! Um, Okay, I still have nine questions. So,
David Hernandez:You still got plenty of questions to ask.
LadyDunsparce:okay. I'm like, I don't know if a compound kind of question counts either because the way I'm thinking about wording this question is a compound one. Um, like the question I'm thinking, like, this Pokemon get something special in a later gen like Gigantamax, Mega Evolution? Um, What's the, what's the other thing I'm thinking of here? I think that, I think that's the question I'm asking. Okay. My question is, uh, did this Pokemon get, did this Pokemon get a regional form?
David Hernandez:Did the Pokemon I'm thinking of get a regional form? It did not get a regional form.
LadyDunsparce:Okay. No regional form.
David Hernandez:We're on question number three.
LadyDunsparce:Okay. I will try to make them a little less convoluted than what I just asked.
David Hernandez:actually had worse convoluted ones. That's actually not a bad one, so you're okay.
LadyDunsparce:Okay. Question number three. Is this Pokemon a legendary slash mythical Pokemon? Yes.
David Hernandez:Is this Pokemon I'm thinking of a legendary or mythical Pokemon? That's your question?
David Hernandez:It is not a legendary or mythical Pokemon. Wrong. Question number four,
LadyDunsparce:Okay, hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm, I should ask, does this Pokemon have wings?
David Hernandez:is the Pokemon thinking of have wings? That's your question.
David Hernandez:It does have wings.
LadyDunsparce:it does have wings,
David Hernandez:Wrong. Question number five,
LadyDunsparce:okay? See, I could ask things like, I feel like some of the, some of the questions I'm thinking here are kind of like, odd. Um, does this Pokemon have a dual typing?
David Hernandez:is the Pokemon thinking of have a dual typing? It is not dual type. So just go over your choices real quick. It is below Pokédex number 494. It did not get a regional form. It's not a legendary or mythical Pokemon. It does have wings and it's not dual type. Question number six
LadyDunsparce:Alright, question Pokemon evolve?
David Hernandez:does the Pokemon I'm thinking of evolve? it does evolve. We're on question number seven.
David Hernandez:We're getting close.
LadyDunsparce:I know. Okay, this is going to be like a real specific question here. Does this Pokemon have stripes anywhere on its body?
David Hernandez:Is the Pokemon I'm thinking of have stripes on its body? Is that your question?
David Hernandez:It Does have stripes.
David Hernandez:We're on question number 8.
LadyDunsparce:I'm over here like, is there a way that I can like, limit this? Limit this, Dex? I'm like, scrolling as fast as I can, like, screaming
David Hernandez:Going up and down. Ah, which one is it?
LadyDunsparce:My phone over here is like on fire trying to figure itself out. Okay, um, so, Has an evolution, has stripes, no regional form, It's not legendary and mythical, it is below one, or below 494 specifically. Not a dual type, it has wings, it has stripes. that dual type question really did narrow it down quite a bit. A lot of these Pokemon are dual types that I wasn't expecting here. Hmm. See, I could ask the question, So one thing I always ask on my Twitch channel, uh, when I'm shiny hunting, does it have paws? Does it have claws? And I say that a Pokemon either has paws or it has claws or fins. Or hands. Um, okay, let me just ask, does this Pokemon have paws?
David Hernandez:Is the Pokemon I'm thinking of have paws? Is that your question?
David Hernandez:It does not have pollen.
LadyDunsparce:No paws, but could have claws.
David Hernandez:We're on question number nine. Two more before you have to make a guess.
LadyDunsparce:Okay. Is this Pokemon, is this Pokemon's main color a primary color?
David Hernandez:It is a primary color. The last question before you have to guess.
LadyDunsparce:Okay, that actually did eliminate quite a few for me. Okay. All right, so my last question here is, is this Pokemon from the Hoenn region?
David Hernandez:Is the Pokemon I'm thinking of from the Hoenn region? For your final question, It is not from the Hoenn region.
David Hernandez:just for the audience, it is below Pokedex number 494. It did not get a regional form. It's not a legendary or mythical Pokemon. It does have wings. It is not a dual type. It does evolve. It does have stripes. It does not have paws. it's main body is a primary color and it's not from the Hoenn region. Lady Dunsparce, what is your guess?
LadyDunsparce:I, I think it has to be Dunsparce.
David Hernandez:it is Dunsparce! Uh
LadyDunsparce:me over here panicking. I, I mean, I've just gone through the Pokedex and I'm like, I was like, the only thing I can realistically maybe see is Porygon Z, but that's mostly blue and that wouldn't count either.
David Hernandez:uh, nope, but thank you for coming on. before you go. If people want to watch your content, they want to connect with you. Where can they go? By all means, please plug away.
LadyDunsparce:Yeah, if they want to give me a follow at twitch. tv slash ladydunsparce. I do primarily do the Pokemon TCG, but I do Scarlet and Violet shiny hunting. I've been venturing into Pokemon Go PVP so I do a lot of variety stuff. Stuff. So Twitch. TV slash Lady Dunsparce is the place to catch all of that live.
David Hernandez:Thank you for listening to As the Pokeball Turns. Follow all my socials and join our Discord community to stay connected by clicking any of the links in the description of this episode. Tune in next time for more episodes featuring more people, more stories, and more Pokemon. Until next time.