As The Pokeball Turns

TRAINER'S EYE #57 - "Pokemon, Travel, & A Dash Of Mime" ft. MrsMime100

David Hernandez Season 1 Episode 59

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In this Pokemon interview, we are joined by MrsMime100, a Pokemon Trainer and actor from  New York City.

MrsMime100 passion for travel has taken them to many destinations across the world because of Pokemon GO. They share some travel stories, including a trip to Europe to capture their favorite Pokemon, Mr. Mime!

As an actor, MrsMime100 brings a unique perspective to their Pokémon adventures and stream on Twitch. They share how their acting skills allows them to create a more immersive and fun experience whenever for their audience on Twitch.

Finally, we dive into their experience as a host for GO Fest in NYC, one of the biggest Pokémon GO events. Learn about their experience seeing GO Fest come to NYC as well as the feedback they received regarding their videos that shared tips for people visiting NYC.

Trainer's Eye is a series where the stories are real and people still play this game. From PVP to Shiny Hunting, each person's Pokemon GO journey is unique and we dive into each journey here on As The Pokeball Turns!

Opening Song: "Forget You" by Alex_MakeMusic from Pixabay

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David Hernandez:

My name is David Hernandez, and you're listening to As the Pokeball Turns. Welcome to As the Pokeball Turns, where the stories are real and people still play this game. Acting is the art of performance. Actors portray characters and tell stories using dialogue, body language, and facial expressions. It allows an audience to be able to connect with characters as if they're almost close friends. And it creates a more immersive experience whether we're watching at the movies or seeing a play at a theater. My guest today is an actor who uses her improv skills to entertain her audience on Twitch. But she has also traveled the world visiting many different places, all because of Pokemon Go. From New York City, here is her origin story into the world of Pokemon Go, this is Mrs. Mime 100. Today, I'm joined by Mrs. Mime 100. She is born and raised in New York City and has traveled the world to many different places around the globe, and she is here to share her story. Mrs. Mime, thank you for coming on to the show,


Thanks for having me.

David Hernandez:

Now, one thing I did leave out of the intro is you're actually an actor.


Yeah, that's right.

David Hernandez:

So I want to ask this question, I don't think I'm going to be able to ask this later on. If you could choose any character from the Pokemon world to portray, which one would you choose?


Ooh, that is a, that's a really good one. this is gonna be a deep cut, but I think it's one of the very first seasons, there's the episode where they introduce Ditto, and I think the character's name is Duplica? Something about her is like really like unique and she like really just stood out in my mind as a kid. And yeah, I feel like that would be really fun to portray in, in real life.

David Hernandez:

She's the one, I think she had green hair, and of course she had the ditto, I think she was like in a carnival or something


Yeah, exactly. Yes.

David Hernandez:

Okay. Oh, any particular reason why, just because she sticks out?


Yeah, I think she, she sticks out. I remember her being like fun and don't know, something about her, like her love for ditto and trying to make it like transform like fully without making like the silly ditto face. I don't know.

David Hernandez:

Oh yeah, cause, yeah, cause it couldn't, I think that Ditto couldn't change its eyes. I think he would transfer, it would transfer to anything, but the eyes would always stay the same.


Exactly. Yeah. But she was so adamant about, helping it along the way and, trying to do the best for Ditto. I don't know. Something about that episode really sticks out to me.

David Hernandez:

That's a very wholesome moment.



David Hernandez:

So you have very early experience with Pokemon. So what was your first experience with the franchise?


so when I was a kid, I think I got my first Game Boy around 7 or 8. this was in like the 90s. and I got Pokemon Red and Pokemon Yellow and I played those games hours and hours and hours on end. my brother got the blue one, so I was able to like trade things from his game too. Oh man, my like Charmander, we leveled it to 100. It was the best. And then the Pikachu that would follow you in Pokemon Yellow. Oh man, I was obsessed with it. I really love those games. I loved the anime as a kid. and I even, I collected the cards too, but I'd like, didn't really play them. I just had them. And yeah, I really loved Pokemon as a kid. So we did that for a couple of years and then, like middle school and high school happened and Pokemon Fell into the shadows of my brain, I would say. And then, 2016, Pokemon Go came out. I downloaded it the first moment it was available in the U S and I, I was at work at the time and I was just like constantly trying to log in because it was, it was struggling at the moment because there were so many people trying to log into the servers at the same time, but I was adamant about getting in on the first day and making sure I got my first Pokemon and my account started on the first day. ever since then I, haven't really put the game down at all.

David Hernandez:

you mentioned earlier, just between when you and your brother were playing. You said Charmander, so you never evolved your Charmander to Charizard?


No, no. So we did evolve it up to Charizard, and made it like level a hundred,

David Hernandez:

Okay, that makes more sense. Okay,


yeah, for sure.

David Hernandez:

So you had red and yellow. Your brother had blue. Would y'all battle at all against each other?


don't remember battling against each other. We did have the link cord, like cable thing to do trades, but I don't remember battling each other necessarily.

David Hernandez:

Oh, okay. It just wasn't in y'all's, I guess DNA to see who was the better one between y'all two.


Yeah. I mean, we did enough fighting, like IRL. Yeah.

David Hernandez:

Do you have a favorite Pokemon at all?


Oh, definitely Mr. Mime.

David Hernandez:

any particular reason why?


I think as a kid I just like really liked Mr. Mime because he was like this, like an actor Pokemon, right? And even early on I knew I wanted to be an actor, so like, the fact that they had a Pokemon that was like an actor too, I don't know. It was really cute, and like the whole episode in the anime too, where Mr. Mime first shows up, is like a really good one too. So, yeah. something about Mr. Mime just, like, stuck with me all of these years.

David Hernandez:

What's interesting is that you got your Mrs. Mime 100 from an, it's actually used to be an aim screen name. back in the day.


That's right. Like, when AIM first came out, I was like, What do I still like these days? And Pokemon was like, at the top of the list. So I was like, yeah, MrsMime100, sure. That works. And I just never dropped it. I was like, okay, I think this works.

David Hernandez:

What do you think of the Galarian Mr. Mime? The one that got, came out in, I believe, Sword and Shield.


Ooh, yeah. I... love Mr. Rime. He, rivals my favorite Pokemon now, he's right there at the top of the list. Galarian Mr. Mime, I could like, eh, I could take him or leave him, but Mr. Rime I think is pretty awesome.

David Hernandez:

I always feel like Mr. Rime could potentially rap or drop a rap album.


Oh, yes, absolutely.

David Hernandez:

My last question in regards to just the main series game If you were gonna choose a team of six Pokemon to do a playthrough, which six would you choose?


ooh, that is a good question. I would have to put Mr. Mime at the top of the list. You know for branding, right?

David Hernandez:

I mean, it's your favorite Pokemon. I would expect it to


Yeah, yeah, absolutely. what else would I put on there? I think a Machamp, just to have a good fighting to round out the team. Let's go Dragonite then. Dragonite's good. I suppose we should put Mewtwo on the team. He's a pretty good Pokémon all around.

David Hernandez:

It's pretty decent. Yeah.


Yeah, not bad, not bad. let's see. I think I would put a Venusaur on the team. Just to have a good grass and a poison type on there. And then, how about a tanky Snorlax? Just for the heck of it.

David Hernandez:

So we fast forward to 2016. Of course you mentioned how you were at work trying to get into the game. What was it about Pokemon Go that made you so excited that you really wanted to play?


Definitely the nostalgia factor. You know, I hadn't touched a Pokémon game like, full on in several years, right? so the fact that all of a sudden it can just be on your mobile phone and you can play anywhere and you can just catch Pokemon kind of in real life, right? Like, that was the dream as a kid that you could actually catch them in real life Pokemon Go really gave that to us, in a way and there was just, I don't know, there was something so special about that, that I really wanted to do that. And also, like living in New York City, I was like, this has to be like one of the best places to play, right? Like there are so many Pokemon, you know, it's such a big, dense city that you know, I have to be in, the best place possible to play, so there you go. had to jump in and, do that.

David Hernandez:

And New York City is one of the best places to play. My question would be this, like, what was it like in those first couple days? Like, where were people going in a city like New York to play Pokemon Go? Was it crowded? Were there like hundreds of people like we saw on the news?


Yeah, it was everywhere. Like, my gosh, I remember... I lived in Harlem at the time and like the sort of neighborhood that wasn't like maybe the most safe to be just like randomly out and about doing whatever by yourself. But I ran into like several people who were running around trying to find, I can't even remember what it was. It must have been like a Charmeleon or Charmander or something. And, yeah, I just would have never wandered around that neighborhood had it not been for, Pokemon Go, but I also remember, a couple months later, too, where, people would go to nests and, specifically hunt certain Pokemon. when you showed up to that nest, you knew that there would be a ton of other people there hunting for that same thing. That's one of, my fondest memories, too, of, like, early 2016, 2017 of the game.

David Hernandez:

Now, unfortunately, your favorite Pokemon, Mr. Mime, is actually one of the very first regionals.



David Hernandez:

like for you to not be able to catch your favorite Pokemon right away?


Oh my gosh, it was devastating. I was like, what? Why would you lock it to this country that I don't live in? Um, it, yeah, it was, I was like, oh man, when am I ever gonna complete this Pokedex then? I'm never getting, Kangaskhan, I'm never getting Farfetch'd, and I'm definitely never getting Mr. Mime, I'm like, what the heck? But, I knew, if I could, I would totally, Try to get there as soon as possible. And thankfully in, I guess it was January of 2018, where I finally, specifically, took a trip to Europe and visited Ireland, which is a country I've never been to and like, it was like a mini vacation, like a mini weekend vacation. But I also was there to make sure I could catch Mr. Mime to complete my Pokédex.

David Hernandez:

Let's talk about Ireland, then, since that's where you caught Mr. Mime. What was the trip like?


Oh gosh, it was incredible. it was really cold because it was January and you're in Ireland, so I might not recommend that. But, the country itself is amazing. I flew into like Dublin and like Dublin's like a major city, so it was like easy to navigate as a person who lives in a major city, right? But the people were really nice. And back then, again, like there were huge communities of people. So even though it wasn't like a community day weekend or anything, I think they had just introduced raids for Kyogre and Groudon and people were like all over those. I had looked up like on Facebook, like this local group in Dublin and they were doing this giant meetup that weekend I happened to be there. So I got to meet a whole ton of people just By happenstance, like that I was there and it was, again, it like wasn't a community day or anything. You just like happen to everyone wanting to be out, playing the game trying to catch Kyogre and Groudon. and of course, just seeing the sites too like I said, we were in Dublin, but I also took some, side trips, outside of the city. Actually took a trip all the way up to Northern Ireland, which is technically in the UK, so different country, technically. and got to see some like amazing like cliffs and it was just like incredible. Again, it was winter, so it was like really cold, but. It was so cool. It was like one of the most unique things I've ever seen. And again, I would not have been there. I wouldn't ever have considered, going to Ireland necessarily had it not been for, like, oh, well, Mr. Mime lives there, so I should go and, try to go. Gotcha.

David Hernandez:

Were they pretty easy to spot, like when you arrived, or did you have to hunt for the Mr. Mime before finding it?


it was a little bit of a hunt, but thankfully because it like wasn't in my Pokédex yet, it would show up as a shadow, so you could see it on your nearby, and you could see which Pokéstops it was at. It was just like a matter of trying to get there and navigate to where those Pokéstops were.

David Hernandez:

we're going to get into a couple more of your travel stuff here in a little bit, but you've been to a lot of places. What is it about traveling that you enjoy?


Gosh, I have always loved traveling to be honest. Like even as a kid, like my parents, we weren't like the wealthiest people, but like my parents made sure like we traveled and we're, versed in like other people and like how they live and like all of that. so we did a lot of traveling as a kid and there's always a thrill of going somewhere new and learning something different and trying new foods and seeing the sites and some historical things. And I think that carried with me into adulthood where I still have that like love of adventure to see something new, try new foods, check out like some really deep historical sites and things like that. that's what like drives me to travel a lot and excites me about travel.

David Hernandez:

And then it's fun to see you be able to combine that with Pokemon, franchise you grew up with, as a young child to now who you are today. Do you keep Pokemon from the places you travel to souvenirs?


Absolutely, I do. Yes.

David Hernandez:

Wow. Do you still have that first Mr. Mine?


I'm pretty sure I do. Back then too, I would like, label them, so like, I labeled them like Mr. Mime number one and Mr. Mime number two. Because I was like, oh, how many of these am I actually gonna get? And then at some point people would trade them to me and then I just I can't keep track anymore.

David Hernandez:

So you've been to a lot of other places, what are some that just stick to your mind?


So my top place that I've ever been, and people always ask Oh, what's your, favorite place you've ever been? My answer has to be New Zealand. It's incredible. everywhere you look, it looks like a postcard, or like your screensaver or whatever like, it doesn't look real, but it's 100 percent real. it's just incredible. this, it's like this magical, Two little islands down in the Pacific that, I don't know, you wouldn't have never really known, these places are actually real had you not seen them with your own two eyes. Also, catching Relicanth down there was unique.

David Hernandez:

Do you remember any of the sights you got to see while you were in New Zealand?


Oh, yeah, so I flew into Auckland, which is like the major city where there's a lot of like international flights again, like a major city. So pretty typical of a major city. I got to see like Hobbiton, like where they make like Lord of the Rings stuff, that was super duper cool. Flew down to the South Island, which is like even more incredible somehow, where there are like vast mountains and like epic scenery, like any which way you look. I also went skydiving down there for the first time.

David Hernandez:

Oh wow,


That was

David Hernandez:

some bravery.


Yeah, I, as a person who's like afraid of heights, I was like, you know what, I'm just going to do this. It was a good choice. It was terrifying, but it was a really good choice as like a place to do it because again, like any which way you look, it's like incredible scenery and to do it from like several thousand feet in the air is like mind blowing, so, yeah, highly recommended.

David Hernandez:

What's one place you want to go visit that you haven't been to yet?


Ooh, good question. Italy is definitely on my list, for the food, for the history, for the Pokemon community. all of that sounds amazing to me and it's like a really popular, travel destination. I just, happen to have never been there yet.

David Hernandez:

You've been listening to as the Pokeball turns. We're going to take a quick break. We'll be right back. you started doing content creation and of course you posted the travel videos, but why did you want to start like dipping your toes into just doing videos and stuff like that?


there was some inspiration from, watching like Trainer Tips, make videos and also like travel. that was something that I really always wanted to do. I think as a person who loved to travel and to be able to share that openly on like YouTube would be awesome. And I think having Pokemon go out and available and as a avenue to be able to share travels, but also like fun gameplay. was the perfect combination, right? And there were also like a bunch of creators in New York at the time too. one that I remember specifically I think his username was PokemonGoNYC, but his real name was James. But he would very early on in the game, he would live stream him like walking around New York City, like playing the game and I was like, Oh, this is fascinating like a lot of people are really interested in this kind of content. And I was like, I want to do this too now. Like, how do I do this? So I worked it out and he was also very kind and brought me along and invited me to come on his live stream and check out what he did. so like having that community really early on too, it was like super duper helpful.

David Hernandez:

Well one way you do contigrations you also live stream on Twitch And usually you start you live stream pretty variety, but most of its Pokemon centric What is it like for you to build a community up and, do that on Twitch?


So I think I felt a need to do that like right around 2020, like 2019, 2020 as the pandemic was starting, like people were feeling isolated and I was definitely one of them myself. and there was no way for me to like get outside really to film any sort of fun content because New York city was pretty much deserted at the time. At home, I saw lots of people on Twitch, creating content, live streaming in a way that I had not seen live streams done before, and that super intrigued me, so I was like, hmm, let me see, let me see what I can do, and let me see, what happens out of this. And I, like, built the channel up and, like, would tweak all the different little things and improve, quality, stream after stream or whatever. I just saw the people coming in and it was sort of like, I don't know, you just like build a community like digitally, right? you don't have to all live in the same place, but the fact that you all have the same passion and feel the same way and value the same things, y'all come together and it's like a magical, place that people feel safe and, have fun playing the game. So, it was a great, opportunity at the time and continues to be, to be honest.

David Hernandez:

And then what sticks out to me is that you're not afraid to have fun with your chat. one of my first experiences with your Twitch, I think we were just doing something with mimes. I think, movie mimes or


Yes. Oh my gosh. Yeah.

David Hernandez:

It's like not a living mime or, stuff like that that's just so much fun. no, I don't think, I think you're the only person I've run into who does stuff like that. not only the chat, but just in regards to just willing to be silly like that. And it's so amazing to see.


Yeah, absolutely. I think that's the fun part about, live streaming is it's like free flow improv in a way, like acting, Acting school improvs or, and you just have fun and you let it rip in a way that is like fun and safe for everyone, but you have laughs and like sometimes it's self deprecating and that's totally okay because everyone's having fun. yeah, I really love that about streaming too.

David Hernandez:

I know you're an actor in your spare time. Is it tough for you to balance both trying to be an actor, trying to do content creation as well as trying to video edit? how do you find with all those three?


Oh, oh my gosh. Yeah, I, that is like the biggest challenge, Probably a lot of content creators face if they are also like, working full time or working on the side in a non content creation capacity, right? besides like acting, besides content creation and editing, I also have a full time like nine to five job, so it's, it is a huge undertaking and a lot of it is about, prioritizing and planning, making sure you're optimizing like your time, so that you can accomplish all the things that you need to accomplish. it's a huge challenge and it's constant. It is constantly like playing a game of like volleyball, where you gotta keep the ball going right. Just gotta keep it in the air, keep the momentum going and it's a lot of work.

David Hernandez:

I always call it, trying to keep the stove from going on fire, like you have different, heating things and you've got like boiling water here, you got some pan frying here, you got the oven turned on and. You're just trying to make sure the house doesn't burn down.


And also that none of the fires like go out, right? you gotta keep'em all going too, you wanna actually keep it all going. Yeah.

David Hernandez:

So, of course you've been to a lot of Pokemon events. do you remember what your first live Pokemon event was?


The first one was GoFest in Chicago, 2018. It was incredible. I didn't know what to expect at the time and had no idea, like how intense and how much fun it would be. Just like. Not only playing the game and catching Pokemon, but like meeting other people, meeting fans, meeting content creators. that was awesome. getting the opportunity to meet people from all over the world, right? Like, Super, super cool.

David Hernandez:

Were you skeptical of going like you weren't expecting to have a good time? Cause it seemed like you were unsure.


I think I was maybe unsure as like, I don't know. I, I just didn't know what to expect. Right. Cause the prior year, we all know was a disaster. and was the event going to be better this year? Were they going to make actual improvements? You know? So I think I was like, I'm hopeful, but also let's see how this goes. And then they blew it out of the water, right? every year since I've gone to at least one GoFest. So yeah, definitely. they've proven that they know how to host an, in person event.

David Hernandez:

And of course, GO Fest comes to your city, the Big Apple, New York City. How excited were you for it to come to your own hometown?


Oh, my gosh, I have been hoping and wishing that they would come to New York for the longest time, like since basically Chicago. Right. in my mind, I'm like, okay, this is the, New York City is the right place to be. We've got so many parks for this. We've got the space, we got the hotels, whatever, it's perfect. this has to happen. and what's so funny is in Seattle in 2022, I had been like wandering around the park and I ran into Michael Strenka and I like sort of struck up a conversation with him being like, Hey, how's it going? Whatever. And then I was also like, Hey, by the way, any chance you could bring like and one of these events to the East Coast next year, please. And he laughed at me and was like, well, think about it. Yeah. And then yeah. And I actually, I ran into him again this year too. And I like, I told him that story and I, and we both had a good laugh about it. but yeah, I was absolutely floored and thrilled. But at the same time, I was like this is my opportunity to like, really help people as a local New Yorker, know what it's like to be in the city and prepare themselves so that they can have like the best time ever, right? that was like a really exciting moment for me.

David Hernandez:

So you were the reason why GoFest came to New York. Michael Stronker heard you. It's like, you know what, Mrs. Mimes got a good point. Let's take it the East Coast.


I mean, I'm not saying, but maybe,

David Hernandez:

And then the best part was, is that you actually covered a lot of videos, getting people prepared. What was the feedback like for that?


oh my gosh, the feedback was incredible. I was floored away by how many people like commented on videos and asked me follow up questions, which I like happily answered. And then in person, like so many people came up to me and thanked me for the videos to help them out. It gave me chills, and I have chills now, remembering it all, like, all the people who were just so grateful, and I was just, so honored that they, watched my videos, and

David Hernandez:

I mean, the tips were invaluable because I remember watching some of yours. I'm like, Ooh, well, I reached out to a couple of friends, but then watching some of your videos, I was like, Ooh, that's some good to know about the one that I was disappointed by. And you said it was just too much to cover was the food stuff, which makes absolute sense because just so much food in New York city, it's impossible to really narrow it down.


Oh my gosh. Yeah. I like, I had started like filming something and I was like, wait, this video is going to be like over an hour long. Nobody's going to watch this, but the best way I can do it is put together like an actual like guide on Google maps. And have people reference it when it's most convenient to them, especially when it's a map and they're like, Oh, trying to find like the nearby place to eat or whatever. Like, Oh, you can just look at the map and be like, Oh, I'm here. And here's a recommendation from Mrs. Mime. let's go for it. yeah. And that actually worked out too. There were a couple of people that came up to me like afterwards and were like, this was a great recommendation. Thank you. I'm like, Oh, cool.

David Hernandez:

And then they took photos with you and stuff like that, just because of all that.


Totally, totally. A bunch of people, came up to me, during GoFest and, asked me for photos. Like, as soon as I got to the park, too, and I had, got there early on Friday. A parent stopped me and was like, Oh my gosh, like, my kids love your videos. Can they take a picture with you? And I'm like, oh my gosh, yeah, for sure. It was so unexpected, too like, I had just gotten to the park and I was like, I don't know. I don't know what's happening. like one of those surreal moments where I'm like... Wow. People are like here to see us in real life. being online and live streaming or whatever, people come in and comment and say hi and that's cool. It's awesome. I love people who were like interact on stream. But then to meet them all in real life, I was like, Oh my gosh, you're this person who I've known, through a username for the last like year and a half, and I finally get to see you in person and meet you like face to face. that's super cool for me and, for them to get to hang out with all of us and do a raid, do a bunch of trades, take pictures, all of that, yeah, it's just like an awesome, like wholesome vibe the whole time. Even though some of my friends were late, but you know, it was fine.

David Hernandez:

Just burying him under the bus. Oh no, for sure. So


No, it's fine. I mean, here's the thing, like, the ferry was, it, the ferry sold out of tickets on Saturday, and that was the day that we had planned to do our meetup, and our meetup spot was like right by the ferry, in Manhattan. So, like, it didn't work out that, some of us didn't buy tickets before they sold out. So, So yes, that's what, that's what ended up happening there, but it was fine in the end. like everyone made it there and we hung out there for a little bit longer to make sure, everyone got pictures and got to hang out with us and all of that.

David Hernandez:

So, if somebody was on the fence about going, what would you tell them?


Oh gosh. If it is in your budget, if it. makes sense to you, absolutely do it. Now don't, go broke and hurt yourself or put yourself in a position that is, is going to make you like vulnerable or whatever, but like, if you have the opportunity to do it, absolutely. it is so much fun. And even if you go by yourself, you're going to meet so many people and make so many new friends. So a hundred percent recommend coming to an in person event.

David Hernandez:

Mrs. Mime. That's the interview. Thank you for coming on the show before you do go. If people want to check out your content, if they want to connect with you, where can they go by all means, please plug away


Thank you. so I am on YouTube, on Twitch, on, I guess we're still calling it Twitter, Instagram, threads, all the platforms. Oh, TikTok, as Mrs. Mime 100.

David Hernandez:

cool beans. And I'll make sure to include links of what she said in the description of today's episode. Thank you for listening to As the Pokeball Turns. If you want to support the show, consider becoming a patron by either clicking the link in the description or going to Now here's a sneak peek for the next episode of As the Pokeball Turns.

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