As The Pokeball Turns
Imagine a Pokemon interview podcast where every episode dives into personal stories of Pokemon Trainers like YOU.
From picking your first starter Pokemon, meeting lifelong friends, to epic Pokemon Battles, we explore the highs, lows, and unforgettable moments that make Pokemon a lifelong passion that drives us to become the best like no one ever was.
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As The Pokeball Turns
TRAINER'S EYE #114 - "A Volt Tackle Into Sinnoh" ft. TheStaticPikachu
In this Pokemon interview, we are joined by TheStaticPikachu, a Pokemon Trainer who participates in VGC and discovered his interest in Pokemon through Super Smash Bros.
TheStaticPikachu shares their initial entrance into the Pokemon franchise by using Pikachu as their main character and being enthralled by it's Volt Tackle Final Smash. Eventually this led to him diving into the anime and Pokemon video games, specifically Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.
TheStaticPikachu finishes the show off by sharing his favorite Pokemon and his hopes for the heavily anticipated Pokemon Z-A!
Opening Song: "Forget You" by Alex_MakeMusic from Pixabay
Connect with TheStaticPikachu: Twitch
Connect with David Hernandez: Linktree
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Hi, I'm TheStaticPikachu, and this is my Pokemon story.
This is the um, uh, Um, Uh, transcript.
David Hernandez:Welcome to as the pokeball turns where we interview people about their experience with Pokemon. My name is David Hernandez Today, I'm joined by the static Pikachu. Welcome to the show
TheStaticPikachu:Yeah, thank you so much even for like having me here. Honestly, super, super happy just to be talking to a lot of different people about the stuff that I really did, grow up with and super passionate about. So yeah, very happy to be here and very grateful for it. Yeah.
David Hernandez:Absolutely, and we were talking a bit before the show and how For us, it's about talking about a franchise. We enjoy Pokemon. We both come in from different angles, but I want to start out with your name. You know, clearly it's like Pikachu and it's the ability static. Is there deeper meaning behind it? Like why that name of, you know, out of anything for your username.
TheStaticPikachu:Like, it's really interesting because I remember I made it when I was like, 13. I don't think I thought of the ability, actually. Like, I remember, like, I almost tried to combine, like, my name with, like, two different things because I think I was either liking either Kirby at the time. Then I kind of said, like, you know, I don't know. Um, then I want to add it like the curvy pictures of my dad. But then I was like, no, no, no. I want to keep it just like one thing. Don't kind of like mix it up because it would have been like completely like weird. and then I remember I even kind of looked up like, what is like a really good thing that can kind of go with like electricity. And I remember that I kind of saw that it would be like no static and then like Later on, then I, realized that like, the ability also was that. So then like, even my thing on my, my, my channel, it would just be like, you know, I have like a Pikachu that will always have like static on it. because I definitely feel like it's my favorite game of all time. And I even actually played it initially through like the, um, super smash brothers series. So I kind of did like through like. Brawl, I kind of learned like, you know, the whole volt tackle like thing. And then I was like, you know what? I really want to actually like play the games. And then ever since then, like for a whole entire decade, I've just kind of like, you know, played the games after that. Really?
David Hernandez:So you're for, so sorry, she wasn't intentional. It's just happenstance cause you didn't know about the ability, but it's, so you say in first experience with Pokemon, I actually started with the smash brother series.
TheStaticPikachu:Yeah, because I kind of was playing, like, I think this thing called like subspace emissary. And then I just heard like some of the themes, like I heard, I think it was like the diamond pearl ballad and then the dude, dude, I was like, Oh my gosh, I freaking love like the music. Like I, cause I had no idea like where it was from. Right. So then it's like, it was interesting. Cause like my first. First experience of gen four was ironically like, brilliant diamond and, shining pearl, because a lot of people just kind of told me like, oh yeah, bro, like diamond pearls, really good. Platinum is also like really good. And I never kind of had an opportunity to really play. And I saw that they were actually making a remake. And then, um, I usually just kind of play BDSP, but I know like there might've been like, Oh yeah, it's not officially like me, but like game freak as well. But it didn't really matter to me because honestly I still want to, you know, have the experience of like trying to lead all the way up to like Cynthia. So yeah, that was kind of like my very, First experience of when I kind of actually saw Pikachu because I remember like, yeah, I remember I started where I kind of liked, Kirby, but then I saw that his smash ball just absolutely just freaking sucked. And I was like, I knew I liked, um, I want to be something small. Like, I knew, like, you know how my personality was. I did not want to be like a super loud, like, sore character. Like, I know that, like, So many people, I think just mean like link back in the day, or at least in like my summer camp. And then I just kind of saw like Pikachu. And I remember that I just love like his I just freaking loved it. And I remember like, it was so like impossible to like control. And then I like tech that stuff for like hours. Like I was like, Oh no, there's a way that you can control like volt tackle and then I would always play like on Pokemon stadium. I'm like, let me actually like play, uh, Some of the games that I remember, like it was like X and Y was my first one. So that was like 2013. I was like 11 years ago. Oh My gosh.
David Hernandez:God. Yeah. We're getting older, man.
TheStaticPikachu:Yeah. So I think my first was definitely X and Y and Y. I was so happy that they're making Pokemon Legends ZA off of X and Y. So that one's going to hit like really different because like I already love like Legends RSA so much. And when I kind of saw. You're making it for like my first ever game. Like, yeah, that just really excited me a lot.
David Hernandez:You know, just in regards to a bra, I remember, you know, using Pikachu's volt tackles going in circles. My main was actually Yoshi. Because I always played Yoshi since the original one. was just that quirky character because it's a very not, I guess, natural character to use. So it always threw people off when I used it because they're not used to facing somebody who actually knows how to not saying like I was the best, don't get me wrong, I could view the eggs and I just knew more of the hit boxes then it was because of the unfamiliarity of them facing the Yoshi main that really gave me more of a competitive edge than more so my skill base, I was the same way. Like, I didn't really want to do the sword characters, which are like Martha. And I think it was Ike. Or I didn't want to do like the big
TheStaticPikachu:Yeah, I don't want to like do Like I don't want to play this like that's the only reason why I never took like, Smash like super competitively and more like some of the mainline stuff because like I really did like a lot of the story Regarding like mainline because it just really hit to where my actual life was because I remember like, even like gen nine that might've came out like 2022, the DLC actually has something that was called, stellar Tara. And I love that because I remember like my mom told me when I was like, really, really young, it was like strive to be stellar, like never settle for like mediocrity. And I just remember like, it just. Really like hit diff and I just had such a high respect for like how much story and like mainline stuff usually occurs And it's why I just really like love the game. It's like such a deep point because it really almost always kind of is really good to kind of describe a little bit of kind of how my family works or just kind of like the things I just kind of grew up with so Yeah, I really liked the gen nine story I don't know why so many people just always talk about like the frames, stuff like that. I might do like, it's more than just like talking about frames, like it was just like, it was a really, really good story. Whenever I, when I played through it the first time, you know?
David Hernandez:let's talk about, you know, your introduction to Pokemon. You said it started with Brawl where you're playing Pikachu and got, admirated by the Volt Tackle, uh, Smash. And this eventually leads into you playing, Pokemon X and Y. Those are your first experience with Pokemon
TheStaticPikachu:Yes. Mm hmm.
David Hernandez:it like to kind of jump into that kind of first experience with Pokemon X or Y and the story and the Pokemon?
TheStaticPikachu:Oh yeah. So I remember like when I played like X and Y, like, it was like, I don't I think it was actually when I was doing Brawl Devil Tackle, then I actually started watching, um, the anime directly after that. I think it was like, there was this thing, called Boomerang that kind of showed a lot of like older, you know, Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, episodes. but it's so dope that like now, obviously on like their main Twitch channel, they just show like so much, like really good, like anime stuff. And I just really love this kind of seeing it. And then I don't know, I think, you know, it was just like at like a summer camp. And I just remembered it. Like I always told them like, yeah, dude, I freaking love watching this, man. It makes me so dope being like one of these like trainers, man. And then I don't, I don't know who it was. I just remember like this one person was like, Hey, you know, you, there's like games, right? Whaaaaat?! And I was like, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait there's games?! Like, really? And then like, And he's like, Yeah! Like, just try to buy like the one, I would say the latest one. Like he just said to buy the latest one. Because I didn't know, where to like start. And I was like, What was the latest one. And at that, time it was like X and Y and I just thought it was like the coolest thing. Like I was like looking at the end of it. I thought it was a show. I thought it was just ass. That was just like the people. And then when I kind of saw it, I'm like, wait, I can actually do that. And then I just remembered that. Like, I played, X, Y, and I just completely just like loved it so much. And I think that like, obviously now a lot of people probably tell me that X and Y was like a lot Easier than like a lot of other ones, because like, yeah, now that I know, like it came out, like directly after like black and white, like two, which was actually just seem to be like a very, very like, difficult game. it really kind of was a little bit easier to kind of jump into because of like megas and like how easy it was just to spam, like the, the mega button through my dude. But yeah, I remember like, yeah, my first ever, like starter was, Chespin. And I remember that, like, I just. And I think I just kept going with grass. And, so yeah, I definitely think X and Y was definitely very fun. The only thing that was actually very interesting, like when you're at a certain age, you might not like really understand the story too much. And I remember that, like when I kind of played through X and Y, like, I think again, for like two years ago or something like that, I started to realize there was actually so much. So much more story snippets that were in there, then you actually will notice like, there's like so much more like, almost, cause I never realized that like, when you were playing through X and Y, you saw the ultimate weapon, I don't know why I never thought that like, they would use the lies of the actual mons actually insane. Like, wait, what? Like X and Y was actually like a lot, like, darker than I guess you remember. Cause I think getting X and Y, like when you're like younger, you just play through it. You just beat the game, but you don't really look at like the really, um, minute details a lot I don't know, I feel like there's a lot of things in the game that really require like almost not really an adult brave. I mean, like even like the radar feature is very hard to like keep that, you know, like you have to like keep track of like being like four places away and like, you know, on the edge of the thingies and like all those different things are like we're like in a patch of grass, dude. Like it was actually pretty pretty difficult to kind of keep track of. Mm hmm.
David Hernandez:It is. And, and just on that note, you know, Pokemon has like the surface level, right, where you just see the cool animated battles, the power of friendship and all the stuff that, you know, you just kind Not notice if you're young or not aware, but what I've always loved is that there's always more beneath. If you really want to dig behind it, you mentioned how, you know, the big weapon, which is the main central story of Pokemon X and Y for me is always the mega evolution mechanic, because yes, you see this cool Pokemon, but when you read the lore behind most of the mega Pokemon, a lot of them are in pain. And for me, I'm hoping this explores an X, I'm sorry, Pokemon Z, a, I wonder if they're going to eventually explore, like, is it maybe ethical to put Pokemon through that pain? to get form. It's something I've always, I'm curious to see if Pokemon will address with it. I'm hoping they do. Now
TheStaticPikachu:Oh, yeah, I think that, it was interesting because I remember that I was kind of even watching a lot of different stuff where I would think a lot of YouTubers, or I don't really kind of like doing this, but I know that a lot of YouTubers use something called like, PK hex, where they quite literally would just like hack in certain things. They might put like, you know, mega evolutions, like perma mega evolutions, and I'm like, no, that's like. Actually, that's painful. Like, I feel like if you permanently stay in like mega, like that is actually very, very painful because I think it should only be for like a way to use a little bit of a power up like a battle. That's why I feel like I love mega so much because I you have a battle mode and you have like a regular mode where I think that's why I like X and Y and even Scarlet you have your bike mode for car ride on. You have like your. Battle mode and also even Tarapagos. I love it so much because it is legit a baby. If you look like watching this, like walk around, I'm like, Oh my gosh. And then like, if I like goes into battle, it goes into like that big, like terror shell thing. So I was like, I, I really do love that. I feel like that should always be like a mainstay thing. It's why, I always felt that I want to actually play the game. how it should be played kind of using the actual rank battle things in the game. because I know, cause a lot of times people don't usually do, comp because they always feel like, Oh yeah, there's like too much RNG, man. But I honestly feel like there's a lot of really good ways that are actually in the game that kind of mitigate a lot of RNG. and I feel like, yeah, I didn't want to actually go into like more of the hacking type of route, because I think I just valued the product too much. Like, I just remember like, um, I even kind of mentioned, but with the whole stellar Tara thing, and I can remember like, there was like this one, a Mars trial where it was like, I really felt like I was connecting to my dad because he loved to like be like an aviator. He loved to fly planes. We never got to fly. Got to, and the Mars trial legit was like you flying through like rings and I wanted to like show them a little bit. So it was like, I, yeah, I honestly value like the product a lot and I didn't want to really kind of do all the different stuff, but yeah, when you're talking about mega is like, they would, yeah, they would hack it to where like you might have probably six megas, like six entire megas at like one time. And I was like, no, like that, that doesn't feel moral at all. Because like, if something stays permanent mega, then it will feel like Pain, like all the freaking dime
David Hernandez:Pokemon X and Y your favorite generation, or did you find like other generations you enjoyed over it at some point?
TheStaticPikachu:Um, I feel like it, yeah, my favorite's not x and y even though it was my first. my favorite game of all time is definitely legend Darius. So it was interesting how I told you that my, then when I heard the music, uh, was it an emissary? Like the dude, dude, dude, like remember I heard that. Um, yeah. Gen four is my favorite gen. I think Sinnoh is so freaking good. Like it's really, really good. I feel like I was either kind of debating between either four or like even seven. Cause ironically I knew a lot of people didn't really like lakes on a moon. I liked how they introduced this really unique thing of like top booze and like, I feel like I just, I just love like the whole thing. It was just so good. It's like this whole entire, like unique species of things. I was like, not necessarily like a broken, like, you know, So Galeo or Lunala, but like, it was kind of like this sub legendary slot. I love building in. And I think that the same thing happened with, Scarlet Violet, Paradoxes is the same exact type of thing where it was like, you had these Saiyans that are not really super legendary, but still can like do really well. And I love building with that, but I think the primary reason I just love like gen fours. I feel like I like the Themes a lot. I feel like I really do like, the legendaries a lot. I think Jen for by far has my favorite legendaries. but I feel like definitely, um, PLA took it to where it was like a really good, like just solid, generation, like overall, cause I don't really got, I think Haseul and Samra was just like, so like freaking good. But like, yeah, I feel like I really did enjoy. Like all the different gens that play, but I definitely think four was just very, very solid. Like I really do kind of like four is like storyline even. Um, I know a lot of people have been said their favorite can even be five, which I haven't even touched. So I mean like, yeah, I think that, it really kind of depends on like how good, like the, different stories are, um, because I feel like a lot of times, like some people can think about certain gens as very competitively in terms of like when you're going to travel around to like a regional and see like how much that gen kind of give to you. Or you can see as like, is there good shiny hunting methods in there that they can really kind of utilize in that way? Or is it also just like the designs are better, something like that was a story good. So I feel like they really did kind of do well in the story department. They just completely did that super well. I think that some of the designs actually in the game are also very like unique too. So yeah, I feel like a lot of things in gen nine were actually brand brand new. but for a lot of people, I think gen nine was honestly just a game that like you could play through, you could just enjoy it. You didn't have to do really anything else with it, but if you kind of enjoyed it, that was the good part about it. Cause I know like definitely, A lot of people usually don't like that, but I think that I just know a lot of people that would typically just like Shiny hunt, after they beat the game, because I think I used to, kind of do a lot of Shiny hunting when I was in like, you know, Omega Ruby Alpha Sapphire days, and I kind of started to kind of build for like certain comp stuff, so, yeah, I usually did kind of start off with like, you know, a lot of different things with Shinies and Stuff like that usually probably after the game was done.
David Hernandez:Now when it comes to Gen 4, you know, that's before X and Y. So was your first experience with that region with the BDSP release?
TheStaticPikachu:yeah, it actually was BDSP'd. I just, I always know that like, a lot of, people even tell me like, Oh my gosh bro, you play BDSP but you're not playing like, Diamond and Pearl or Like, I can I know that like, PLA, I liked it a lot because it almost kind of gave Dialga and Palkia something that Tina had, but did not, gain really like origins, or I feel like a lot of times, like some people might be like, Oh my gosh, bro. Like, it's just like a giraffe or it's just like, super like, no, I mean, like you should have gave it to Dialga and Palkia already. I feel like. PLA was like how gen four was finished and I feel like gen four really is finished now because you kind of did wrap it up but I feel like x and y was the one that doesn't really feel super finished but I feel like that's why the next legend is for gen six because a lot of people are kind of even asking like why is it not off of like you know gen five well because I think that if you look at like gen nine they'll even kind of say the Blueberry Academy was in Unova and then like all the different like themes are like the Unova battle theme. So like, I don't think they're trying to remake Unova because I think they try to include it by putting it in like a gen nine DLC type of a part. because they even remade the theme and everything, dude. So, I don't think they were trying to really remake gen five. I think, honestly, what I was thinking is they might go to the gen two or something, but then going to gen six kind of makes like a little bit of sense. I think they still want to keep going forward the games. me personally, I don't think they're going to really be remaking anything for gen five or gen two or gen three or gen four, gen one anytime soon. I think it's going to probably be like all about like, you know, gen six. I don't think they should make one after like gen seven after that, because I think The sun and moon and moon are kind of like a little bit still fresh, you know Um, I think that definitely after plza They should just completely just focus on like gen 10, which I think is gonna be like probably the best one They're gonna probably yeah, it's double Double digits, man, you have like 30 years of doing bro. they have to like, really focus on that after making PLZA. PLZA is just a very just good, filler, cause I feel like X and Y is just like so much of the most unfinished game. Cause every gen was kind of really finished. Like even, gen three had like, Emerald, Omega Ruby, Alpha Sapphire. Let's go Pikachu and Eevee for like Gen one. Then like even, Sun and Moon also had Ultra Moon and Ultra Sun after that. Every single Gen had something except for Gen six. Because Gen six was kind of just like, You played it and then you had a zygarde and you had it in sun and moon, but not really X and Y. There was never like a Z. So it's like,
David Hernandez:in the corner. Yeah,
TheStaticPikachu:so much sense of why they're kind of doing it. So why? Because that was like the gen that felt so, so unfinished. cause a lot of people even like making like these type of hypothesis being like, is there like this volcanion? in like that power plant, is it still like there? Because there was always one door that was just like locked. I think it was like some desert route that was in X and Y. like, yeah, maybe it actually kind of is still there. I'm not really sure. But, I really think that it has to be more of a flushed out story really.
David Hernandez:I think you bring up an interesting point because, you know, we think about, you know, for example, your story to where you come and experience a remake and a lot of people who were very down upon BDSP had that prior experience with Diamond and Pearl back with the Nintendo DS games. You clearly didn't have that, which makes the valuable for you because you get the first time to experience Sinnoh.
David Hernandez:even for me, I enjoyed it because I didn't have to wait 20 minutes for an attack to happen. So love speed up. I you know, the, know, speed up. I kind of could get away from the chibi thing, but that's another story. But I think you bring up a good point to where maybe Game Freak's viewing is like, where can we expand the story instead of let's, find a different way to not rehash the same game. You know, you gen five, I never thought about that. Gen five is honestly, you know, if I was to be transparent right now, and people who are listening, where could they take the black and white storyline, I know you've not played it, that it already hasn't gone, for gen six, there's a lot more potential because there's a lot of left unfinished, which hopefully Pokemon's EA.
TheStaticPikachu:People say like, oh, it's not as good as a problem But then I said like I don't think it's made for people like you that probably played diamond and pearl I think it really is for people like me where it's like you never really played gen 4 and this is like you were way plenty for and honestly you still don't even became like my favorite region um Off of not BDSP, I think most likely, Legends RSEs. I think that like, PLA just, honestly, was just so insanely good. You That like, I just love, like everything about like gen four after that. And I think they really did rebirth gen four in a really good way. Cause I remember that a lot of people were really asking about gen four remakes for a long time. they definitely delivered on that. Like they definitely did deliver on that. Cause I think gen four was the first, generation that everyone's talking about remaking, because I don't think there was actually a legit way to catch like RFC is before the game came. because you just had to either scratch off a card and just do all these different stuff with it, my dude. So it was really, really good to kind of wrap up gen four. Cause I think it gen four, it's definitely like wrapped up and I feel like Sun and Moon and Sword and Shield and all these are just to the too fresh, like they're too fresh to really remake them already. So that's why I was like, yeah, they might either do two, five or six. And then when they kind of decided six, it's like, Oh, I actually don't mind that because you can tell it really is unfinished. And I think that another really, Big thing that someone should have I think that one of these chatters that actually mentioned to me was that like Yeah, scarlet violet does not have x and y legendaries And I was like, Oh, I should have realized that. Like, it's like, I think you have all those like snack worse things, like after the game's done. Right. And then you'll have like every legendary from like every game and you didn't have an X and Ys at all. And I was like, wait a minute. That's actually so true. And this is before PLZA was announced. And then I just, I don't know why. I just, remember this one person in my chat was like, maybe if it's actually Gen Now it's kind of like. You know, that's a good point when you think about it. Cause like when I started real, I was like, yeah, why do they just shaft like Zernes and Evolto like that? And then when I kind of released it, I remember like this guy came back. He's like, I told you, I was like, wow, it's actually like such a smart, thing. Cause I remember his name was like Ninten, Patterson, like that. And I was like, wow, that was. Actually, like so insane how like he really did kind of read that
David Hernandez:you talked about a lot of the experience with Pokemon, you know, originally you started with Smash Brothers and I know Pikachu is in your name, but what is your favorite Pokemon? Is it actually Pikachu or is it something else?
TheStaticPikachu:I would still say it's Pikachu, because I think, ironically, I liked, obviously, the character in the game, then I really just like the anime. I love, like, Ash's Pikachu so much, so I don't really ever think it cannot be Pikachu, because that's how I kind of got into the franchise, like, in the first place. Um, obviously it makes a lot of sense because like, if you had the Clip Ascot, that would probably be a thing to do it. But, I just remembered that, when I was kind of even playing through a lot of the games, like I would remember that even Pikachu is not necessarily really that good like, when I tried to use like any sort of Pikachu, like on a team, it would really not do that super good. Like, not really like. The anime is not at all like that, where it's like, you really have to do a lot of things that kind of make it good. So I would say that even though I don't primarily use it when I'm building a lot of stuff, I really do just kind of like how good, Pikachu was even in certain other games. I feel like those are so funny how, like, it is so good in like side games and not really like mainline games. So it was, it was kind of really interesting, but. I feel like definitely it will still always be my favorite mom because the first mom they honestly really did see and like and enjoy and they kind of branched out to like other moms too. So, but I feel like to kind of give like another mom, though, I feel like I kind of did it to where, like, some people even say, like, they would either have like a legendary that might be their favorite. Obviously, they might have like a favorite starter because there's a lot of different, Categories and kind of like always do for like certain people and then I usually say like my favorite like sub legend was actually like Latios because I knew that my dad really liked a lot of like planes so then it made a lot of sense why I would really like Latios design. Then I think like in terms of like a actual kind of like a restricted like box art Legendary it was really, really close. I really liked, gen four, like, I love like Dialga. I love like Palkia. I love Arceus. Like, I love those like type of designs because they literally are like gods of time. And they're like deities because sometimes some legendaries are not like that. Cause I got obviously karate and Mariah, and they're just like. They're bikes, but they're really like super dope bikes. something like that. But, I did also like Sun and Moon a little bit. I just remember like a sudden a ton of moon was really good. I just think that I was kind of watching some of the anime. they made the character seem like a lot, I would say younger. And I think it's probably because they wanted to really, put a lot of their stuff into making really good animations because X and Y. Anime was like peak dawg, and then it is completely plummeted when you went to like, gen 7 really but I think it's because it had to take something out It had to like either make the characters worse to make like the animations really good And that was kind of what they kind of did. But I feel like Gen seven as a game is still really, really fun. Like, I mean like even if you look at like the anime, it might be like, eh, the, the, the actual game of Sun Moon is very, very fun. I think I love a Lola and like the environments of a Lola being like Hawaii because even went to like Hawaii trip, like when I was like in junior of high school. So like, I, I love Hawaii. I feel like it's a very, very good. Region to base a game off of and I think it was obviously a really good idea.
David Hernandez:On that note, you said Pikachu is hard to use in like, you know, a competitive setting. Yeah What would it take? In your opinion, what would it take to make Pikachu competitive, or is that asking a lot?
TheStaticPikachu:I feel like it's interesting because it's you gave it an evolution like you gave it Raichu, Right? I feel like you can only kind of buff it so much like it can't be like ashes, you know I mean it was like I think that you would give pikachu like the bst basically of a Raichu And then kind of start buffing from there. because a lot of people are saying like, make like a mega Pikachu, but it wouldn't really kind of make too much sense because you have to probably make, make a right shoe. I
David Hernandez:Well, you had Gigantamax Pikachu as
TheStaticPikachu:but yeah, I was really happy about that. I was like, oh my gosh, wait a minute. That might be the only thing that makes it viable. Let's go. I was like, yeah, I was like, Gigantamax. Pikachu is like. Actually, I remember I just saw it and it was like really, really funny. And I think I like how they do Pikachu and Eevee kind of like the same service really, where it's like they're both mons that obviously we want to evolve, right? Especially even Eevee, you would want to evolve that. So then I was thinking about even like Pikachu is like, yeah, I definitely thought that, like, if I did also have it where something is not like to evolve, kind of get buffed. And like, let's go Pikachu and Eevee and also, Kind of happened. I get the max form. So it's really good. But I feel like there's actually a lot of people that I've even kind of met, like they would like legit say to like, they like it to where something is not like evolved. You know what I mean? Like they would like, cause I feel like even Dawn, like a very, very, big character. Like she liked Piplup. Like I don't want to evolve. I'm just as strong as an Empoleon. I'm just as strong. And I think I like that. That, type of concept really, we're like, it should be a choice, whether like you want to evolve or not. I would honestly believe that you can decide to evolve something, if you want to, but I always liked it how they might have like some people use Yanma, but again, mega, and I was like, wait, what? Why would they do that? But it's because they get these really broken hidden abilities to like, pre evolved mons, and then it makes it not as good when you evolve it. I think I want them to continue doing that. Where it's like, if you don't want to evolve it, the one that's like probably either like Pimplup or Primplup has a really, really good like ability that can really help out a lot. But it might not have the stats to back it up. Obviously, that's just a physical, like, science. but I mean, kind of having it where you can still evolve and kind of make it like, if you want to kind of have it be where they have a little bit more, like, actual attacking power, that makes sense. But I feel like giving it either like the light ball that they did to kind of get a full tackle is also really huge. or just like another really just good ability or like another exclusive move might be a thing that might really be make me get you usable. I feel like it actually might be like a move or like an ability that would be like the most logical ways of kind of buffing it, because I feel like once you kind of start messing with the, like the base stats, like it's just, you just evolve it, you know?
David Hernandez:crazy idea. So, you know the Overgrow, Blaze, and Torrent ability for the starters? Give something like that to Pikachu, but give it a plus six special attack, attack, and speed.
TheStaticPikachu:Oh, yeah, I'm telling you, I mean, like, it needs something like that, you
David Hernandez:probably, I don't know, it probably broken itself, but that's the thing got off. Uh, that's the thing that came out of my head.
TheStaticPikachu:No, yeah, I like it, but I feel like, yeah, I just knew that, like, you might not be able to really affect stats too much, but I feel like there's such a really good way That you can kind of like utilize abilities and what I mean, like abilities. It's like sometimes some things might just exist just so it can be like a redirection thing where like something would just sit there and go for like my electric time move and you switch into like a right period is like, well, lightning rod. You just completely disnegated like a thunderbolt. It's like a freaking Gyarados, right? And like, that's so like friggin massive, dude. Where it's like sometimes specific things just exist For their abilities. And I really do kind of like those mons. I feel like I kind of look at it as like, yeah, just one, the utility bond and one that's really like good for like, you know, um, damage stuff like that, my dude. So like, yeah, I wrote it kind of like that a lot of dude.
David Hernandez:You know, last thing I want to talk about is, you know, how you play Pokemon. So you said you'd like try to build teams. So it sounds like you have a little bit of a competitive background. Is that your primarily way to play the main series games is just try to build competitive teams. Do you like the shiny hunt? Like,
TheStaticPikachu:I feel like I like trying to do a mix of it where I think primarily I do love doing a lot of stuff in terms of like building for like, um, BGC, I feel like I definitely have even had it to where I was kind of doing some stuff, even Old like or as days where I feel like, yeah, it's just really interesting because everything was so hard to put out when it was just like, you know, the 3ds era, you know, where I had to like do a lot of different things. There's like a lot of different modding, but I think that sword and shield. made it like so much easier to where like, you can like make a build and also like, show that build and it was like, so much easier to still do it was so, so, so, so, so good to do. then I remember that like, I really did value the story. so much. Cause I feel like the story just like, always hit like, yeah, cause I'm in my family. It always really kind of hit like a really good area of being like, I'm going to do bring out of like the story of their games, even though it might be like, you know, might have to work on some frame stuff, but I felt like I really did kind of like that because I remember that I do. Run to a lot of from people that kind of play, you know, the game, you know, definitely a lot differently because I think that's what I kind of like about like the franchise so much that there's like so many ways to kind of play the game. It's not really just like one way. And I feel like that is the part that makes it really good. And really, like, just always really successful. Like, I feel like it should not really be One way of playing a game, you know what I mean? Well, I don't think it should just be, you know, either just shine and they are just like, you know, building for like a ladder thing. It should not be just like, you know, cars are just Pogo or they should not just be one thing, because I feel like a lot of franchises are basically specifically built on like, competitive backgrounds. And I know a lot of games that like, obviously are really built, at least for that, the reason why I love doing a comp thing, at least for Asher's main lines, because I feel like I just really love the amount of flexibility you can have with it. I just love the community where I feel like a lot of times I really just kind of do what I do. For the community of people. And I feel like that's why I love this kind of supporting so much other people. yeah, you can tell, like some people just honestly, just like love what they do. They love each other and they always support each other. And I feel like there's not that many, things that really kind of do that really, there's not that many things that really will always have it where our communities will like legit support each other. And because everything is just so like competitively like oriented that they don't even think about like supporting like other people whenever they're like done with their streams, where I would always think about like, you know, rating into somebody else. It might not like, you know, be building for like, let's say ladder, but they're just like also do something for like shiny hunting. They're also doing something. They might be speed running, but I feel like honestly, I would. support them because they're actually a part of like the community. And I really did just kind of like love, you know, just kind of supporting them as well. And I think that it was, it's really interesting because I think I even used to be that way where it's like, Oh yeah, bro, this person's also building something for this. And I'm like, yeah, I don't want to really like to support them because they're trying to be like an option like that. And it was honestly just so stupid. Cause I feel like that's why, like, I never really wanted to be, associated really with, Some of those communities honestly, like you never want to kind of lose that type of like love you have for the game and the love that you have like other people because yeah, a lot of these games bring people together. And I feel like at least in this type of day and age where a lot of stuff really is. Super about like, how, good are you, how good or high rank you are. And definitely I think that allows me to talk about mainline people would just innocently think like, they would not even think about building something for like competitive at all, but I feel like. The reason I really just do value because like, obviously I just grew up, like, you know, watching, like, you know, obviously a lot of animals I just fricking love like so much. And I feel like the amount of flexibility and balance that you can have with like the mainline games is why I do it. It's like, if I'm not doing well on this, then I can do like shiny hunting. If I'm not really doing well on this and I could like, you know, shiny hunt another game or like do like a speed run, or I can probably try to like do a contest. Because I actually did like how BDSP even had like, you know, That's in it. So I feel like, yeah, that's why I think I always really love it because it's just such a lot of things that you really can do in with other people. And I think that's what I'm really happy that I was able to kind of cultivate is that like, people look forward to seeing some other people that are like in my chat, like they actually look for, and it's like, Oh, hi, it's not even just like to me. It can be like to somebody else. It probably might stopped in like before. I was just like, so happy about it. I was like, so happy that like, I had a place where people could feel comfortable, you know? And I think that is why still obviously still do a lot of different stuff that I do So, um, yeah,
David Hernandez:Well, sadly, Pikachu, thank you for coming on the show. I do want to finish off this interview with one last question and do a little differently with you because you actually brought up a good point. So normally I have my guests pick up six Pokemon. They would do with a play through, be their dream team. So you've already said one, you've done one with Pikachu. I want to give you five more categories and I want to fit. I want you to pick a favorite from each category I give you.
TheStaticPikachu:Okay, mm
David Hernandez:So we got Pikachu as your first favorite. That's going to be on your team. What's your favorite mega?
TheStaticPikachu:Oh Dude, that's such a good. Oh, wow. Oh, wow, because I don't want to do like an absolutely like Broken one because I know I don't want to do like a legendary. Yeah That food is actually a lot of really good like megas that really can be like utilized I would definitely say Mega Salamence is so good. I mean, like, it's just like, it's like a pseudo legendary. Like it's not like a legendary. It's just really just freaking good to like, even have the stats of a legendary. And I feel like, yeah, Mega Salamence is actually even really kind of set to even be better than Mega Rayquaza at a point because like, usually like Rayquaza can only hit like one thing, but like Salamence can just like spam, like hyper voice and just like do like a lot of things. So like, I would say like Mega Salamence. And I think that to stay along with like what I really talked about my dad, I'll say Mega Latios because I think Latios is honestly like a super, really good. It's super like super deep, like fast, my dude. So yeah, I'd say like Mega Latios. I think I, I love that Mega a lot, dude. It's really, really good. Oh,
David Hernandez:What would be your favorite? Legendary
TheStaticPikachu:that's really interesting. it's really, really interesting. Cause I feel like, I would obviously probably pick something from gen four. the only thing is, is it like a legendary or is it like a mythical? Nick, cause I know like some people, some people might get off on that, but I don't want to be like,
David Hernandez:a legend. Okay. In this case, legendary or mythical
TheStaticPikachu:I definitely say my favorite mythic. I'll say I'll combine. I'll definitely say it was Arceus. I think I just love that mod. I know I can never really like use it, but I remember that definitely in terms of like, regulations or like a lot of things. Cause you can probably build like something that would be, even in the game or just kind of like the one you can catch in the game. Um, then I'll definitely probably say like either, um, Dialga or also something from Gen 7. It's either Dialga or Lunala, but I definitely think for the sake of kind of leaving it a little bit diverse, I'd probably say like, yeah, I just love Lunala. Oh my gosh, like that, that, that moment is honestly like when I saw it, like it was just so beautiful. It's like, geez, it was actually just so Good and I thought it was actually just like a very unique mon And um, yeah, I'll definitely take a mega latios and like lunala definitely can create like a very like diverse thing for the team So i'll definitely like pick lunala though. Yeah
David Hernandez:So we got Pikachu. We've got mega Latios and we've gotten a lot. No Lunala
TheStaticPikachu:Mm hmm.
David Hernandez:What would be your favorite starter?
TheStaticPikachu:Oh Wait, oh my gosh. Okay. Oh Wow, good thing is I don't want to get into things. I know like my first is actually like Chesspin, and I know I don't want to Necessarily do That though, I feel like there's actually just so much really good starters. I feel like it kind of gotten out of like either Gen 7 or Gen 8. Cause I know like Gen 7 by far had like a lot of really good starters in it. Wow. Cause I want to say, I think, cause I'm going to probably do it for my mod though. I think I might have to, cause I don't think it's my favorite starter, but I feel like my favorite starter that I see. I love Popplio, like it's by far like one of the cutest starters. I feel like in Gen 8, they kind of did the water starter a disservice. I'm sorry. I can tell you, but like Popplio was like, just so, so like cute. I know it's known that a lot of people don't even like like Primarina a lot. I would have thought it was actually just very, very like wild to me. I was honestly just really surprised by it, but I feel like. I would say I think my favorite starter in terms of like, I would say just look because sometimes I don't want to only think about like, how good it is and like in a battle. But like I say, like, Popplio is by far the cutest one that I think I have seen, but I'm going to pick Chimchar because I have a certain mob that is Chimchar. He usually helps me out with a lot of different like, you know. Egg stuff like that my dude and I feel like having an infernape is really really just like super solid So i'll definitely pick like, um gym jar though. Yeah
David Hernandez:So we got Pikachu mega Latios Lunala and infernate. The next one your favorite Pokemon from Gen 4.
TheStaticPikachu:Oh See, yeah, that's what I was like, um, I already used a legend Cuz I definitely think there's actually a lot a lot of really good ones from gen 4 where it's like I remember that like even the
David Hernandez:if you want to choose a Legendary, you can. This is your team. So,
TheStaticPikachu:Oh, yeah, I think that I know there's a lot of really good Stars, I know I even saw Terry was really good A lot of different ones that they have even in Gen 4. A lot of different, like, sub legendaries, I remember, would act like pretty good. Um, because I feel like that's where I really kind of like a lot about. I even remember that was like one that's actually really big about like, Gen 5. They actually introduced like a lot of different like, subliminaries, but I feel like in terms of like gen form, even though I already do have a, psychic, I would say Cresselia. I love the design of Cresselia. Oh my gosh. It's so freaking good. And I remember that it also goes back to, When I was talking about like brawl, right? Where I was like, I remember the stage of spirit pillar. This was, this was before I even actually went to spirit pillar. Cause I remember that like the yoga was one that I actually did not mind could just slowed you down. Right. And then I remember that pocket legit did like a whole entire one 80. On the entire freaking screen now, I was like, I did not like that and that's why to this day I'm not gonna ever be team parole because I just freaking did not like that type of thing. They did on spear builder on that Um, but then I remember that like, chrysalia He just sits around this little thing It was like a psycho cut I think it was and I was like, hey, I really like like chrysalia Like I thought it was actually a really um Good, um, I really did kind of like it a lot because I know like a lot of people usually do not Usually a lot of like psychic like they didn't like the whole as self mass for OOXY and like stuff like that But I like it. I would do
David Hernandez:So we got Pikachu. We got Megalodon, Lulana, Infernape and Cresselia. last one you have to choose is a Pokemon from your favorite type.
TheStaticPikachu:Oh No, I think that's it's really like super interesting because I You would think it would probably be like electric, you know, I would probably pick like, you know an electric mod and do stuff like that, but I honestly think like my favorite type actually to it's really kind of changed overall like so much actually because it used to kind of be A lot of like different things. I feel like it used to kind of even be like, grass. They always like pick just like grass starters, like all the time. It was like, love, but grass really, was a good way because a lot of times people would not really pick grass. It would always like usually pick, fire. I feel like a lot of people really do always pick like fire starters, you know? And I feel like it was actually still very, Beneficial for them though because like they're usually on the early rouse There really is usually like bugs and grass like really anyway So then like it was always like super, smart to pick like the fire starter whenever playing like a game but I feel like I really did kind of like grass a lot and I think i'm gonna still stick to Grass in all honesty, but I remember like yeah, I did pick jasmine first. I still do like solid like typing my dude And I feel like in terms of my favorite typing, I think it would actually be either electric or grass So i'm going to actually pick something that kind of combines Those two things at first you're like even like rotom even can kind of be like electric and grass So that was actually like really really interesting they kind of did like a lot because I feel like I like something like that really. I definitely think that I'll probably pick Rotom Moe. Yeah, Rotom. Moe. I feel like it really does kind of like incorporate both me having electric and also like a grass, which I feel like I kind of like both of those. So yeah, I kind of really do. I feel like that's also from Gen 4 too. So yeah, Gen 4 had like quite a really, a lot of really good ones. It even had like, yeah, Rotom's really like super good, man.
David Hernandez:Well StaticPikachu, thankyou for coming on the show before you go. If people want to check out your content, if they want to connect with you, where can they go? By all means, please plug away
TheStaticPikachu:Oh, yeah. Thank you again so much for having me. I do pretty much a lot of daily. twitch streams I also have static, because BGC on YouTube, but I feel like I'm just a static Pikachu on Twitch. I think that's going to probably be my primary one even in discord, I do have a discord. I do have that linked whenever I do kind of have like a live stream, even as well. So that's pretty much where you can find me. And I really do appreciate you for, having me obviously just love just kind of talking about a lot of these different, gens and love because kind of sharing it, my dude. So I'm just really happy that you reached out to me.
David Hernandez:Thank you for listening to As the Pokeball Turns. Follow all my socials and join our Discord community to stay connected by clicking any of the links in the description of this episode. Tune in next time for more episodes featuring more people, more stories, and more Pokemon. Until next time.